What is the BIG DEAL

What is the BIG DEAL

With moving out? Everybody wants to move out. Everybody talks about it, and everybody likes to bring down the guy who is 21+ and still living at home.

Look, who cares?

What I want to know is why don't more people make it their ACTUAL GOAL to stay at home as long as possible, maybe indefinitely?

That's my plan. I love it here at home with my family. Why move away?

People just blindly follow the rest like sheep. They don't even think about it, they just ASSUME 'Ohh yeh I'm that age. I see. Time to move out!'


I have my washing and laundry DONE FOR ME.
DINNER cooked for me.
LUNCH sometimes.
My rooms gets hoovered once a week, all I have to do is tidy my things away.

It's ZERO hassle. I don't even need a job.

I can sit on my computer all day doing whatever I want.

You guys are suckers.

low quality bait

OP here. I know people will think this is b8. I honestly don't care. I'm actually deadly serious. Genuinely. Give me some reasons why I'm wrong.



Well being an anti social tard I am I always loved peace and solitiude,I moved as soon as i got a chance.I still do the same shit like browsing in the dark but i have a job to support myself.I dont have much ambition nor hobbies like you


Your little dreamworld will shatter to pieces once your parents die cause you never learned to live on your own

Once my parents die, I will (As the oldest son) inherit their house. Mortgage paid off. This is my plan

If your talking about me having to cook for my myself, I can use JUST Eat. As for cleaning, my benefits might be able to pay for one once a week to hoover my room and dust around a bit.

Unless your parents arent filthy rich this wont do the trick

Face it you'll probably spend most of it on shitty Anime Merch and feed yourself with ramen noodles everyday

Who the fuck wants to suffer their parents' judgements as a grown man? How do you have relationships? Get laid? I'm 42 and left home at 17, there is no way I would have spent a second more than was necessary under the house rules of other people.

What will you do when your parents die or your mom gets too old to take care of you?

Shes HARDLY going to get so frail that she can't hoover my bedroom is she? If that happens then she will have someone look after her who will be able to do the household chores.

They don't. I keep myself in my room all the time. I only let them in to hoover my floor. I had a lock on m door and a no entry sign (silly I know, but it gets the message across)

No, they'll sell the house & retire. That house is probably their nest egg

I'll be honest with you, user; you just sound extremely lazy. Which is cool, if you're okay with going to your grave knowing you didn't contribute anything to the world besides this gr8 b8.

Do you think you'll ever lose your virginity, ever kiss a girl or even hold hands?
How many fedora's do you have?
Favorite waifu?
Favorite anime?
Can you remember the last time you saw your dick?

I'm sure your parents are really proud of you...

Imagine that you have a kid. You want the world for them. You want them to experience success and the happiness that comes with it.

Then, you have a shit stick of a son like you. And, then you try to figure out every day where you went wrong.

They wont sell it if their SON is currently living in it WILL THEY.

If they have slightest spark of common sense, with a son like you, they will

Trust me

I DON'T consider the standard worldly definition of success to be acceptable. IN FACT I REJECT IT.

I don't NEED this success because I already have it. I am catered for and don't have to do anything. In my mind I AM successful.

I would love to hear the shit talking they do to their friends about you. To see how they've slowly taken all of those "proud moment" pictures of you off of their desks and stopped mentioning your achievements to coworkers because you have none now. Watch as all of their hopes and dreams for their "little boy" disappear from their eyes and the look of utter disappointment replaces it. I'll bet your parents contemplate suicide more often than you.

I will not let them. They will not sell a place when I am resident. If they really push it I won't leave. I'll just stay there and lock my door.

If you have any morals you would move out right away.
Being a burden to your parents when you're capable of taking care of yourself is evil.
Not to mention having sex is an awesome part of life you will probably never experience

>I AM successful
Leaching off your parents?

Why would I contemplate success when I live like a prince. Once more, why would my parents when they know their son lives like a prince? If you ask me I have cracked the secret of life.

Hopefully they'll opt for arson after nailing all of the doors shut.

So you want to be a perpetual child?
I'm not gonna judge you for it, but that is basically what you are saying.
I see the benefits of being part of a group/tribe that takes care of each other. But the success of this group is predicated on the members contributing something to the collective. Children are usually exempt from this aside from some menial chores, because they have not matured enough to do the jobs of adults.
What you are proposing is taking without giving back and this changes your relationship with your parent from being symbiotic to being parasitic.
If your parents let you do it and don't mind, then good on you I guess. But how often do you think this will be the case?

Everybody loves to say that sex is awesome and all that to try and look cool and look as though they get it everyday. I have had sex. The reality is, it is nice. But awesome? Come on. Get a grip. It feels really nice... Thats all it is half an hour of nice feelings. So what.

your entire life is a waste on a monumental scale

never having you as a child would've been an enormous net-gain for your parents as they literally birthed a parasite

if you're cool with wasting away 60-80 years of life that you'll never get back, go for it

Someone sounds jealous. How's that 8am traffic for you? That horrible alarm clock. Those restrictive bed times. Working as a slave for some cunt of a boss. Only having the weekends as free time. Having to pretend to be nice and happy to your colleagues in the morning. Sounds like hell.

Why do you feel such a compulsion to rationalize your poor life decisions and masquerade them as "success" to complete strangers if you truly believe it yourself? It's fine that you aren't successful, just don't try to mold the idea of success into what you are doing because you're wrong.

That's fine i guess. I enjoy social and romantic relationships. I take pride in the fact I take care of myself and nobody resents me. These things are more important to me than the Internet 24/7

shitty pasta is shitty



you make some excellent points and i agree with everything you said.. im also living in my parents basement but i have a job cuz they kept hounding me every fucking day to get a job even though i dont want one.. also they want me out of here asap or at least they want me to pay them rent.. im curious how you manage to live with your parents without getting asked to pay rent or being told to move out or at least being hounded to get a job every day? any secrets you'd be willing to share with a fellow in the same situation but who will most likely end up homeless soon?

This is ficking hillarious. Sheltered speaks. You realize you sound like an asshole, regardless of how you feel? Because many people don't get their life handed to them with the crusts cut off. I'm just saying.

Don't you have goals? Hopes, dreams, aspirations? An objective to strive towards? How do you live day to day doing nothing except merely existing?

What's the point of living if you don't actually live through anything?
To put it in perspective, why leave your little suburban community ever? There's the McDonalds and the Taco Bell and the little Chinese takeout place. WHY would anyone ever want to leave and eat other places and see other sites?
They leave to live their lives and experience independence, personal growth, maturity, etc.

>no entry sign
are you the guy the chicken tendies meme was based off of?

Don't you want to get bitches? I'm only at home because I almost have a degree. Getting out so I can be roommates with my best friends ASAP. Still won't get bitches, but it'll be fun.

there is no point in living

Is this a cringe thread?

This has to be a cringe thread.

Success is the achievement of your goals.
Therefore if your goals have been achieved you are successful.

I understand OP but I disagree with him because of the lack of privacy when living with your parents.

> implying you are contributing anything to the world besides being an expendable cog in a corporate machine

I never left home. My mother is very slowly wasting away from cancer, and I have been a caretaker for her for 15+ years. I also work full time and pay rent to my folks.

Look at you guys, gobbling up this obvious bait. Newfags.

I understand you OP. Your definition of success is your own, to your own peril or not, and wasn't programmed into you by school or TV.

If you truly reject it, then conceding due to peer pressure will lead you to a life of suffering.

It's true you don't owe the world anything, but can't you see some sense in owing your parents, people who kept you alive from infancy, a little something?

This thread is some of the worst bait I've ever seen. But since we're on the topic,

I can tell you from personal experience that asian parents will try to keep you at home for as long as they can

I moved out with my girl when I was 20. We broke up when I was 25, she left, I couldn't afford our place on my own so my parents told me to come back and live with them

I'm 27 right now, still here, they told me to save up as much money as I want while I'm working so when I move out I can move into a nice place

I notice a lot of other parents can't wait to kick their kids out but asian parents want them to stay. By next year I'll have enough money to put a down payment on a great place here in Cali. I know when I leave my parents will try to get me to stay.

It's all meaningless when you're dead.

Commonplace in many Asian households. Especially if its a whole house as opposed to apartment. You look after your parents to a degree, and they do the same. For all the anons who think that's fucked clearly live disgraceful lives or have filthy habits. In a way, it helps keep a degree of respect between
You learn more about them and their generation and they learn more about yours. There's also a large belief that knowledge is passed through generations, and you owe them a degree of care when they get older.
Tldr everyone has shitty families, and could be shitty themselves, I for one love my parents and happen to have a great relationship with them.

Holy shit, it's autism lad

Yes, it is, are you dead right now?

No but we all will be.

Yes we will. Are you gonna answer my question or are we gonna skirt around it for a couple more posts?

Same here but I'm Hispanic. My parents want the family to stay together until marriage. It's strange.

What kind of payment is leaving them?

I'm not asking you to leave, that is for them to decide if they want that. I'm asking, don't you feel an ounce of gratitude for being taken care of all of your life? If you do feel gratitude, wouldn't you want to repay their kindness?

I didn't ask to be born.

How do you know?
Do you remember the time before you were born?

I do. It's a lynchian world times 1000

fuck off dude he makes a good point no one fucking asked to be born so if retards wanna be stupid and have kids those kids are their fucking responsibilities forever

So you can become a man and grow the fuck up you loser. You're probably fat too. Disgusting.