Is it me or is that a subtle reference to Bane posting on the slogan posters in the background?

Is it me or is that a subtle reference to Bane posting on the slogan posters in the background?

> Pepperidge Farm is the final villain because Pepperridge Farm remembers, possibly working with the plants from the Goth Kids episode(one of them is seen in Jerald's room as he types)
>There is also a Pepe or Kek statue on Jerald's bookshelf
>Cartman is trying to out Jew the Jew but is really being Jewed himself, he will probably do something even crazier in revenge after being humiliated on the same levels as Scott Tenorman Must Die
>Skanhunt42 is a shared account passed around between others who use the Memberberries which causes them to do troll online

Garrison for USA

Why would someone fuck a person to death before throwing them out of a plane?

Also plant in question from the Goth Kids 3
episode is here.

And I can see Randy making some alternative third party with a bootleg version of Pep or Kek, something with a frog, as a mascot to compete against Douche and Turd.

The jew will be excused because they'll say his "memberberry" wine made him do it.

memes have ruined your brain

Are Trey and Matt our guys ?

>Cartman is trying to out Jew the Jew

Here's a clue for you South Park followers. No matter how many times he is portrayed as a "white racist"; no matter how much he rips on jews, Cartman's actual behavior is jewish to the core. Anyone who understands the jewish mindset will readily recognize this. Whereas Kyle, "the jew" is always played up as a tower of righteousness, a pillar of virtue, and a champion of compassion and fair play (which, in reality, are all inherently "white" characteristics), Cartman repeatedly engages in thoughts and behaviors which are traditionally, and unmistakenly, those of the jew.

Cartman is, in fact, the quintessential jew... albeit wrapped up in a superficial layer of whiteness, in order to promote and perpetuate the "white racist" stereotype. Tell me this isn't done on purpose, and I'll tell you what a blind fucking moron you are.

One other aspect of the Cartman character is that he oftentimes accurately describes jews and individual/conspiratorial jewish behaviors, but these truths are expected to be disregarded by the viewing audience as false because of Cartman's many lies and acts of deception, which in themselves are historically the inherent traits of the jew, but projected on Cartman, again, because he is white.



South Park has always been pro-jew.

>because Pepperridge Farm remembers
yes, and the wine that Gerald was drinking was made from member berries

And jews have always hated white people.

Please don't tell me you didn't already know this.

At last I've found the elusive pure esence of Cred Forums

I think its not so subtle sign you're among the biggest losers on Cred Forums and should seriously kill yourself. Not even saying it casually. I actually advocate ending your own life. You're past saving at this point.

Attempts to vilify Cred Forums can't erase the truth. They only make you look foolish and compliant.

My entire life I've been fucked to heel and back because I trust people too much, because I assume everyone is is good and nobody intends to harm me

Supposedly this should be a """white""" trait, but I'm 100%

Explain this shit you fucking nigger, I wish I could be as heartless like you say we all are

*100% jewish

>gender war is instigated by a Jew
>women aren't funny
>nostalgia isn't necessarily good
So it was a Cred Forums episode
Shame it wasn't funny but it was interesting.
Still, it wasn't even a fucking episode. Episodes used to have a complete story.

Please stop reposting this. It's not as clever as you think it is.

Did I mention that you all also have a well-known and historically notable propensity to lie like hell?


I'm probably the only person who enjoys the persistent story arc format at least as much, and possibly a little more, than the "crazy shit of the week" format they've done before last season.

Yes, individually the humor suffers in each episode without the bracing material from the rest of the plot being presented together, but I just enjoy the overarching plot being threaded out a little at a time instead of everything wrapping up all nicely after 20 minutes.

Only times I ever lied was to my parents whenever they asked about my grades in school.

Real life isn't a RPG contrary to what you might think. Races don't get specific bonus stats and traits from birth you fucking idiot.

Yes I'm mad

And how do we know you're not lying now?

No, I don't mind continuity. PC Principal was fine. I just feel like this episode didn't have a story. Maybe you're right and the season as a whole will work together but I can't really say what happened.

At best: JJ Abbrams makes a new song and Garrison decides to try to lose the election.
The rest were plotpoints for later episodes.

>anonymous imageboard

Because hes lying to himself to make it true to him

"It was true in my mind."

>JJ Abbrams makes a new song
>new song

Is your mind completely gone?

>Pepperridge Farm remembers

wasn't that family guy's bit?

You know what I mean. I was thinking about completed plotpoints.

Cred Forums please go

He's from Crete.

>You know what I mean.

My EnglishComp prof would fail anyone who ever said that to him.

It was a good system.

Its all very loose in terms of story I agree, but there is a theme there. A theme almost everyone on Cred Forums missed, despite their keen intelligence and sophisticated taste. You see people complaining about rehashing of turd and douche, but thats the theme of the episode, throughout the whole episode, rehashing. I wouldnt be surprised if we end up seeing south park make fun of it self for rehashing making fun of rehashing, considering the finale of season 19. Also I dont know what to think of all this, the show is great with its satire but it doesnt set the bar very high for the viewer, yet most viewers miss the point in most of south park episodes. Its just sad,

>there's people that unironically and literally think and talk like this

"Remember when America used to be great?"

That is most likely the memory they are attempting to vilify.

Progressives number one enemy is nostalgia.

Well, I'm not writing an essay, just an anonymous post on a Chinese fingerpainting messageboard. I'll write quality but even I fail occasionally.

Why do you fags pretend like progressive is a dirty word? Is not the point of existing to make progress in improving our lives and just maybe the lives of those around us?

Would you rather be regressive? Unplug your computer, toss out your phone, grab up a flint tipped spear and go live in a cave. Congratulations, you just beat progress. Or are you just gonna be one of those sitting around the table with the house on fire pretending there's nothing wrong?

>is our man
>is our guy

Pepperidge Farm is an actual company, no idea if the "Pepperidgge Farm remembers" is from Family Guy or there own slogan since I'm not from the US.

No. He's our buddy, friend.

>if you're not progressive, you must be regressive.
>If it isn't this, it must be the opposite of this.

Libtards and their retarded arguments have always been victims of their own binary thinking.

>there own slogan
Yes, it is THEIR slogan.

I wouldn't call fagging up the world "progress" by any stretch.

That is, unless you think trying to convince everyone to be a whiny trigglypuff faggot is "progress".

What if Ike was originally Skankhunt42? He's Jewish and Canadian.

Until you realize that you are in fact the bigots here, we will remain at an impasse.

So why do you continue to stifle progress with your incessant claims of social supremacism?

Honestly, knowing that some of you actually deny the mass murders of jews by the nazis ever happened is embarrassing.

Aww... Poor you.

Nice source fagget

Fact check it if you don't believe it, Shlomo.

But of course you won't, because the ongoing fraud is too profitable for you.

Then again, maybe you can debunk it for us.

Protip: You can't.