Name one thing he did wrong

Name one thing he did wrong.

Gave up on life.

trusted a nigger

Thinking a boat would solve his problems.

He posted on Cred Forums instead of Cred Forums.

Didn't even have the balls to shoot his own kid

Lee was based for someone... urban.

Dropped a cube of sodium on an old sod


> never owned up to anything

Did we watch the same film?

he did nothing wrong

>muh boat
>muh family

It makes me so frustrated that Telltale is putting their Rick Grimes on the same level important as some Literally Who retarded dyke that wasn't even originally gonna really be there (it was obviously going to be Luke vs Kenny)

>b-b-but at least we have Little Girl with generic black baby still!

He didn't beat the fuck out of Clementine for turning against him when he was putting that little commie jew fuck in its place.

Itt: Manchildren scum

Lee is black ( pepper) Kenny is salt

Pure pottery

His boat idea was fucking retarded

No zombies at sea.

Agreed. I'd happily spend a lifetime scavenging the continental US. Endless goodies await.

But are there twinkies?

no food as sea