I just found out that this dude doesn't realize that he's black. He legit thinks he's Italian or some shit. His "father" who left is Italian. Doesn't realize his mom cucked the shit out of that dude
How can someone just go through life with that kind of delusion staring them in the face?
Matthew Roberts
I'm sorry, are you complaining that he doesn't cry WE WAZ KINGZ every broadcast? That's what a person should be, a unique individual who happens to be of a particular race.
I'm Hispanic. Are you mad that I went to college, speaker proper English, pay taxes, never committed a felony, and help my elderly neighbors?
Jayden Hall
What part of Hispania are you from m8?
Hudson Bailey
Who cares? He wants to be Italian, let him. He's not hurting you.
Colton Jones
wat I wasn't complaining at all I was marveling at the delusions people can cling to
Justin Rogers
If he wanted to be Italian, that's fine. Balotelli is Italian.
Even if he wanted to say, "I'm black but I feel Italian" like trans people do, that's fine. He just doesn't realize that he's genetically black, which is just sad and delusional
Jayden Scott
Your not making sense. The fuck do you want him to do, open every broadcast with "Sup Dawg, mike tirico hurr" .
Aaron Johnson
I don't want him to do anything except accept reality, because watching someone delude themselves like this is embarrassing and uncomfortable.
Brayden Lee
>Despite his dark skin and ethnic features, Tirico has publicly stated that he is not Black nor African American. He reiterated that he’s seen pictures of his father and his immediate family, all of whom are White. “The only contact I had growing up was with my mom’s side of the family. And they are all as white as the refrigerator I’m standing in front of right now.” Regarding his true father, Tirico has stated, "Yeah. I’d like to find out the truth at some point, so I can answer questions for my kids" regarding his heritage and biological parents wow i thought you were kidding. what an idiot
Jace Hernandez
he should go to italy and tell them he's not black but italian, might clear things up
Matthew Gutierrez
I don't understand how you can go through life like this
Austin Baker
dude my mum is really really black my dad is completely white i'm about as black as him if i'm in the sun frequently people also don't believe my dad is white sometimes my brother looks closer to being half-white than I do in skin tone but i have an anglo-saxon nose but my brother has a west-african nose but really light skin
depending on how dark his mother is it's a really good chance he's completely telling the truth
Joshua Anderson
>I don't understand
Then you should stop right there friend
Jaxson Baker
There is literally zero chance that he isn't black
Jacob Lewis
unless his mother is white too then that's just weird
Jeremiah Sanchez
oh i thought he was claiming he was like half-white or something and not zero black
Easton Perez
His mom is italian. His dad is clearly a black guy with whom his mom cucked his "father," who subsequently left.
I know more about Mike Tirico's life than he does
Isaac Price
I have to say if the man doesn't want to consider himself black or african american, let him be. It's not a big deal unless he's planning on joining the kkk
Jason Foster
Gruden was wrong?
Landon Hill
>doesn't want to be a nigger
Can you blame the guy? Tirico is a high tier mulatto
Nathan Hall
What's wrong with that? The KKK could benefit from some diversity.
Henry Martinez
dont be racist tirico is a good man
Parker Morales
wtf are you niggers on about? I don't care if he doesn't want to consider himself black. Consider yourself whatever you want. I'm just disturbed by the fact that he is unable to accept the fact that he is genetically black. It's super weird to witness someone delude themselves, especially when literally everyone else knows it's not true.
Just be a man, accept your negroness, and then reject it after that if you want
Landon Hughes
Man, the most retarded thing in this whole history is the "one drop rule" americans believe in.
Mason Walker
No wonder why America has so many problems with racial relations, they're so obsessed with it.
You've got 1/32nd Irish cunts in New York dressing up in green and drinking at Irish pubs for "Saint Paddy's day", 5th generation "Italian-Americans" making spaghetti and saying "LOL IT'S A FAMILY TRADITION" and guys with a Mexican grandmother calling people putos and ese.
A quarter of all Australians are non-Anglo and we don't give a fuck because at the end of the day we're all Australian, whether our roots are from England, Germany, Norway, Croatia, Greece, Japan, China, Brazil, Kenya, Lebanon or fucking Portugal. Stop defining yourselves by the ethnic origin of your great-great-great grandparents Jesus Christ.
Bentley Robinson
We hate it as well
See: Shaun King
Jeremiah Hill
Everyone dresses in green and gets drunk on st paddy's day in America. Same with Cinco de Mayo
Nathan Jenkins
Pretty much this. Australia certainly isn't perfect in race relations, but it's a hell of a lot better than the USA at the moment.
Evan Lewis
>Genetically Black Why do people even care about this? The genetic difference between whites and blacks is less than one one thousandth. That is like a major league hitter not getting a hit over the course of the entire season while starting every single game.
Robert Gutierrez
massive truthbomb
Jordan Cooper
If your country had millions of angry and violent black males running around shooting everyone, you'd certainly have a different take on things.
Australia has like 4 black people.
Leo Cruz
Your founded by convicts
James Lewis
Not even once.
Lincoln Baker
>Yeah. I’d like to find out the truth at some point, so I can answer questions for my kids Sounds like he himself is skeptical. What's he gonna do though? Call his still living mom a liar?