When statistics don't lie, liberals cry

when statistics don't lie, liberals cry.

>muh statistics are racist maymay
rused yet?

Norway 5 mill people
Breivik kills 69 or something people, do the math, no wonder the stats are like that.

>still watches TV news in 2016

that just means you Ameritards can't aim.

Nice skewed statistics
I didn't know fox news was that bad

Yeah, try Europe vs US. All you got there is lumpy results for small countries that had one horrible event recently, making it look like US is not so bad sith mass shootings

Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan!


our population is slightly higher. this says you have a one in one million chance of being shot in America . 2 in a million in norway.

us: 325.7 million people

norway: 2.5 million people

so one person killed in norway = 325 people in America

nice try tho

Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

u wot m8
Does this perhaps have to do with the 2011 shootings perhaps? hm?

That's bullshit, everyone knows that 86.4% of statistics are made up.

Only Morons get their news from news stations, seriously look at the coverage they gave to Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton

Look at all these liberals crying

theres more people shot in america and you have a higher chance to be shot in america, mad conservative?

No we just hate morons here, liberals don't come to Cred Forums.

I would've said the same if libtards showed warped statistics.

2/10, made me react.

norway 2.5 mill people? holocaust came earlier this century or what?


>theres more people shot in america
>you have a higher chance to be shot in america,
not true, you have a higher chance to be shot in Macedonia or Serbia

Conservatist, but I don't go around warping statistics to fit my agenda, that's fucking retarded.

So what? There is zero chance I'll be shot there because I will never go there. They've also experienced devastating wars over the last 30 years.

>tfw moderate liberal on Cred Forums
We're talking about norway here, I would hope america is safer than shitty commie block countries

>per million people

There is a large portion of society i dont trust with a car, let alone with a gun.
How then if...
more access to cars = more car related deaths.
How come...
more access to guns doesnt = more gun related death.

but we'll be laughing on November 9th

Looks like a very specific way to do the math to skew the rankings. Breivik alone covered Norway for like 18 years. I wonder what the rankings are on a "Annual mass shooting incidents per million" list would be.

Source is CPRC. In other words, Fox News.

Macedonia and Serbia are fucked you retarded cuck. It's like comparing Australia and Brazil on public safety. Incomparable because of different policing etc. standards.

Compare like to like you extra-23rd-chromosome-having fuck.

In terms of the gun argument

Are you the same kind of person who believes the Fox News lies about the debate polls?

It isnt, CNN however is

These statistics aren't exactly wrong but there are weaknesses in the presentation of the information.

>Crime Prevention Research Center
>Ted Nugent, David Clarke, Brad Thor,
>Edgar Browning, Tracey Wyatt

> (You)

I made a joke you retard, "Hurr-Durr, frum ma kowld ded hyans",

Maybe CNN can explain why you're so salty

You have a higher chance to die in a mass shooting in Macedonia or Serbia. But you have a higher chance to be shot in a single shooting incident in the US.

Not sure if stupid... nah wait just stupid. I think I see the point you're trying to make as in why is it more people having access to cars and more people having access to guns are different, well you have to take a test to even be able to start learning how to drive a car then you have to pass a second test to drive alone.

In other words they make sure you know how to drive a car before you can drive it alone. While you can buy a gun with no training.

take a look at op's screen, are Macedonia and Serbia there? yeah.

>Op "death rate per million in Macedonia and Serbia are high as fuck"
>retarded you "you still die more in USA, Macedonia and serbia don't count"

Interesting statistic you just made up there. Could probably be true.

I just made up a statistic that says that your statement is not true if you don't own a gun in the US. so there, you lose I win again

"mass shootings"
No random killings. How many mass shootings happens?

For the record, I'm a Trump supporter in Europe.

that's pointless.

82% of all gun deaths happen in the US. 60% are black. 2-3% are killed by cops. 85% are (probably) killed by other blacks. that means 40% of all gun deaths in developed nations are blacks killing each other here and it has nothing to do with cops.

US blacks are a disgrace on the planet.

>per million people

Nice candy-coated spin on those numbers OP. When you look at the raw numbers without spinning them, the US is clearly in the lead. You're right, facts don't lie.

Only morons watch Fox News

Lol nice way to bash on black you found there user

Fox News is absolutely horrible, and basically a right-wing propaganda mouthpiece for the republican party. The level of lies that they tell is so over the top, that everyone except their dumb viewers can see it.

Op's search bar

Makes sense. Cause half of us mass shootings are staged

>when statistics don't lie

>Norway is number 1

I would assume op knows how to suck a cock. It was an attempt at being funny. I say you barely passed

nice sack


It's funny to think that you actually Googled those things for the screen cap. Google keeps track of this stuff, and now knows you're a faggot.


If you watch any MSM at all, I only pray to God you're too underage to vote because the sheer amount of disinformation and bullshit you are fed daily is astounding.

What's worse is that your complacent and more than happy to be lied to rather than do the work and find out the facts yourself.

It's quite scary.

Are you retarded?

Oh, norway must be a real shithole :^)

Actually about 2/3 of Fox viewers are lefties looking to be entertained, or gathering anti-right material. If they'd just stop watching, Fox would disappear.

Holy shit your downs is reaching an impressively high new tier.


This right here!

This is the reason that experts speculate which cause Fox to do so well in the ratings. If the curious onlookers would simply stop watching, it would fall drastically in the ratings to a more honest position, and hence they would lose advertising dollars, causing them to further decline.

trips + dubs = full house = truth.

>In other words they make sure you know how to drive a car before you can drive it alone. While you can buy a gun with no training.

They teach you how to pass a test, they dont make sure you're a competent driver. Just look at all the people with licences that pull buttfuck retarded moves on the road daily. Drivers licences are so easy to get its a fucking joke