How can I try to be happy without killing myself...

How can I try to be happy without killing myself? Am currently waiting for my parents to die so I can kill myself so I will have to wait a while.

I don't know. I'm ready to die too

"How can I be happy while I want to kill myself"
You don't

>Am currently waiting for my parents to die so I can kill myself

Same, once they go, I go.

How long do you have to wait?

Need someone to talk to?

They are 56 and 53 so I got some time to try to be happy. Although everyday I wake up hoping I die in some accident.

>How can I try to be happy without killing myself?

way that worked for me was to have a complete mental break and paradigm shift rooted in existential thought.

bluntly, i realised that since existence precedes essence, I can define my own final cause and thus never be a complete failure, because I decide what "fail" is.

so Everytime I encounter a failure in my life that makes me want to die, i recondition myself to no longer consider what I failed at to be even relevant.

tl;dr wear purpose like a mask and be a shifty fuck with no real principles other than self preservation.

Sometimes life sucks, but it's also largely what you make it. Perception can often be more real than reality itself, but that's another topic...

Look at it like this, no matter what, you're going to die. It's the only guarantee you have.

Go out do some fun crazy shit, don't ruin other peoples lives. Once you accept the inevitability of death, its very liberating, and you can go enjoy yourself.

From a logical aspect, if you don't value your life, the worst outcome of any decision is more or less death. If you don't perceive dying as a lost then in all decision you either come out ahead or break even and die.

Listen man put on some good music get your favorite food/drink and just think about all the good things you would miss in life. Dont do it OP we love you

You know, if you wear a mask for long enough, it becomes your face...

You might just find a more permanent goal yet, user.

don't be selfish mother fuckers, live your lives, save your money, buy shit that you want, look for new music to listen to, read VICE articles. Try and comprehend that you're not killing yourself, but your entire universe.


I'd miss all the people that dissapeared from my life and stopped talking to me ;-;

There are people out there man. Just go find them

damn, you just solved his entire lives issues.

Been trying for 3 years. Everytime it ends the same way. Even when I thought I had someone that would always be there for me she leaves.

If this is a girlfriend issue, women leave, channel that hurt into strength. I've been there, it'll be okay.

That hurt made me fall into my worst depression ever.

Only recently started to get better but today I fell back into being super depressed and wanting to kill myself.

Killing yourself does not make things better. It simply takes away the chance for life to get better. Non existence isn't happiness, it's an incomprehensible nothing.

Stop justifying your existence through a relationship. I realize it's hard not to, as it's a social standard.

Move on, stop thinking about yourself in terms of another person. Think of your life in your own terms, from there you can find a relationship and be the rock and all the bullshit.

The people who suffer the most, grow to be the strongest.

Kill your parents then you can kill yourself guilt free. Post pics after you off your parents tho.