Married to Alison Brie

>Married to Alison Brie
>Fucks Elisabeth Moss
He was insane from the get go, right?

His wife was a cunt.


She did NOTHING wrong.

They divorced or what ?

She wasn't

Really? I remember her being nothing but nice and supportive.

Yes. His happy ending was one of the many things wrong with the finale. Others include: Betty getting lung cancer, Peggy and Stan realizing they've loved each other all along, Joan "choosing her career" over her relationship with the coke guy.

The show basically devolved into an audience/SJW pandering piece of shit after season 5.

>Betty getting literally memed on for no reason
>audience /SJW pandering

>I know we made smoking look cool and fun all those seasons, but remember kids: smoking kills

Turned her entire storyline into a saccharine morality tale.

You are literally too dumb for the show, they even spelled it out in a scene with Pete and his wife

"You are like my father, never satisfied with what you have and always wanting more."

He fucked Peggy because he wanted not just a Marriage but an Affair too.

That's not it, all the other dozens of characters who also smoked didn't get cancer

Betty's mother also died of cancer, she was just genetically predisposed

dont forget peggy becoming "cool" at the end somehow when she was an wakward nerd at best and an overbearing cunt at worst

he was jealous that none of the secretaries wanted to sleep with him like they did with Don so he banged the ugliest secretary in the office just to make himself feel better for 5 minutes

I know. Her smugness was unbearable. Especially in season 7.

>it's the "Elisabeth Moss is unattractive" meme

don't forget he also raped that au pair

Alison Brie is the best thing to ever happen to femdom

Technically he was fucking both, which is pretty normal for guys to do if they can.

they both were cute women, I don't blame him

inb4 user posts the only unflattering pic of her in existence to prove his crazo viewpoint

>>it's the "Alison Brie is attractive" meme


Pretty much. He wanted all the things people older than him had but without putting in the time to work them and achieve them. He was even jealous of his peers(Cosgrove with his Novel). Early Pete was young and thought that he needed to have those things all the older men had(status, affairs, accolades, office).

Good thing he progressed as a character as the Seasons went on. They could have easily made him an over-privilege cunt the whole Series.


Pete's character arc was amazing. I think i never did such a 180 on a TV show character in that i despised him in the first season and he was one of my favourite characters by the end.

Unironically, Bravo Weiner.


did you even watch Mad Men?

Pete literally had everything so he felt empty. And all he had was basically handed to him. Hence his drive to be at the top of the company, to be perceived as an alpha. Pete has a hell of an inferiority complex.