Will the next X-Men film at least go back to costumes/CGI that look decent?

Will the next X-Men film at least go back to costumes/CGI that look decent?


At least they fixed that five-head


Night crawler looked like such a little tard in X:A

Either the actor had to be more handsome or that emo haircut had to be toned down, both together made him infinitely punchable.

>we want the furry audience

>beat and nightcrawler on right
AHAHAHAHA holy fuck, who approved that? what were they thinking? like are these people just idiots? or are they sitting there laughing their asses off at this shit? lmao, i'm crying, holy shit

Just look at how Mystique's looks degraded.

Beast on the left doesn't look that bad at all

Why don't they just make mystique look more like the comics? That slicked back hair and weird barbie doll nudity just looks off to me.

Fap fap fap

I just now realized that some disgusting scalies are probably regularly fapping to this character

Congratulations, that was his point.


yeah damn, she just gets worse and worse

What went wrong?

What if she changes her gender when having sex with so somebody

Fucking J-Law is awful. She couldn't give a single fuck about the character, as long as she gets plenty of exposure and pay.
Romijn was better visually and far more intimidating as a character, also dat ass.

Pictures of beast in the new movies confuse the fuck out of me, because he never once looked like that in the ACTUAL movie. Maybe in like one scene in First Class? But he looks like this.

What if she stays a woman but grows her clit into the size of a cock and you jerk her off while you're fucking her pussy? haha just asking

His first class version imitates the comics a bit where he has a more feral form. The movies explain it with his serum, which he hones in the sequels to strike a better balance between beast and man.

They only use a serum so they don't have to put him in makeup the entire time haha you idiot

At least Lawrence is gone after this latest abomination.

>Lawrence, who has repeatedly talked about how infuriating it is to be covered in the character’s make-up while shooting these films, had previously confirmed that ‘Apocalypse’ would be her last ‘X-Men’ effort.

>“Now I’m almost 25 and I’m like, ‘I can’t even pronounce this and that’s going in my nose? I’m breathing that?’,” she said when quizzed about her makeup.

you forgot one

x-men 3 beast was perfect. he was wasted on that shitshow

I can't wait for this bitch to Katherine Heigl her career


How did she fuck up her career?


Why does he look worse in each movie?

Read this as "breast on the left"

And thought it referred to this post
Still applicable, I guess.

That was literally an episode of the x files that did this.

First Class Beast's makeup was GOAT. Literally the best depiction and the most menacing Beast has ever looked

looks like someone from the furry convention