Would a sequel work?

would a sequel work?
or has Burton gone too much away from why his earliest movies worked to be able to tackle it?

shameless bump

Burton's movies are so fucking soulless and phoned in at this point I'm not sure I'd even want him directing it. Keep Winona and Keaton, but give it to a new director who would actually do something interesting with it. Burton's early style is so well defined and iconic that any film school grad could emulate it with no problem.

I wish Burton would go back to using stop-motion instead of CGI

>Burton's early style is so well defined and iconic that any film school grad could emulate it with no problem.
Nightmare Before Christmas, perhaps the most Tim Burtony movie ever made, wasn't even an actual Tim Burton movie. It can be done.

His early style was so much better. Everything just looks so fucking alike now. Scissorhands and Beetlejuice and those Batmans are the 80s style that deserves a good reboot. There were hints of it in Chocolate Factory, but his character design ruins his shots.

There's only one way it could
Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian
Written and Directed by Kevin Smith

Sleepy Hollow was perhaps the last burton-esq Burton movie to me.
Its so strange seeing someone who loved what he was doing becoming so increasingly soulless from each new movie he made.

if they went Hawaiian

It's not necessarily the worst idea. It could work.

except Burton might actually fire Keaton and hire Depp in his place, the absolute madman

Big Fish might not be his most burtonesque, but it was pretty good. I also liked Corpse Bride and Sweeney Todd. I consider the first sign of his downfall to be Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, with Alice in Wonderland being the turning point of where he completely lost it. Everything he did after that was pure shit.

He has said that no one else but Keaton should do the role. Then again, he made Big Eyes, so.

I just wish there was more Beetlejuice. I've loved the universe since I was little.

Fuck you homes, I kind of liked Big Eyes.

I couldn't stand that show because beetlejuice and lydia weren't friends in the movie.

Ed Wood is his best movie.

I think a sequel could work with them being friends. I mean he tried marrying her it didn't work, cool I can see him getting past it and working with her as a friend like the cartoon.

> I can see him getting past it

I couldn't really see her getting past his attempts to murder her entirely family and exorcise her two ghost friends.

The beateljuice goes hawaiian idea came about shortly after the original beetlejuice back when burton still had interesting ideas. beetlejuice was going to enter some surfing contest and win using magic. it's so bizarre how could it be bad.

I used to watch the cartoon as a toddler. One of my earliest memories is telling my mother no thanks to a walk because i wanted to stay and watch the beetlejuice cartoon coming on

Yeah, and apparently they asked Kevin Smith to write it but he passed and instead worked on Superman Lives. But considering his recent output, I'm sure if he was asked to do it nowadays he would probably accept in a heartbeat. Just imagine Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian written and directed by the creator of Yoga Hosers.