Scenes that scarred you for life

Scenes that scarred you for life

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is this flick worth watching?
I have the apartment all to myself and I want to make some popcorn and watch something light hearted.


Absolutely, you'll love it


Hanging people on meat hooks in Cobra.


That scene in They're Back where that guy got eaten by crows and nothing was left but his metal eye.

It's sad how this was kind of an average/bad movie back in the day but standards have fallen so far below even that nowadays.

The red dress monologue in Requiem for a Dream

Shit that entire movie is pretty painful emotionally

who creates a cartoon shoe?

An artist.

for what purpose?

For fun?

>character jumps out of his shoes and runs away
>shoes run after him


No it isn't
Do you feel bad for an asshole who smacks his head with a hammer?





i know this is gonna sound stupid it didn't really scare me but it's been stuck with me,
when i was a kid i saw bable and that scene where he pulls the chicken's head really got me.

it's absolute kino, the marriage of the best of Cred Forums and the best of Cred Forums

I had nightmares for years

did you grow up to be gay?

oops, meant to post this in the Felicia Day thread.



It's pure fucking kino, dumb shit. No you shouldn't watch it because you're too fucking stupid to even comprehend it.

Holy fugg the nightmares this produced

what movie?

Not joking, but that's Teletubbies

Lye is no fucking joke. I work with it most nights. We use a diluted form of it to eat away grease.
When it's like that you can handle it and be fine as long as you rinse your hands off well and relatively soon after. One time though I got it in a cut I had in my hand. I felt like the narrator. It's much worse than alcohol, it made me feel like my whole hand was burning.

This thing genuinely traumatized me well into my teens.


what the fuck
truly the worst

Switzerland is a strange, and exciting place.

I watched this when I was 3 or 4 and had bad dreams about it for years
Also that Scene from silence of the lambs when she like enters an old storage, walks into it and Sees a severed head, I think I was 9