I wan't to make the fist school massacre in México, why?, capitalism, individualism, darwinian theory blah blah...

i wan't to make the fist school massacre in México, why?, capitalism, individualism, darwinian theory blah blah, i wan't to shit on all those ideals

Learn English, you first-class moron of a second-world nation which remains third on the list of North American countries people actually want to live in.

anything else?

this movie was the longest most boring garbage i've ever sat through. it was obvious what it was about almost immediately, just meh.

it's all about what you find entertaining

you're gonna have to get a pretty good head-count to be more entertaining than the Zetas.

i think you picked the wrong country to stage an ape-shit in.

Yeah, your thoughts on individuality are inherently wrong - by having opinions different from those of the majority, you are exercising your individuality. Using that exercise to then denounce individuality means, in short, that you are commanding yourself to shut the fuck up. And, personally, I think you should take your own advice.

Okay, I'm good.

well, that was actually pretty fucking accurate

In what city do you plan to do the thing

Also do you plan on turning yourself in or an hero

check em

i won't say where do i live until i do the whole thing. and, nah

At least write decently for christ's sake you paranoid shit

What exactly brought you to this conclusion OP, did a girl dump you or a you a closet faggot, also why Mexico?

yes yes boss

You're not gonna do shit you filthy fuck.

i feel regret for this society, all they look at is just fucking garbage, materialism, they just care about themselves, fat people and other ones starving in the same place, richer people making the other people more poor, it's just a fucking joke, capitalism is killing people in a indirectly way, so i'm going to kill those fuckers.

>i live in Mexico
>i could move to USA, but i don't want to

try me bitch

You sound like someone with potential but you are stuck drowning on your own shit because you are a little bitch that can handle lifes affairs without mommy.

Grow a fucking pair you faggot, even if you kill 100 people it won't mean shit in a world where people die from diabetes and cancer at a growing rate, your actions don't mean shit and you will be forgotten in a week.

You have valid reasons to be upset at society, but if you truly feel regret, you will work toward a solution that could actually fix society's problems instead of adding to it. Killing people would cause unnecessary pain and not fix any of the problems that you mentioned. There are many upset with those problems and taking action to solve them.
Are you tired of materialism? Value materials accordingly and avoid valuing things how advertisements tell you to value them.
More importantly, educate the people of Mexico about how capitalism and materialism are detrimental to them and what they can do instead.
Do you think that Carlos Slim or Peña Nieto are going to be genuinely upset about people being killed? Will that solve any of the problems that you mentioned?
You clearly feel strongly about this, and you should use that drive and frustration to actually solve the problem. From one Mexican to another, we have so much potential to make our country great, and we need to work toward a solution, not against it.

i'm not a fucking junior, i have experimented life, i'm not a fucking idiot, i know how people works, the people that i want to help, but all they care about is the fucking money, so i don't care shit about them, fuck them.

i was born really fucking poor, and i used to sell stuff that i handcrafted, i raised as a resposable person, but then i realized that all of this was a fucking joke.

That was fun to read, thanks

from poor to middle-high class, i know how people are

You're pretty fucking stupid OP. You won't change shit except kill your classmates. You'd mean nothing except shit and tragedy for the people left behind. Garbage

>i wan't to make the fist school massacre in México, why?, capitalism, individualism, darwinian theory blah blah, i wan't to shit on all those ideals

>roll the taco van out bois

that's exactly the point of it, it's just fucking stupid, all of this