Designated Survivor

So, D E S I G N A T E D survivor.
Look promising? I'm looking forward to watching some more of it.

just started it, ffs I can't believe they dug up the bitch from Californication and she's gotten ten times uglier.

Nice meme tho op

Redneck detected. Go back to your trump rally Billy Bob, america doesn't belong to you anymore


I prefer the Netflix show Marco PooLoo

Thanks for the (you)

>the most likely story, that it was durka durkas is ignored in favor for EBIL WHITE MILITARY MAN THAT LOVES CONSERVATISM


The pilot episode's problems(oversimplistic characters, excessive use of tropes, corny writing) are apparently standard for TV pilots.

The premise in and of itself is what interests me. It's like a completely inverted House of Cards. I'm planning on watching the entire season.

You have to go back faggot

The dialogue is really generic and it's in general really tropey. Hopefully it gets better.

I get the feeling personally that they made it that way because they only had one episode to pitch their proposal to the producers, including making the characters' overall personality types clear.

mr president! jargon jargon standard sentences jargon desu!

I watched the pilot a long time ago as part of a survey.
Like user says it's very by the book and generic character tropes.
My biggest gripe is many of the side character are either likable or get too much screen time. The son is your quintessential shit head teen character that's written by someone who has no idea what teens are like in real life. I like the premise, I love Liefer Sutherland, I just hope they move away from the shitty archetypes.

Interesting premise, ruined in execution. The shit that irks me the most is the stereotypical general character. Lets bomb them, we have to show strength in our time of weakness! Then there is the main character himself. Hes portrayed as unsure and meek when hes the head of a goddamn federal agency. And of course his son is a drug dealing problem child.

Heres the saddest part. This show feels like a carbon copy of another show already airing, and like other shows that have been on. I occasionally visit my parents and watch tv with them. My mother watches Madam Secretary. This show feels exactly like that shit. Fish out of water thrust into higher office. Others around her plotting against her. He kid is involved with the wrong crowd.

Same shit, different network.

He shurfife?!

Rela talk, kinda liked the pilot, even if it was a little generic, but the teaser for the second episode turned me off.
>Oh the general's out to get Big Boss now
>Oh Eli's dealing drugs now
>Oh geopolitics

I'll still watch it, though.

why does EVERY american show need annoying kids, omfg

Writers need an easy way to insight drama.
Like Fear The Walking Dead has the dumbest fucking teen characters I've seen in a long time. Just for the sake of conflict.

>my son/daughter is out partying
>"I need to find them NOW"

Reminds me of the first episode of some other show. Can't be related though

i dropped that show hard, even the unintentional comedy wasn't worth it anymore

He has big balls

why do think it got greenlit?

"CBS has Madam Secretary, we need something to compete with it"
"What about this thing, it has that guy from 24"

show greenlit. Network TV can't afford to take risks, the most proven commodity is what goes on the air. Want better TV, convince your stupid baby boomer parents to stop watching shit just because its on.

As long as that generation draws breath Network TV will be worthless

huh, that guy looks a lot like the medic

So the attack was definitely some right-wing militia, right?

That's how you know it's fiction. Those guys never have the balls to do anything.