What's the point of being rich if you are still working in your 80s?

What's the point of being rich if you are still working in your 80s?

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Being an A-list actor isn't work by conventional standards. More of a hobby at this point. He can dictate his terms and be selective about roles.


When was the last thing you saw Morgan Freeman really, really act in?

The dude has it so made that he can rock up, no real work done to hair or makeup, throw on a suit and just speak his lines.

Just say the words and nothing more, then go home - and get near top billing.

Now let me ask you this, what's wrong with the kind of life where you can do what you love doing, put in as little effort as you want, get paid shit loads of money for it and hold mass acclaim for it?

The moment you stop doing shit at that age, you die, son.

He enjoys it.

First toast was the only necessary toast (fpwtonptbfh)


Some people like to work until they drop.

Also, some say if that you stop working and relax in your later years, you get senile faster.

Maybe he just enjoys being pandered to as the comfy old black narrator man in every film he's in?

>Why do old rich people continue doing what they love?

What's that movie where he plays a grumpy old guy with apparent wisdom? Easily one of the most overrated actors of all time.

>and be selective about roles.

We're talking about Morgan Freeman here, not Daniel Day-Lewis. He's about as selective for his roles as Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Kingsley, or Nic Cage. Like Jackson (who is no spring chicken himself), he knows he got a late start at fame and doesn't want to start saying "no". It's not like he has anything to lose by taking roles.

Because at that age, if you're not keeping busy, you're just sitting around waiting for death. Old-timers who don't keep busy just kind of wither away.

But it is hard work

but it is hard work that you love and live for

Not exactly. I've worked with actors and I've learned to respect them. If they're dedicated, they'll give you their all.

He's doing for his family probably. When you get to his age and can take on literally any available job in your industry you cream it with easy shit to give your kids a bigger inheritance.

t. lazy ass

I meant selective as in take roles where he's just playing himself or they just want his voice; not selective like making high art

do you know how old 80 is retard?

He knows where he stands and is loved by the majority. He wants to leave as much as he can behind.

Also, actors get to be really cool characters. Who would want to throw that away? You get to basically role play your whole life.

He enjoys the work.

Being selective just means he's choosing his roles carefully, it doesn't speak to his goal or rationale. Some are selective because they want to make high-art and have reached a point where they don't have to do schlock, while others prefer doing schlock because its easy and pays well.

Morgan Freeman likes acting and is old. He wants a role where he gets to sit on set and spout exposition for a few weeks and then gets a dump truck full of money driven up to his house. He chooses those roles specifically.

He's old South.

t. zero gumption

at that age you're either busy talking or you're busy dying.

>actors get to be really cool characters
>really cool characters
>cool characters

>I'm Jewish

Fucking kikes

Many actors love staying famous. It's why they became actors in the first place.

Jews confirmed for not whites

You have the luxury to continue working if you enjoy it, but retire any time you want if you feel burnt out

Theres this 102 year old woman that lives close to me. She still goes to work every morning at mcdonalds wiping down tables and fillling everyones coffee.
She is also outside her house everyday working in her garden. Point being when you get that old and stop moving, you die.

>all I want to do is innawoods shit
>can't really go on major trips without money
>have to get a job to do that
>can't go on extended vacations with a job
>when you hit retirement age, you can't physically do crazy hikes