Should I continue watching this...

Should I continue watching this? Season 1 was awesome but season 2 is starting to bore me with the whole much mental illness

I don't know, I fucking love season 2. though they are going a bit overboard with the crazy shit, but then again maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much.

At least it's the last episode

Same. I'm loving it despite it being basically just world-building for S3.
Just hang in there OP

>Should I continue watching this?

Tell me, what is it like being so weak minded that you can't make the most simple of decisions for yourself?

Pretty much this, what a giant faggot you are OP
I will give you the permission to sleep tonight at least

I was asking if it gets better

>Should I continue watching this?
This is what you were asking


watch it dont watch it but quit being a faggot

Yeah, there's only one episode left anyway


>Season 1 was awesome
>is starting to bore me
retarded millennial detected

mr reddit show


Season 2 is all about muh mental illness season 1 was less boring it had actual hacking stuff

>actual hacking stuff
This is what normies actually believe

oh ok so you've only seen the first episode of S2.

kill yourself.

You actually thought S1 was good. That is proof enough of your shit taste. No further argument is needed.

Right, because S1 didn't deal with 'muh mental illness' at all, right?

the mental ilness stuff is the only interesting thing of the show

Watch that shit. There is only a few left.

No I've watched till like episode 3

Why do you think its trash? Elaborate.

Get outta here, kid. This isn't fucking reddit to write pointless essays on an already established consensus.

>bore me with the whole much mental illness
S2 is all about that so... fuck off

No it's not.

Eh, I wouldn't say the only thing.
Rami's face is the main reason I'm still watching this show

>already established consensus