All police are evil soulless predators

>all police are evil soulless predators
Are (((they))) even trying to hide it anymore?

Most of the police in Zootopia weren't predators though

The predators were ultimately being blamed by the prey. This movie is both blue and redpilled, it all depends how you see things,

Thank you for correcting the record

Dumb pill poster

Fox lives matter

I want to fuck that smugfox

>before seeing movie
"I want to fuck that bunny"
>after seeing movie

How is it redpilled? Explain

I wanna fuck that bunny

>all police are evil soulless predators

> And the dindu criminal fox is the fucking hero.

This entire movie is basically one big nigger fantasy.

>all police are evil soulless predators

> And the dindu criminal fox is the fucking hero.

This entire movie is basically one big nigger fantasy.

>This entire movie is basically one big nigger fantasy.

This is why >2016 blacks don't know right from wrong anymore.

I honestly don't think I've seen a movie as heavy handed as this one.

to be fair the bit about the fox deciding to be a predator since he'll always be seen as one was quite nice and relatable even if you're not black - it very well could be about how feminists demonize males' every feeling or behaviour

but it isn't, the movie is ultimately a messy piece of shit

So who are the predators, the banks or something or le ebul gorborashuns?

the movie's last shot is shakira saying "try everything" while she's surrounded by black predators


Predators are men

Prey are women

However ultimately the message of the movie is we all have to put aside our differences an d work together

>we all have to put aside our differences an d work together
you forgot to say "to kill the jews" like louis ck's joke on the daily show (his last good joke)

I wanna fuggy mcwuggy that's bunny's cunny! >:D

I wanna fuggy mcwuggy that's bunny's cunny! >:D

I wanna fuggy mcwuggy that's bunny's cunny! >:D


you wanna fuggy mcwuggy that's bunny's cunny?

I wanna fuggy mcwuggy that's bunny's cunny! >:D


do you think shakira would've made music for this movie if they refused to make her a character in the story?

What character is she?