I liked it

i liked it

too bad they kill off so many characters with potential . or is it not?

>implying they're dead
It's going to be an asspull so that the important characters survive; the ship and the crew members survived, 6 survives, Truffault and 5 survive, and the main inspector guy survives. It's the way it's always been with Mallozzi and Mullie, ever since they started writing on SG1.


>hang a lantern on it

Pretty sure the entire crew of the Raza will survive.
One thing I really hated is how that prison guy betrays them and in the next episode he just isn't around and bam, he shows up last episode to help out 3.

Never forget ;_;

Remember the cunt!

some of you guys are alright, don’t go to Eos 7 tomorrow

i meant the GA commander and the humanized android kid now. not killing the main cast is expected. tho replacing them with the paralel versions would be a twist.
> the main inspector guy survives
he got the blast in his face

>it's always been with Mallozzi and Mullie
well they didn't hesitated killing the other mercenary team (even if they bought them back for one episode), or the doctor, or Nyx's bro, or Ryo's whole family.

what prison guy? wasn't that Wethers?

need to recheck

>it's an Arrian (aryan) sacrifices himself for the diverse crew episode

Does anyone else think Commander Truffault a cute


I mistook this guy

For this guy, What happened to him?

Wrong show.

they left him when he stole the card and wanted to sell to Truefault

not even Wheaton

who is this then?

>he got the blast in his face
Could always be another clone.


6's GA partner/buddy. They traded fire when escaping the prison. He either didn't die or its the alternate universe version of him. I'm betting on the alternate. Maybe he thought he could stop the station bombing this time, in this universe.

righ. thats cheahing

God I hope he's not from the other universe, I just want something better