End of credits

>End of credits
>The comic relief character tells the audience to go home because the movie is over

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Deadpool's ending credit scene was pretty bad. It handled the metajokes really well throughout, but that felt really fucking lazy.

Especially considering the fact that he was basically mocking Marvel, instead of the other Fox properties.

post more of this cartoon character


>children's movie begins wrapping up
>stage appears out of nowhere
>beat begins playing



to gas furries

really making me think

>End credits for a CGI kids movie
>The characters have their own "blooper reel" showing them screwing up their lines and laughing with the crew

Those movies were Sandler-tier Sony garbage



>movie ends with director violently raping cast & crew
>is immediately nominated for every award on Earth

Ferris Bueller is literally the only movie to do that

It's also a cringeworthy for real life movies

Usually yes. Jackie Chan movies nail it pretty well

take that back

-jackie chan

Name five films that do this

It was funny the first few times Pixar did it, but it soon got old.

>adults watch a movie made for kids born after Shrek and Toy Story
>complain about jokes they've seen already

That's the only non cringeworthy ones because reactions are sincere

That's my favorite part. I wish they did it every movie.

I really like the pixar dvd bonus features that showed actual graphical glitches and other technical hurdles the animators needed to overcome.

Agreed on all points, brother.

If a movie like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom did this, it'd be okay.


>End Credits
>Actor's names aren't in alphabetical by last name
>End Credits Scroll
>Actor's names listed again opposite their character's name
