Luke, did I ever tell you about the sand people? They kidnapped your grandmother...

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the sand people? They kidnapped your grandmother, and your father slaughtered them like animals. He was a good friend.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did he actually know about that?

>Luke did I ever tell you that these robes I'm wearing are the official garb of the Jedi order? Why would I wear them if I am in hiding you no doubt wonder, well, it's to blend in with your uncle and an alien speeder dealer who wear robes identical to those of the Jedi by pure coincidence. They are good friends.

>Luke I hope your father warned you never to deal with the strange computer generated space-Jews, they are not good friends

>Luke, did I ever tell you about your sister, Leia? Before you came to Dagobah to train with me and Yoda you made out with her in front of all your friends, she was sexually attracted to you, and you likely wanted to fuck her as well. She's a good friend.

Luke, did I ever tell you about Gungans, also known as Gungas? At first glance they appear like retarded amphibians, but boy are they good at fighting. They even beat a whole droid army without any real weapons. They were good fighters.

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time your father and I fell into that nest of gundarks? I don't suppose I did because I've never brought it up outside of a conversation in an elevator 40 years ago despite it being a formative part of our friendship. That was before I chopped your father's arms and legs off and left him to burn to death on a volcano. He was a good friend.

No they didn't they were whittled down, surrounded, and surrendered.

>Luke, did I ever tell you about my homeworld, Stewjon? The name was coined by George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars. At the Celebration V convention in Orlando, Florida, comedian and talk-show host Jon Stewart interviewed Lucas, and Stewart asked for the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi's home planet. Lucas jokingly replied that it was "Stewjon," a tuckerization of Stewart's name. The official Encyclopedia entry on Obi-Wan Kenobi later listed Stewjon as Kenobi's homeworld. It was a good planet

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time I was never around to witness the time the Emperor who was the Chancellor at the time who told your father about the time about Darth Plagueis who told his apprentice about the powers of the dark side then was murdered in his sleep by his apprentice that one time? And he was a good friend that time.

He was present in force form.

Do you think he force-fucked Padme on the sly?

Based Lucas.

would you?

You can tell Lucas never really cared about Star Wars and always treated the films as the kiddy shit they really are, good for him.

Of course.

>I just wanted to make someting fun, like the old Buck Rogers and Flash Gordons, ya know punching bad guys in space and that kind of thing. Never expected it to take off in the way it did. I'm immensely grateful of course, but, uh.... well I think I can say no one was prepared for it to get as big as it did. It's certainly grown beyond me. I'm just one man and Star Wars... Star Wars has become a living thing, it's, a part of all of us in a way.


>Luke, did I ever tellyou how Sith Lords are my speciality? Last time I said that I got knocked out and stuck under a railing and had to be carried away by your father.

>Snake did I ever tell you about the time your father forcibly swapped the identity of one of his soldiers so he could go into hiding in South Africa and raise a private army, while his body double raise another private army to divert attention from a Saturday-morning cartoon villain who was building a giant robot that looks a lot like the giant robot you're now trying to defeat?
>He was a good friend

>Luke, did you know I used to have a Scottish accent? I guess I lost lost it while I was hiding in a cave and I didn't talk to anyone for twenty years.

i wonder what force dick feels like

no homo.

>Star Wars has become a living thing, it's, a part of all of us in a way.

just like force. pottery.

>luke did i ever tell you your dad built a full functional robot to help his mom when he was just 10 years old? Although he worked as a slave most of the time. He also build a pod raver on his own and even won the famous bunta eve race with it, remember luke, he was still just 10. And even when everyone was against him because he was too old, he became the most powerful jedi of all and even the youngest jedi to be a part of the jedi council. He probably saved doents of planets and my life for countless times. He even got your mom, a 9/10 queen/senator gf. Even when i betrayed him and chopped his arms and legs off, he became the boss of the whole imperial fleet.

and you luke? what have you accomplished? you moon rats shooting piece of shit, you are a bad friend

Venom Snake was Zero and Ocelot's plan tho

Yes, but in the end they won.
So what he's saying is true...from a certain point of view.


>David, did I ever tell you about how I wanted to use Big Boss' body double to kill him because he left me behind? To be honest, I kind of deserved it due to working behind his back with the Patriots to use our PMC as their own personal army. But get this, you'll like this, the body double actually ended up supporting the real Boss, the absolute madman! So I left Diamond Dogs to find and train you for the purpose of killing the Boss for my own petty reasons instead of having a nice, civil conversation with him about why he did what he did! You were all good friends.

But wait, the story gets deeper, you see, earlier this weel your brother, Eli, codename Liquid Snake, broke down my door and beat me up, an old blind cripple, and killed me. Do you like my sunglasses?

so Kojima pretty much confirmed for the Lucas of the video game world?

Nah dude Ocelot killed Miller. Liquid just pretended to be him

>Master Miller, did I ever tell you about the time when I fought Big Boss in Outer Heaven? He had some pieces of metal stuck in his head and his skin was covered in scars, probably from surgery. But when I fought him in Zanzibar Land, there were no scars and shrapnel. I've never mentioned this to anyone at all. He was a good friend.

The first 'Big Boss' Solid Snake fought was really Venom, who Snake killed, which is how he was able to have the second confrontation with the real Big Boss

>Snake, did I ever tell you about the time your father travelled on a canoe with a talking cat to fight dragons in Central America?

i think that was the point of the post senpai

>Snake! Did I ever tell you about the time in 1984 when Psycho Mantis and I escaped from father's body double's Mother Base with a metal gear that looks a whole lot like REX, a platoon of child soldiers, and a bioweapon that kills people who speak English? And yet here I am 21 years later without any of those things with no explanation. I was a good brother.