Every team in the MLS have designed a new alternate kit in order to honor the Hispanic Heritage of one of their players.
What does Cred Forums think about this?
MLS celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
No one, not even Hispanics, gives a shit. It's a step above Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, but that's it.
I think it's fine.
Fuck off
Hues aren't even hispanic
>Hispanic Heritage Month
No Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
It's a meme month. Why so angry Franz?
>Moose education
Scatalonia is part of Hispania and therefore Hispanic
Really makes you ponder
i acually like this one
They didn't feel like doing a second Honduras or a single El Salvador one I guess
fun kit
im not angry, i just think its pretty weird
do they they celebrate other ethnics aswell? like the white power month?
Only Black History month as far as I know
End this meme
Florida, nevada ,las vegas,california,San Francisco, montaña, las carolinas, Alabama nueva peleaba all found for spain.respecto.friend
kek keep dreaming Jordi, but as long as you shitlords aren't independent you will always be Spanish
MLS wants money, MLS fans have a substantial amount of white guilt shitlibs who wave rainbow flags at games, put two and two together and Hispanic Heritage Month = Jews Cash In month
>the el paso cab drivers
Not even a meme that's what they based it on.
>Argentine 'culture'
They wore prison jumpsuits as kits?
I kinda like them though
>they didn't even try
i bet that comes with a e-cigarette
Id buy one, Galaxy one lightweight dope
>Graffitti passes for culture in Argentina
>tfw Houston gets shitty ass shitduras while Chiraq and LA get Mexico
i really can't stand nycfc
fuck off chicano
you mexican is shit, ofc they didn't go with him, now that he also went back.
That's actually a really cool top tbqh
>says the chicano
Make me, faggot.
>Liking trashy "lets paste classical art on a t-shirt" shirts
Yuropoors ladies and gentlemen
Half of these will end up being a nauseating eyesore when moving at speed.
Has nobody in America heard of the bruised banana kit and learned its lessons?
El Mate es Uruguayo lad
kek who barfed all over the Sounder's kit
Your* obv.
I thought for sure they were going with past stars, and they are I guess, but they probably wanted all the countries represented in this shit.
Also, would have preferred Campos for LAG, he fits that colorful getup much more.
They are fan made not real jerseys
whitecaps, galaxy, toronto the best so far
wtf were montreal thinking? and columbus just seems a bit lazy
>ivy funds
Take off the Argentine flag stuff and this should be the Crew's new kit
>terremotos de Saint Joseph
this is snek
The what's the point?
terminus est
I was bored 2bh
The funny thing about the brazilian inspired ones is that they represent the memes of the country and literally nothing else.
white america on literal suicide watch
>Americans basing their kits in a Commie
Pottery tbqh
And what the fuck is that supposed to be? Leaves and shit?
Oh. Never mind.
RSL starting a cycling team with colombian riders
At least this one's not over-the-top weird, like NYCFC or Orlando City. It's not great, but it could be much worse
Dalí was catalan but he felt very spanish. He even supported Franco's dictatorship. Check my flag out. I know this shit.
his last words were god bless spain and god bless the king: you fucking retarded
If they don't pander to His Holiness David Villa, he'll rejoin Sporting
>shithead taxist represent us
that's really stupid considering those shirts are made by an argie blog
this is pretty good, old genovan/xeneizes gangs in la Boca are dead tho
it's not a graffiti, it's called fileteado porteño and is associated with Tango, i miss buses painted like that
Triggered, still pretty nice
The fact that the NEW YORK CITY Jersey is some Spanish bullshit instead of an homage to Pobre Rico triggers me more than anything
This one is actually pretty cool
That's just the tip of the iceberg, we have literally thousands of cities, towns, and counties with Spanish names. If you look at our 10 largest cities, 4 of them were founded by Spain.