He wanted to become President. would he be Republican or Democrat?

He wanted to become President. would he be Republican or Democrat?

Would he beat trump?

probably a democrat. so did he get off the pills at the end or what?

wasn't he a democrat in the show?

i don't think they ever mentioned his party in the show.
but i would say he would run democrat for the best chance of winning

Of course he would. Dems are doing bad because they decided to coronate an unlivable old crone that's hated by large swaths of the country.

I really love that movie, but it's depressing to think about.

>you will never stumble upon a super drug that unlocks your potential overnight

Democrat, a high IQ knowitall wouldn't appeal to republicans.

Democrat as he wasn't a racist bastard.

racism makes sense from a strictly logical point of view, as in understanding that races have genetic differences that make each of them best suited for different tasks.

The poor-mans racism is thinking that all "white" are the same race, as well as all "black".

Someone like him would win election as a democrat so easy.

a smart attractive white guy, to steal a lot of white voters from the republicans, especially females. and minorities will automatically vote democrat regardless.

easy automatic win. this is also without his mental ability to make the perfect moves, and give perfect speeches and debates.

>being stupid makes total sense when you are a retard
well done you utter spastic

EU LUL here. Check your history user. Btw wikipedia is not history book.

sound argument my democratic friend

But he was intelligent, so he would be racist.

but you need minorities to win the vote so he couldn't be racist

you can be racist, and still manage to appeal to minorities.

Look at literally every democratic candidate in the history of the USA.

obama was racist?

He'll pretend to be non-racist, like Hillary does.

is and was, along with his wife

watch the show. Bradley Cooper is in some of the episodes. short answer no

Republican, obviously. His IQ became too high to be a Democrat and now he's intelligent enough to manipulate the retarded "muh feels" masses into voting for a Republican.

Show isn't a canon.

Obama is the most racist president we've had since Johnson.

Whats between Republicans and Democrats ? He would probably be that, considering that hes not a fucking retard

>actually thinking this way
conservatives everyone

but to get the best chance of winning he would have to choose a party since it's almost impossible to win without being either one.

he would likely go democrat, much easier to win.

is Trump on NZT? it would explain how he was so amazing at media manipulation for a year straight but then was acting like he was coming off of a drug binge during the debate, he ran out of pills

Yes, conservatives aren't blinded by a pretence everyone is born equal.

>is Trump on NZT?

The pills aren't about taking the path of least resistance. He could run as a Republican and see the perfect avenue toward uniting both parties into supporting him.

The question is, would a genius operate under a fiscally liberal or conservative economic plan? And the answer is pretty obvious.

no one is born equal, its how we equalize ourselves through life


Not all republicans are racist, from my personal experience they tend to be less obsessed about race than many of the so-called democrats who crush what MLK aimed at.

A new one. He's a genius, damn it.

Come on man, you set yourself up for perfect bait. Don't you want those precious (you)'s? Here's one anyway

how do you figure?

show is over now so it doesn't really matter


>high iq know it all
Sounds like Trump

Well he becomes a genius so obviously democrat

No stock trader is ever a democrat

Not to mention most of his sponosers are major corporations and to keep his drug line of NZT open he would need to have less strict social policy guidelines

He's a republican by governmental stances
By virtue he would be considered a modern democrat

Fun fact
In the book the final scene was edward norra dying from NZT side effects while he watches the president of the united states who is under the effect of NZT declare war on mexico


It's a known fact intelligent people vote Democrat

there are more democrat ex grand KKK wizards than there are republican....

do you actually believe this?