Is this kino?

What would you say to Tom Cruise if you sat next to him on a plane?

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I'm a big Cruise fan but found this film really hard to get into - anyone else in a similar boat?

You're a small guy and yes it's a good flick

Who has the aisle seat, me or him?

I'd ask him what it's like having so much control over the productions he's in. He chooses interesting directors and writers that aren't the obvious, go-to studio choices. I would ask if he personally decides which people he's interested in, if he has people that make suggestions etc. Obviously he decides, but I'd like to know the process of scouting the people.

Samantha Morton was a QT in this movie!



I would probably ask him what it was like to work with Kubrick

Nothing, I never speak with strangers.

This is first class son, it doesn't matter.

Thanks for letting me fly on your private jet, Mr Cruise!

''Crashing this plane with no survivors''

>a future where thought crimes are literally a thing
Cool movie, but fuck that shitty 1984-esque world.

>you ever have to kill a gook baby?

Did you know that you can get jailtime if you shitpost in Britain?

>t. pedophile

This is wrong on so many levels.

>This is wrong on so many levels.

Anybody have the gif like this

Unfortunately David Miscavage probably makes those deciscions

>cocktail on shit tier

>This is wrong on so many levels.

Yes. Which is why Orwell was right, he just had the year wrong.

While not a pedophile and not defending pedophiles, fantasizing about banging underage kids isn't a crime. Acting upon those urges is.

>t. pedophile

I mean, you can keep calling me names all you want since it isn't illegal in freedomland, I'm just saying wanting to bang underage kids isn't a crime either. Actually acting upon those desires is the crime.

That's not a real sign right?

I actually had some Brit chime in and say it wasn't, but the fact that you have to ask is really telling of the state they're in right now.

I have a whole UK YES folder.

I honestly dont mind all the cctvs it means if i get knifed the culprit will most likely get captured

>Top Gun and Edge of Tomorrow not god tier
>Last Samurai and War of the Worlds not shit tier

What are your crimes?
I said what are your crimes?!!!

That would be just before the stewardess alerts the homeland air marshals.

>Last Samurai
>shit tier
Weeb detected

Being reactive instead of proactive is why your country is imploding m8.

Thank god you fags voted Brexit though. Based Nigel is saving you from the kraut menace. Hopefully it sets a precedent and destroys the EU. Bunch of unelected fucktards telling leaders how to run their country like they're some benevolent overlords. Foreign powers telling your leaders how to operate is treason and should be treated as such. There is a difference between agreements and working together, and outright ordering you what to do.

Good luck and dog bless, dad.

>The fact that someone thought it was real proves that it's REALLY real even if it's not technically real in the literal sense.

Boy this argument never stops being dumb.

That argument was never made, friend. I fully acknowledge that some Brit came in and said it was fake. Try reading it again.

In fact, no argument was really made. We were 'avin' a jolly good time until you decided to come in and get all asspained.

1. you are the biggest guy on the plane
2. i'm glad you don't do capeshit
3. i love you
4. bye

>War of the Worlds
>not THE BEST 9/11 allegory

Edge of Tomorrow, Last Samurai and Tropic Thunder were god tier
Even MI2 which is fucking cheesy is still more entertaining than like 80% of all the modern day capekino released