Would communism have worked if someone actually truly tried it?

would communism have worked if someone actually truly tried it?

Communism works*.

*under certain very specific parameters, namely small pre-industrial to light industrial groups with strong ties and direct accountability. Works best so long as the Facepunch Rule stays in effect. Has some serious problems scaling to nation-state size.

It has been tried so many times that only a moron would think it actually works.

Russia really did try it. The flaw of communism is that it's too open to abuse and doesn't have enough checks and balances on the power of the leaders. In a world where everyone was honest and selfless it would work great. Unfortunately, reality is far from that.

Communism is an inevitable state if you combine time with technological progress. Then again, that might be just sci-fi pie in the sky thinking.

Resource based economy
Venus project.
it only thrives when people arent stupid.

Kek, do you actually belive the crap they've been trying to push on people?

>it only thrives when people arent stupid
So it doesn't work?

as much as you believe in the paper with slaveowners on it.

The major flaw with communism is that it doesn't take human nature into account. Men will always compete for women and the way they do that is providing comfortable surroundings for females. If everyone had the same resources betas would be bread out of existence and innovation would stagnate. There will always be men who who want more than others because they know women want it and there will always be women that want to to live as comfortably as possible.

Well if everything is automated then people do not need to work, meaning that wealth can distributed evenly.

Got no slaveowners on my money.

Seriously, stop trying to jump into the pants of every model like girl you see. Yes they prefer spiders and muscle car, shiny baubles and expensive stuff, but it's not exactly "better stuff".
Try to find a girl who craves your schwabzstruck instead. Usually happens if you're not the Great King of Grand Cross of Beta Dickheads.

What about that isn't accurate? We're animals. Human men display their feathers just like a peacock. Except our elaborate display is resources.


No, our "display" is posting on Reddit/TheRedPill about how "alpha" we are...

>you can redistribute finite resources evenly



It has been tried countless times. It always fails because it is functionally impossible.

It's like if I write a theory saying that I can throw a ball in the air without gravity acting on it and pulling it back down. Me stating it as if it were possible does not make it so. That also doesn't mean that others who have tried the experiment and have seen it fail haven't tested it fairly.

yours might be, but there's a whole world outside the internet.
