If this show is so good, why has it received so little publicity? Nobody, and I mean nobody, is talking about it...

If this show is so good, why has it received so little publicity? Nobody, and I mean nobody, is talking about it. Where are all the people praising Sam, Nick and Charles for being comedy geniuses?


its one of those things where a friend shoes sam hyde and then you show it to another friend

also which one of you did this?

honestly i like their youtube stuff

but this show, theres just nothing funny about it, theres no jokes its just 'lets do weird stuff'

Did anyone give a shit about Tim & Eric or Eric Andre when they started out? Something as bizarre as World Peace isn't going to be an instant smash hit, it's going to need to build up a fanbase before the mainstream press pay any attention to it.

>muh critics
kill yourself

I agree the youtube stuff is so much better. I have two theories:

they are under a lot of studio pressure and have to be more careful with their topics and wording


they got lucky with this deal but they know it's not going to go past the first season so they are purposely making bad episodes to "troll the adultswim jew" out of an easy paycheck.

i dunno.

it took a while for T&E to blow up to being as well known as they are now. but fans of [as] and their target audience were pretty hyped on it from the get-go.

i don't know anybody irl who is a fan of [as] that is talking about mde.

Are the more polished sketches on Youtube not so common?I'm talking about sketches such as Murder Charls, The Prodigal Stun[na], Father Figure, Gin 'n' Piss, Officer Maggot etc, because there doesn't seem to be that many of them on the MDE channel.

correct but even the shitty vertical vids where Sam is just doing stupid voices and characters are better than most world peace episodes. there's plenty of content.

They focus on political commentary than humor.

Did they take a hiatus of sorts after 2013?Most of their videos seem to be from that period, the more recent ones seem to be closer to what you're explaining, Sam talking to the camera on his own.

Charls and Nick got in some legal trouble that they refuse to discuss.

i think they both work in construction as their day job so maybe had something to do with that.

why does it matter they got plenty of viewership and the show is good. How many eric andre articles where there season one? You are fabricating problems.


>they say what time it airs on their ((((((reviews))))))))

totally not shills lmao

I'd be very surprised if the MDE guys have never watched Jam before.

How old are the gang?I get the feeling Sam and Charls are quite a bit younger than Nick.

Nick is 39-years-old. Sam and Charles are in their early thirties, I think.

2 simple reasons:

They are too right-wing.

And most people are plebs so of course something genuinely good is not going to be a commercial success. This applies across the board. The only TV shows that are exceptions to this rule are The Sopranos, Seinfeld and Mad Men.

>If this show is so good, why has it received so little publicity?

because it's not actually good. only a few skits out of six episodes were funny or clever or interesting, the rest were fucking terrible.

They're about thirty. Which is why they did the Hitting the Wall sketch.