Brother is on crack again, idk what to do, he's arguing with my father. I can tell more if someone wants to know...

Brother is on crack again, idk what to do, he's arguing with my father. I can tell more if someone wants to know. But I'm not feeling to well. Really sleep deprived. Idk just need to vent/ need advice
pic unrelated ofc

Well user I'm right here. Tell me what you want to tell me.


why don't the three of you sit down, smoke a couple of rocks, and discuss your problems like grown-ass adults, nigger?

he says his life has no meaning when he's not on crack and smokes a fuckton of weed when hes not on it so he can numb the pain. He doesnt have any aspirations to be anything and he either wants to die or be high. I've tried to help by saying "Dont do drugs" or "Go to rehab" but he either says "You dont get it cus you're not on drugs" or he just doesnt go to rehab idk what to do really.
My typing wil be sloppy and idk if the sentences are structured properly but oh well

lay it on us

My older Brother, and when I say old I mean really old, 50 at this point (Don't ask, shit's complicated) is a longterm drug user.

He started out as one of the brightest kids in his school, had an iq upwards of 120 and was friendly and charitable as fuck.

Then came his late teens and drugs. I honestly think he took just about everything under the sun, whether injected, snorted or inhaled. With 30 he lost his job and since then he's been kinda drifting in and out of our lives.

Honestly, at this point it's hard to view him as a person anymore, especially with how hostile he's been getting.
He's caused my family so much pain, it would have been better without him. And I know how fucked up that is to say.

So what I'm getting at here is:
Dude. Addiction ruins people. It's not that he's a bad person or anything, but there's a point of physical breakdown due to addiction from which you simply don't come back anymore. Sometimes it's better to just leave them be. Trust me, 20 years of experience.

Cus my father and I dont do hard shit
Father smokes weed though, I've only done it wonce or twice, but I dont think anyone is in the right mindset when on crack

Exactly, my brother has been in and out of our family for ages, its so hard but its so fucking shit that I cant do anything, even if we "force" him to go to rehab he'll chimp out
Is there even a way out? This is no way to life, no human should be subject to this shit

>Cus my father and I dont do hard shit
pussies. do you suck each other off too?

I dont see how that would make sense dude, if my borther is off his fucking mind why would he or i want to be like that? I know you're just some autistic cave dweller but I have nothing to do so Ill reply to your flawed logic mate

As for his life having no meaning I believe he is right, however we create meaning in our lives. I myself am a suicidal handicapped cuck who can't do shit. However I will not leave this earth knowing I have not done everything humanly possible to better the world around me. What I'm trying to say is that he has to create his own meaning and not diluting his own thoughts. Cont.

Make a goal and start working toward it. No house? Save for an apartment. No job? Do what it takes and get one. No car? Some employers will help you find someone to drive you.

maybe you need to get on his level to you can comprehend what the fuck he be talking about

He's staying here rent free, which is real nice, he HAS a job at a mechanics but idk how much longer he can hold it and his license is suspended for 2 more years.

I would but I wouldnt want to end up like him

At least you have feelings, I was raised by psychopaths

And on you not understanding simply say he is right but he has to make effort to understand you as you do to him

Just got to leave him be and let him run himself to the ground until he has a moment of clarity and a gradual recovery, this could be alot of his fault though so maybe your brother should find other father figures to respect and look up to.

I meant to say this could be alot of your fathers fault for being an abusive dumbfuck, not his as in your brothers sorry

I would tell him to quit the drugs or get out. Tell him you aren't going to enable him, but you still care about him and will support him getting sober. If he chooses the drugs then have him evicted.

OP if things don't get better you simply have to move on. Family doesn't equal blood.

Kill him

Hey man, one of my best friend died of heart complications recently at 39 years old because he was addicted to booze and uppers. He constantly asked me if I knew somewhere he could get coke from. Once a brain becomes so used to a certain level of dopamine (among various other neurotransmitters), it gets harder and harder to come back. That's what addiction is, mate. The further down the rabbit hole he goes, the farther away from the rest of the world becomes.

Also, my buddy did rehab (AA, NA, etc.) and fell off of the wagon a few times along the way. He battled major depression most of his life. I like to imagine if he stuck with it, things would have turned out better and his brain would have established a new baseline.

But trust me, there's no arguing with a person like that. Trying to explain to an addict that they don't need a drug is like trying to convince a fish it doesn't need water (in their mind.) Sometimes, it's just better to let go. All you can do is be there for him if he needs you to be, and hopefully he'll come to his senses, eventually. But until he realizes for himself that he needs to change, he won't want to. If you care about him, just help him realize that. With that being said, though, don't let him take advantage of you, either. Crackheads will shit on anyone to get their next fix, mang.

Its really hard to reason with him atm though, because I ask for his attention, get it, then he doesnt address my statement and goes on a fucking rant about some random shit he's done cus he's pingin' hard
He's been kicked out of every house he's been in except his current one with us. He's been homeless for a while too, just spending his centrelink(welfare) pay packet on crack till next fortnight
My fathjer can be a bit abusive but he only wants my brother to be off the drugs and safe
Idk how to though, he knows where my mother and sis live, and he now knows where myself and my father live, if we kick him out hell just come back nad abuse us in his state of being high af

If he comes back then call the cops man or get a weapon to defend yourself. His life doesn't take precedent over you and your dads

He only needs me when he's on crack, and yeah you're spot on with the brain getting used to the high and shit, he was saying himself about that. He went full cold turkey when he first came here for 6 months and he thought that because he was off it for so long he could have it just once. So he blew his money on the pokeys (Slot machine) and is slowly coming down at ours now, arguing with father.

He's a twig compared to me though, and my father is a big cunt, like really fuckin big so we'll have no trouble against him, but the cops never fuckin help, no matter how many times we've tried in the past. Also he doesnt really want to hurt us, he hasnt tried in the past, never

Maybe you need to have him arrested. I know it is harsh but it sounds like the only way to help him (depending on county btw where?). He will have to clear his head then and hopefully get to contact with himself and family.

OP here, should I wait till after he comes down then talk to him? Cus I dont think my dad is going to let him leave so he cant get more crack. Idk though when he's off the crack he'll only thin about the crack, so idk if I can talk to him, thoughts?

That's good, but idk what else to say here. You cant change people and sometimes you gotta just let people do what they want and move on. I just wouldn't enable him by giving him a place to do drugs

Try when he is off it first and then on it

Australia, and idk man if he goes back on the crack after this episode we may have to, but what can the cops do? as I have said before they've never helped, only temporarily. Also when he first started staying here he said the only reason he wasnt on crack at that time was because of myself and my father, if that means anything (even though he's literally just gone and done it, the madman)

He's not doing crack here though, which is good at least. He does it with all his old mates that used to do it with him at thier house or whatever

It will help on the level that he will not be able to take any more. If he really means what he said then you have to let him know that he is doing the opposite, he either deals with his shit or leave

If you can't reach out to him sober then you have to try to reach out to him while under influence

It's still enabling him. He's more likely to keep using if he has a nice play to stay vs being homeless.

If he hops on it again after this time we'll call the cops (that is if he's still here cus my dad might kick him out, but if he does get kicked out then he'll be right back on it AND homeless)

I've already tried reaching out to him under the influence just then, to no avail
He hasnt been on crack for a fair while though, just smoking 28g of weed every 10 days

Then you have to call the cops while he is in the house. No escaping

OP here, ID's arent on for me, how do i turn them on?

I wish you the best of luck, homie. Don't let him fuck you. But remember he has to fight it himself.

this is your fuckup

Alright man
Thanks dude, lets hope everything works out. It never has before, so gamblers fallacy states it should go fine :^)

>tip your fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away

Alright I guess I'll trust your advice and do so

360 u sure about that

OP please just stay strong for yourself. I have to go now but i hope I have been of help. Sincerely ,someone who loves you.

Thanks man, means a lot