Jebus chrost what a terrible actress and pointless character

jebus chrost what a terrible actress and pointless character

atleast the fat one, the aging one and the nigress played characters and didn't just stand there pulling faces.

She is sexy as fuck though. Makes my dick drip and my face all red and huffy puffy.

the three "scientists "in that piece of shit were complete clichés but she takes the fucking cake.
It's like the retards in charge of writing this saw a picture of Doc Brown and said "this is going to be our character"

agreed, she's awful. I have no idea how her performance is actually praised as the high point of the movie, all that mugging is just dreadful to watch

>She is sexy as fuck though

She really isn't, she looks like a lizard.

Ay can dink of free ways to use a dayd bodee TUH DAYH



She's an openly gay lesbiano bull dyke. She's gotten more pussy than all the people on this board combined

at least we won't see her in many movies now everyone know she can't fucking act for shit

jesus christ she was fucking terrible

that scene looked like it came straight from a bad episode of Space Invader Zim.

>She's gotten more pussy than all the people on this board combined

You can't multiply from 0

Well fuck you, OP. I thought she was the best of the four.

then you need to kys you shit taste autist

Spotted the American.

>uses kys
>expects to be taking seriously on an adult board


>Cred Forums's smartest

>MOOOM! I need help with an online comeback
nailed it! :D

She's the only one I'd dick

American education at work.

>adult board
I can't even tell where detached irony ends and shitposting begins anymore.

well this is irony right here:

As for shitposting... I dunno, man. throw a dart at the screen. Whatever post it hits is probably one.

Kevin takes the cake for being the worst.

>Oh no a loud noise
>Better cover my eyes!
And they used that as a joke twice in like 5 minutes.

I get what they were trying to go for with his character, but they took it to such an extreme that it was just cringe inducing.


She's so fine.


That's my dog's name!

But she dances, mimes 80s songs and even does the elevator move. She is sooo funny. Since watching her I have become a full blown lesbian myself. I have started saving up my pocket money so that one day when I am over 18 I can have a sex change and be just like her.

Lesbian women are funny. Get over it.

>I get what they were trying to go for with his character, but they took it to such an extreme that it was just cringe inducing.
that could be said about most characters in that movie, really

She's by far the funniest SNL cast member right now, but she was the worst, most unfunny Ghostbusters member.

Anyone else tired of the phrase "stole the show" ?

I want to fug a less bean.

>the aging one

>this is the math they teach at common core

Shut up faggot, this bitch and Wigg were the only '''''good'''' thing about that movie...i can't believe some of you were praising that Thorfag for acting like a retard faggot as people are useless.

no she's bi

So true. Surprisingly Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy were the least annoying characters.

McCarthy's character was annoying because she was McCarthy.

I expected her to be 10x more annoying because she is McCarthy. I think the other characters made her more tolerable than usual.

Hemsworth made it watchable.

Should have had an all guy team including him.

Not enough won tons!

Too many won tons!

Hemsworth was almost as awful as McKinnon in this movie. They were both way too fucking over the top and didn't fit in at all.

American """""""education"""""" everyone.