Is this the Best Kubrick ?

Is this the Best Kubrick ?

No he faked it. He hid clues in the shining.

What ?

He was paid by the US government to fake Barry Lyndon.


What do you mean when you say "fake it"?

that would be eyes wide shut or 2001 mate, you cant debate

It's my favourite movie

Did you skip history or something? The United States and the Soviet Union were competing to see who could be the first to make Barry Lyndon.

The United States knew they couldn't do it, but after they saw 2001: A Space Odyssey they contracted Kubrick to fake it to trick the Russians into thinking they beat them to it.

Kubrick wasn't too pleased about it so he hid hints in the Shining to lead people to the truth.

>that would be eyes wide shut



Its not real. They hired people to act it out


Absolutely. Kubrick goes:
Barry Lyndon > 2001 > ACO > Dr. Strangelove > The Shining > FMJ > POG > EWS >>> Lolita
Haven't watched the rest of his movies yet

when people actually start saying barry lyndon was not a boring piece of meandering garbage with no soul then i feel vindicated in what i've been saying all these years: kubrick is a fucking hack who is only surpassed by his pretentious fan base

Definitely his funniest!

I know that everyone has his favorite movie but can you tell us why exactly this one ?

That pic is kinda creepy

>that low
you have to go back

It's slow and boring.

Personally it's either this or Spartacus.

سأكتفي بقول (تحفة كلاسيكية صاغها ستانلي كوبريك بحرفية فائقة) ..

القصة باختصار عن الشاب الايرلندي ريدموند باري في القرن الـ18 خلال العصر الفيكتوري وكيف شق طريقه من حياة العامه البسيطه لعيش الترف والطبقات الارستقراطية آنذاك.

الفيلم بالرغم من طول مدته الا اني لم اشعر بالملل ابداً ، فطريقة السرد كانت غاية في الانسياب وكأنك تقرأ رواية دسمه بكل سهولة وسلاسه.

ستانلي نجح في ايصال عدة افكار اهمها ان كيف للحياة المقدرة على ان ترفع من شأنك وأن تحطه في لمح البصر، فكلما اكترثت لترهاتها كلما فاجأتك بخذلانها.

اكثر ما سيشدك في هذه التحفة هو التصوير الفوتوغرافي المبهر فستشعر بكل إطار وكأنه لوحة فنية زيتية اما عن الموسيقى التصويرية الكلاسيكية فحدث ولاحرج فقد خلقت جوا خاصاً يتماشى بشكل مذهل مع اجواء الفيلم.

ختاما ان لم تشاهد الفيلم فعليك البدء في مشاهدته وان سبق وشاهدته فعليك التفكير جدياً في مشاهدته مرة اخرى ..

Not even a real Kubrick senpai.


Objectively no. 2001: A Space Odyssey has made the Sight and Sound Poll top 10 a number of times. Lyndon is great, as are several other Kubrick films, but 2001:ASO is his best.


Underrated kek

If you're going by his own standards, then no.

My vote is for the shining.


no way they could pull that off, way too many people to keep quiet about it all these years

>for the screen cap

01. Eyes Wide Shut
02. Barry Lyndon
03. 2001: A Space Odyssey
04. Paths of Glory
05. The Shining
06. The Killing
07. Full Metal Jacket
08. A Clockwork Orange
09. Dr. Strangelove
10. Killer's Kiss

It used to be 2001 for me but now Barry Lyndon is now the best film he's made.

>09. Dr. Strangelove
Don't ever post again

It's my least watched Kubrick tbf. Why do you like it?

What's not to like? It's genius satire and Sellers at his top game

kubrick is entry-level right? what should I move on to now that I've watched him?

Says the guy defending Barry Lyndon

>anything above Strangelove or FMJ

>All-natural lighting
>Shot on film

>The Revenant has all-natural lighting 40 years later
>Tons of press over it
>Had to be shot digitally because of the lighting

Why is Kubrick so far beyond any other filmmaker before or since?

I don't get it.

>No Lolita

ummm lol?

that was fun.

Nothing. Kubrick is the GOAT. You're far better off rewatching Kubrick than moving on to another director.


1. 2001
2. BL
3. PoG
4. FMJ
5. Dr. Strangelove
6. EWS
7. The Shining
9. The Killing
10. Lolita
11. Killers Kiss
12. Spartacus (but it doesn't really count)
13. FaD

A natural step would be something like Fellini, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Jodorowsky or Kurosawa. Not to say that any of those are any better though. Entry level does not mean bad.

alright, thank you

What does Cred Forums think of Fear and Desire?

Agreed, the narrator is such a snarky bastard, it's great.

>Their scarlet coats and swaggering airs filled Barry with envy.

Move EWS down to fourth place and remove the killing and killer's kiss (haven't seen them) and this would be my list.

There are some directors who were contemporaries of Kubrick who I think were close to his level, if not better (Kurasawa, Tarkovsky, etc). However you're right, no modern directors are as skilled as Kubrick was.

who are some good directors to you?

Not the same guy. I haven't seen Barry Lyndon