What do you think will be the last ever post on Cred Forums when it shuts down in a few weeks?

what do you think will be the last ever post on Cred Forums when it shuts down in a few weeks?


"delete Cred Forums"

Some hot cheese pizza.

B-but.. This is not gona happen! Right, user?

should be the first post on Cred Forums

Dafuq u talkim bout?


You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge.




"here, let me try something"




"You mad white boi?"


Fuck gave me an unexpected zozzle

Where will we all gather to be racist and call each other fags after Cred Forums?


"Muh diks !!"


Something we need to figure out

probably some gay shit

"fuck off space niggers"


You guys are being bigger faggots than that time we thought the world was gonna end...

to most of the losers that visit Cred Forums this is their whole world