Why did he always order it "tea, earle grey, hot"?

Why did he always order it "tea, earle grey, hot"?

Does anyone drink earle grey cold? If so this has to be rare, and the computer would reasonably assume he wants it hot.

How many people end up in sick bay needing reconstructive surgery because the replicator gave them 10,000 degree tea

In the future, his accent is French.

Who knows what that's done to tea.

capn likes it spicy :)

how about warm?

To have some quirk and copy James Bond.

Masaka is waking.

I'm from Texas so it would be

Iced tea, unsweetened, cold

Shaken or stirred?


what did he mean by this

would it be possible to make an order like "Commander Rykers brain, medium " ?

That he needed something intensely cold to cool the reactor with.

I work at a bar and I had somebody order tequila and pickle juice yesterday.

I'm glad picklebacks have moved on to ruining things other than whiskey

I also had somebody ask for milk and bourbon.

>what is iced tea

A "Dirty Sanchez"?

iced earl grey tea is delicious famillios

I've heard that it's the British that originated making tea with boiling hot water, but the French like to make tea with water that isn't as hot. Maybe he's just specifying he wants it British style.

I can't believe Cred Forums doesn't recognize this pasta

Temperature varies depending on type of tea. Earl Grey should be brewed between 200 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

But no frenchmen would use fahrenheit.

"hot" means that it would be full of semen

keeps him invigorated

CIA and Bane
on the aircraft