Is this the cringiest moment in talk show history?

Is this the cringiest moment in talk show history?

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How the fuck did this make you cringe?

that back to the future one with kimmel was BAD

Because it's stupid, and having the audience laugh as if he was really there was even worse.

I guess... if you're posting on a Swedish T-Shirt Folding board and think dragon's are for nerds...

What level of beta are you nigga?

anything andy kaufman

People laugh when they find things funny, autismo.

>what if I told you that only beta's cringe


Pick one.

Except when they're told to laugh at something that isn't really there.





>Categorizing between "alphas" and "betas"

I bet you enjoy the videos of Toby Turner

Beta isn't a new meme...

Was the documentary any good?

Smaug is literally the Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons.

The Dungeon is lonely mountain

Even knowing Phoenix was acting doesn't take away the pain.

>starts being weird
>everyone thinks he's weird on purpose, he's just fucking around for something
>come on guy, just stop
>please stop

>"haha you guys, it was all a ruse!"


>GOAT CGI director...

Who else would do this???

When Kramer from Seinfield went on some talk show to apologize for the racist stuff he said on-stage. But the stupid ass audience thought he was joking, so they kept laughing while he was trying to apologize.




omg it was goes on and on so long and it just gets worse.



Point is, Smaug, in the movies, doesn't have four legs, which makes him a Wyvern not a dragon.

wyvern is a subspecies of dragons dumbass

>stop laughing its not funny

So painful to watch...

Even Dan Aykroyd, who bent over backwards to praise the movie looks like he's suffering every minute of this

What was Colbert's stance, given that he's a self purported Tolkien """""""""""scholar""""""""""" on whether Smaug was a dragon or wyvern?
That thing seems to have forefeet judging by the picture.

The dragon in Dragonslayer doesn't have four legs either. So what?

That's like saying a chihuahua is a subspecies of wolf. They're two different things.

>stop laughing, its not funny
literally the best thing to come out of that whole shitshow.

>wyvern is a subspecies of dragons dumbass
But are they though? The difference between have four limbs and six is rather huge for one to be a subset of the other. It'd be almost as ridiculous as saying snakes are a subspecies of lizards.

Wyverns are similar to but separate creatures from dragons, having only four limbs (two legs, two wings) and being unable to breathe fire. I'm not sure about drakes. In the Hobbit, Smaug was mentioned as being "a fire-drake from the North", but also a dragon, which implies that the two have basically the same meaning.

But honestly, Wyverns look more realistic than then the Pegus Lizards.

they aren't subspecies because they aren't species, they are all complete fictional and it denepdns on who you ask to hear what is what.
tolkien said smaug was a dragon, that's it for me.

Does it matter?

Wyverns have wings. Dragons are wingless.



Is there a more blatant underage indicator than this?

>said some nasty things to some afro americans
>[audience laughs]
>lots of trash talk
>[audience laughs louder]
this shit never gets old

>Dragons are wingless.
clearly not in tolkien's fictional universe.

that one interview with crispin glover, i think it was on letterman

Not even close.

>he thinks wyrms are dragons
Point and laugh at this man.

Cringing is a natural human response, you numbnuts. You're acting like I said "yolo swag 420 blaze it faget"

>it's not funny

Oh but it is Jerry, it is.


wyrm and dragon are used interchangeably in medieval europe

There isn't, no.

yeah. it's pretty funny.

Yes, but you used the word cringe as an adjective, which might as well be 420 blaze it yolo faggot. It makes you sound just as gay and teenaged.


Almost like acting.

makes you think huh

>this fuckin guy

Is more blatant indicator of underage than being this autistically contrarian?

>There she is.

Western dragons have wings. The difference is wyverns have two legs while dragons have four.

>It's a Cred Forums discusses dragons vs wyverns autism thread

Ffs, go back to your Cred Forums skyrim threads.

Except not """"""""""""""""english"""""""""""""""" at the time had wyrm as a term for snakes and another most likely still disgustingly German sounding term for dragon. Wyrms were prevalent among German and Northern tribes which presented their giant reptiles as wingless and at times legless serpents.
Gaels and Slavs had their giant lizards, with four legs and wings. Gaels called them draig which likely had common parent term as drake. Slavs called them smok.

dragons can have as many legs as they want, they are fucking dragons ya bitches

>All this 'dragon vs wyvern' bullshit

Painful to watch.

Shit I mean 01:39

>as he posts a wyrm


You don't even know what contrarian means, do you? You're just tossing buzzwords around trying to say no u.

that's like saying spiders are insects, they even have the two leg difference

Really? Muh wyverns again...
You fucking autists really have no life, do you?

This reminds me of the people arguing if It was a drider or a spider. Fucking autistic. Dragon is just the pop culture term for large reptilian creatures that have powers. Without powers its just a dinosaur.

This is hands down the winner, what in the FUCK were they thinking?

schadenfreude distilled into a succulent tonic

I remember watching this live with Cred Forums

good times

It's pre recorded and the live audience is watching on the fucking monitors, you retard.

>its not funny

does this out Jerry as a hack fraud for failing to see the humor in such an absurd situation as a comedian having to go on the david letterman show and apologize to "black people" as an entire entity because he called two obnoxious asshole hecklers "nigger"?

I wish I could have seen my dads face when he saw that shit. He watched the show religiously

I watched about 14 seconds of it with Cred Forums. I don't think I'd describe those seconds as "good times" at all.

so cringe