What is the saddest movie moment?

What is the saddest movie moment?

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who cares



Every time I see it I want to hug my mom

Male: Ending to Saving Private Ryan
Female: Ending to The Notebook
Quasi-Philantric Mono-Gender: The part in Alice in wonderland where Johnny Depp dances the Futterwacken.

My friends you bow to no one

End of requiem for a dream


try watching this shit when your mom really did die of cancer

yea this is up there for me
saving private ryan as well
and for some reason I started crying at the end of Vanilla sky

This always gets me.



Oh naw man don't don't bring that vid up


yeah really made me feel bad with that appropriate music and that alien woman

Wilson I'm Sorry!!

>getting sad over apes

Fuck off to reddit.

Gay as fuck, almost as gay as the faggot kiss at the end

Did you... even watch it? Because you got that mixed up.


I always cry, but it's not really sad

>Come on man, you know I gotta have my video games! Heh.....

When E.T. dies at the end the movie. That always gets me.

Definitely up there.

We all do.

The truck kaboom scene in Sorcerer



did you? opening 30 seconds

>denying yourself a natural emotional reaction to something in order to appear tough and cool to a group of strangers on the internet
You seem like a person who isn't enjoying life the way they wanted to

Fuck off nigger lover, your kind isn't wanted here.


All of the scenes of Eugene back home. From snafu leaning the train without saying anything, to the wedding, then the hunting breakdown.

Fuck this sad shit, check these out

Are you baiting or just 15?

Thank you, Arthur. Thank you for my children.

Reddit is the other site.

Genuinely autistic. Can someone explain why this makes people cry? Shouldn't it be a happy moment?


Woman spotted

Because its so le epic moment because le epic king is bowing to them


best post

I bet you're one of those faggots that say Theoden's speech at Pelenor gives you chills like a gigantic vagina

The toddler scene in under the skin made me rage harder than any other movie before

The saddest post of all

Imagine being this insecure

Women dont usually get autism. It is quite rare. And anyway women are usually more likely to cry from happy feelings. Like when they get married, or get a puppy.

What i dont get is why happyness makes people cry. Babies learn to cry out when they need something, tears should be a natural response to helplessness.

>posts a picture of another woman

thanks for confirming my suspicions

If you honestly cannot grasp why "crying from joy" is a thing, they you must truly be autistic.

Yes i am. That is literally what I said.

I would rather be autistic than be an illeterate beaner desu

I don't know why but it never fails
Maybe it's his innocence and how kind coach Jones was that tugs on my strings.

wow, that is le epic

it's catharsis. it's the final culmination of a journey in the hobbits case. the climax of all feelings in to one overwhelming emotion



What movie is this

do I need to ask how is homie died?

>Gone But Not Forgotten. Mr Chi-City Kicks it with a Friend (2009)


The ending of pic related

>you will never have friends who will still visit you 7 years after you're dead to bring gifts to your grave

dam son


what happens?

the whole country hates Bob Ford and he gets shot in his own saloon and buried like a common thug while the killer is released after a couple years

How is this sad?

Jesse James gets assassinated by the coward Robert Ford
sorry for the spoilers


I'm pretty racist myself but it's time to grow up and stop being so edgy, that video makes me tear up.

Get on my level

>was my Petersan brave?

this may not be worth much considering the state Hollywood is in but this is the greatest moment in mainstream cinema in the past 10 years, bar none

also a weird case of a bad actor like Casey completely outdoing himself

You've already given him more attention than his parents ever did, just ignore.

These scenes are why The Pacific is way better than BoB

Kek remember that article arguing this scene was too effective and shouldn't have been in the film?

Did anyone ever really know Andy?

Was his entire life just an act?

that's why it works so well, Robert Ford is a coward and a mega beta, he was born for the role

>So you were scared and that was it?
>Yeah, and the reward money.
>Do you want me to change the subject?

I can totally relate.

A guy with zero charisma or screen presence living in someone else's shadow is actually quietly brilliant casting for that part desu.

I'd put the scene of Jesse at the frozen lake contemplating suicide higher up there

if you know you know

>I can totally relate.

>"This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it. Or at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!" [sobbing]

You think that this is how Superman feels every second of the day he's working his day job or flirting with Lois rather than saving people?


I wonder if it remembers me?

For the people of Metropolis, better hope not.

>"I'm lost"

damn fpfp.


Grow up you fucking child

*le kys

Better faggot?

never thought of this as sad

That part in Titanic where the two old people lay in bed together and accept that they're going to die.

No. Grow the fuck up. Just because you were a child when you saw Return of the King doesn't mean that scene was epic sad. Maybe to a 7 year old. Hence the grow the fuck up.

>watch first blood when I'm 13
>"Ha. Stallone's acting is so bad it's funny"
>rewatch it last week cos I want more old action films
>"I wanna drive my Chevy!" I said "With what? I can't find your fuckin' legs! I can't find your legs!"

Every time somebody tells me something is over, it takes every fiber of my being to not snap back and scream NOTHING IS OVER! NOTHING! YOU JUST DON'T TURN IT OFF!


Seriously though. The intro to The Last of Us is basically just a movie. This bit gets me every time. I don't know why, I think it's just tied into my basic misanthropy and how well Troy Baker handles the scene.

in 50/50 when hes about to get surgery and he says bye to his mom without knowing if its the last time hes going to see her...FUCK

Halloween a couple years ago there was a guy dressed as Rambo and he shouted this at the end of the night when the bar was closing.
Pretty good impersonation too.

Another good one is if you're good at a competitive game and go easy one someone to start with and they start trying to give you shit about it.
>"Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go"

You have to be joking

fuck it was the only time i cried at a movie and i was like 6yo i guess, so i had no idea what the fuck was going on, all i could do was pretend to go take a leak

expectations vs reality

I somewhat agree. It's REALLY heavy. Luckily, going right into Starlord running around while listening to his walkman makes it valuable. You're so relieved by the levity that it feels extra good to smile at Pratt dancing around.

the movie is "I Am Legend" where will smith has to kill is doggy :(

fucc, bruh

Brave little toaster flower scene

I am Robot was sadder, he shot his dog because it was turning into a robot.

That video just hits me like a truck. Fuck

Nausicaa flashback scene
>inb4 Cred Forums

The whole rest of the movie of Bridge to Terabithia where the girl dies and the boy goes to her funeral and her dad is like "She loved you, you know." Also the part with the boy's dad in the woods.

Semi-related, I just felt strangely at peace at the end. It's not melodramatic.
It's a sad situation, but they just accepted it so calmly. I still cried like a bitch though.

>that mother fucker would just ring

Everything after Tom Hanks gets home is pretty harsh.

>a bad actor like Casey
I think he's been watchable and pretty capable in everything I've seen him in (which admittedly isn't much), and he's avoided the mainstream so his relative unrecognisability lends a certain plausibility to his roles. He was well cast as Bob Ford in my opinion.

That said, he's kind of known as the better Affleck, which might not be saying much, but it gives him an air of underratedness that could be mistaken for talent.

I'm no expert but I wouldn't say he's a "bad actor." Not great, but not bad.

I'm tearing up and it doesn't even feel particularly sad. The collage fund one stung

Watt this from

It's a shame people only think of Rambo as some 'MURRICA coming to fuck shit up kind of film. It has a very sad and at the time poignant message.

I refuse to acknowledge anything after First Blood exists.

It was a good movie with a powerful message.


Happy moments can make you cry, the guy who posted that didnt understand that this thread was about sad moments, not moments taht made you cry

is no one really gonna mention Air Bud?

That was actually the first time I ever cried while watching a movie.

dude same holy shit
i was gonna include that in the original post but decided against for some reason.
>you have to go buddy, dont you understand? go! get! i dont want you anymore
i fucking sobbed

this vid is pretty nigged out. ripnig got got doing nig stuff as nigs do... but still, that guy just genuinely misses his bro and probably shaped up his life after he lost him.

That shit hurt, man.

I remember being kinda pissed at my mom because I thought it was just supposed to be a fun dog movie. I even think she was giggling when I was crying. Fucking rude.

Well, if you listen to what the guy was saying, he was saying how he was trying to get away from that gangbanging lifestyle and settle down with his baby mama.

It's always a shame seeing shit like that happen to people trying to better themselves.

>that scene in Batteries Not Included when Carlos the bad guy thug has a last minute change of heart, and tries to save the old lady with Alzheimers from the building that's about to explode, and she spent the whole movie thinking he was her long dead son Bobby, so he tries to play the part of Bobby and get her to come outside, but she sees through the ruse when "Bobby" compliments his father, who irl he was always fighting with

Gets me literally every single time.

When costner gets shot at the end of a perfect world

That score is fucking perfect.

I'm not gonna lie I got choked up when she showed up in his vision again at the end

Who would've guess that modern Sandler movie could make you cry, right? I was surprised too. And it's last decent movie with him also.


amazing ending. those freeze frames on "Hello Bob" and Affleck's face are haunting



I hate to be one of those faggots that say, "It was a dream", but was it?

This is so hammy and over the top and cliche that I can't find it sad at all.


only parents will understand.
i miss my daughter.

Nothing in the movie proves it was fantasy or real, its up to you to decide

I personally think it was all fantasy

Hot damn i remember...hardcore shit right here

and when he says goodbye to his dad and his dad has that moment of realization even despite his alzheimers/dementia... great movie

Dementia scares the shit out of me

Losing my grandmother to it right now m8. It's best to accept that the person you knew died a long time ago.

As per me, I'd take a drag and put a bullet in my head before I put my family through this.

Similarly a movie that made me cry was Mr. Nobody for just that.

"You look at me and all you see is a grumpy old man who can't remember anything... But this isn't me... I'm 15 years old... And I'm in love.."


>It's best to accept that the person you knew died a long time ago.

Fucking this. Currently watching my grandfather fade away from Alzheimer's and Dementia.



You're not a man if it doesn't.


>False flagging this hard just to get (you)s


>you are, and always shall be my friend
>he was the most...human

Haha i made my roomie play this and he dropped it right after she dies...said he couldnt take that shit

If youve ever played beyond two souls i teared up when she was channeling the old bums dead wife

I watched my Grandmother wither away due to dementia. It was slow at first, like you didn't notice, then "incidents" started happening like her not knowing what to do when she went to the bathroom, or forgetting people's names / who they were, etc.

The worst part was at the end when she went into hospice care. It was horrible, the way that she was basically forced to just slowly lay there and die for days... I don't understand why we can't just euthanize them and put someone out of their pain instead. We sat in the room with her for days as she just slowly died, we would play music or put on the shitty CRT tv in the room with basic cable and tried to find something peaceful for her to watch, she liked the music my mom found, it was just fucking depressing watching her breathe and just dry up until she finally passed.

Went through this with one grandmother. Going through it again with another.

It's a really rough ride.

>His was the most...human

Get it right

>when the giant steps out of the car

Both my grandmothers had it as well, my grandfathers both died sane though.

I can only hope by the time I'm that age they have found some way to alleviate the symptoms, or cure it. Fuck dying like that.

I cried like a bitch at the end of A league of their Own

Im not afraid to say it

The ending of this


this fucking ending cuts me deep

On some real shit, I genuinely miss Mr. Chi City.

>Mrchicity hasn't uploaded in 4 years

He's gone too, isn't he?


only time i couldn't hold back tears watching a movie. it has never been released on DVD (you can order a DVD-R from warner bros.) and never airs on TV so it's very nearly forgotten, which is a shame. you and me are probably the only people on this board who have seen it. danny glover is so incredible in those final few scenes.


Fuck. Yes

>they wont kick up a fuss
>not for an old crook like me





The whole movie turns me into a weeping mess, the one scene that touches me the most is when John starts crying over the fact that he's glad to have so many friends.

The movie "Beaches."


What he still uploads but on a new channel


In Four Lions when they listen to Dancing In The Moonlight in the van.


On the whole, I think this game was horrendously overrated by the tidal wave of 10/10s it received on release, but this scene is perfect. The initial outbreak and the death of Sarah perfectly set up the game.

I really liked this movie

the animation and artstyle was on POINT

>she just abruptly stops squealing

Four Lions was weirdly a poignant movie for being a comedy about dumb jihadists.

It really managed to humanize them, and the ending montage hits out of nowhere.

1st time I watched it, when that song played it really hit me square in the feels. Did not see that coming.

Soundtrack was on point, too.


Once the son starts talking and taking the place of the father, I just lose my shit.

God damn, that's the only Burton movie I like and it's probably in my top five movies. How such a shit director could make such a great movie is beyond me.


What movie you referring to?

He's obviously talking about Big Fish.

>tfw you hear some idiot say "why is he so sad it's just a ball"

oh. didn't see it.

That hits too close to home.
Can't watch that movie simply because of her.

>Male: Ending to Saving Private Ryan
lol holy shit




This made my eyes go teary in the middle of my class fuuck


What would that be?

Watched this with my brother, we never really talkfed about it besides "it was good" but I'm pretty sure it scarred him as much as me. Couldn't get it out of my head for a week.

the last few minutes of Ghost World.


the only scene that got me, I actually teared up while posting this

Fuck, thank you for posting it, user. We need sound webums on Cred Forums stat.


Is that Terminal?

>you will never be a slav and spend your days enthused and watching fish at the pet store

I do know is he has instagram and is still the realest nigga out


I cried like a lil bitch

that's pretty sad bro

puppers are too pure for this world

>Ending to Saving Private Ryan

if you ever lost a dog in your childhood, idk how you could be able to not cry


>tfw after one of my childhood dogs died, I had a dream where she visited me
>tfw I could feel the texture of her hair and her warmth

she seemed happy

Pic related. Possibly the only movie that brought a tear to my eye. Granted, I was younger

actually not being able to understand basic human emotion (e.g. crying when you're happy) is a sign of autism.

sorry, pal.


fuck man, that movie is patrician

>poster says he's genuinely autistic
>all the replies call him an autist


>choking up at Beyond
Get out, David. No one likes your shit games.

>pet store
That's a grocery store

>Big Fish

My man


this got to me real bad for some reason

Apparently, the mo-cap actor/voice actor was playing this scene a little too melodramatic. The director told him to try treating Sarah like his best friend. The result is what we got in the final game.

cried watching this

> youtube.com/watch?v=Nwl4xV6wuRI


Cast Away.

her showing up in his vision was better imho

always get choked up

>download the movie so I dont have to wait 2 months for it to reach TV
>show it to family
>my dad's mother died because they gave her the wrong medicine and doctors were incompetent thus he had to see her die when he was 15-16 or so
>my face the entire time the scene is going on

Luckyly he enjoyed the movie.

That weird dance has a name?

They say the name right in the fucking movie. Several times, even right as he's doing it.


Before i got this game i was trying to work out what the hype was about, then it fucking opens with this..

i think the same but the mandrake thing can't really be explained as fantasy, everything else is up in the air though

The entire film fucked me up

Not a movie, but brought a tear to me eye all the same

wew lad