I just realized that when we die everything we remember and all of our experiences will be lost in time like tears in...

I just realized that when we die everything we remember and all of our experiences will be lost in time like tears in the rain. Whats even the point?

Our consciousness is mostly electrical. The Earth's magnetic field has the capacity to store all consciousness ever experienced on Earth. This would explain phenomena like the collective consciousness, or hive mind. No consciousness is ever lost, it's just a bit harder to access

so we all die when the earth dies?

Life is a rouge-like.

You live, then when you die, you become another sentient and try again.

Except, you know, it will take hundreds/millions
of years before your energy becomes the conscious of another animal. At least you don't have to wait in realtime.

Did you just steal my post from over in /x/?

Just enjoy life while it lasts.

Yes, just like the games we play, all saved data is lost. THIS is why you should save often and leave shit behind (like kids and/or do something great enough to warrant a statue being built in your honor).

by this logic, only assuming that humanity dies with the earth

There is no point. Kill yourself.

Not if we figure out how to extract and format the data within the magnetic field for backup purposes.

but whats the point of doing that if you stop existing.

No i don't go on /x/ because I'm not a loser

Memory OF you lives on. You'll be a legend to some, and/or someone of some kind of interest to others.

I doubt you 'stop existing' though. Remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed, and if we're just made up of energy, you'd likely just 'change form' or whatever, not just cease to exist.

For now, just learn everything you want to learn, engage in your hobbies, fuck the bullshit, and live life.

Nice to see more anons being nihilistic
All your actions, discoveries and experiences are so insignificent that nobody even cares. Good luck

Listen to this dude, it works

Le lolz

>Posting on b
>Not a loser

>영원한 김일성 주석 영원히 사람들의 마음에 살 것이다!

When you leave this life , You will wish you never lived this life !

i dont care about what i am to others if i cant see it. i dont give a fuck what happens to the memory of me if it doesnt have an effect on me

Which is why you should
>fuck the bullshit
and just do what you want to do, when you want to do it (within normal parameters). It's like when I see couples ALL THE FUCKING TIME walking about, get sad for a moment (been single for the last 11 years), but then remember that I can do something those men can't: whatever I want without having to worry/care about what some woman or anyone else thinks.

Kind of like how I made the mistake of not majoring Computer Science (was too stupid anyway), but that's not stopping me from teaching myself how to code.

Congratulations! You've just entered existential nihilism! You should read the Myth of Sisyphus, I think it will help you.


Tears in the rain will join a collection of water somewhere. When you die, your memories die with you. In other words, tears in the rain are more significant than your memories.

You just realized that? How very astute.

why not write a diary about how horrible your life is and you'll become anne frank 2.0 :^)

Yes. You will "change form" to hydrogen sulfide and methane.

>everything we remember and all of our experiences will be lost
Yeah but the only person who cares about them also dies, so it's okay :))

How old were you when you realized your life is purgatory?

To have as much fun as possible before you go.

Lots of fightin, lots of rapin'. Kickin puppies and cockslapping jews.


In 3 generations, you will be COMPLETELY forgotten. Enjoy!

consciousness is uploaded by descendant command (AKA the omega point) right before the big crunch, retard.

Just ignore that feeling and party on. Just party on.

i'm hoping by one. look at people who are remembered today. There's always some asshole who's dedicated to "the truth" who's going to dig up all the terrible shit you did so everyone can talk about why any sort of reverence for you is misplaced.

Better to be forgotten.

And the best way to do this is to post ginger dildo gifs on Cred Forums?