So it's October in a day, what horror films will you be watching leading up to Halloween?

So it's October in a day, what horror films will you be watching leading up to Halloween?

Is anyone else gonna try and watch a film a night (or every other night) in tribute?

Compiling my list, need some fresh recs.

Trick R Treat
Fright Night (both versions)
Friday the 13th
Halloween (The original)
The Witch

That's all I got off the top of my head. I don't own The Witch or Halloween but I know The Witch is streaming on Amazon.

>Trick R Treat

was it just me who was underwhelmed? Didn't live up to the hype.

Best be finishing on the original Halloween.

I never post threads on here except during October. In 2 days time I will begin posting silver shamrock threads everyday til Halloween.

I'll be on the Cred Forums streaming site watching horror movies just like the last 3 years

Trick R Treat
The Cabin in the Woods
The Witch
It Follows
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Thing

Maximum reddit "horror fan" 2bh

What's are channels called? There are 2 prominent ones. I need to bookmark that shit since for whatever reason the mods like to delete the threads.

sup tv org

I made a list of 31 films for 1 a day, tried to go with a few different ones I haven't seen (Thing prequel etc)

Pleae don't bully:

Halloween remake
PRince of Darkness
In the mouth of madness
noroi the curse
The Thing (Remake)
Nightmare On Elm Street
The Descent
Evil Dead
Under The Skin
Evil Dead 2
Halloween 3
Cigarette Burns
Shaun of the Dead
THe Cure
Ich Sei Ich Sei
The Invitation
Green Room
Jeepers Creepers

Yeah man, post the link

what hype? that it's a good movie to watch on halloween? because it is that and only that.

movies i haven't seen before.

i watched it one a whim back in the day and it was enjoyable but the reddit tier hyperbole has ruined it for a lot of people

I watch a lot of horror throughout the month but on Halloween I try to keep it only movies/shows set on Halloween.

>the v/h/s segment 10/31/1998
>trick 'r treat
>satans little helper
>hocus pocus
>donnie darko
>idle hands

>south park
>billy and mandy

>Tree House of Horror

Why did I never think of this.

Halloweentown marathon.

Is Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween core or Christmas core?

hot topic core

Equally both.


FUCK you nigger. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

My list is huge. However, it's not even October yet and I'm already 20 films in. Disregard my annotations; this is the list of films watched, not films yet to be watched.

I like your handwriting, user.

Rotate that shit 90 degrees then maybe somebody will read it.

I also just acquired this shirt, in honor of my favorite vampire movie.

It's /cantwatchitanothertimewithoutvomiting/ core. Mars Attacks is kino.

monster madness desu

It did that on its own. My picture is oriented correctly. Not sure why that happens sometimes.

Thank you.

Syfy and AMC horror fests for sure

Definitely going to do a horror/halloween movie every day. I made a list with everything I want to watch that's readily available so I'll pull from that.

I also tried to get some comics, cartoons, tv shows, podcasts, and whatever else fits the season. I'm fucking ready to get spooked.

I watched it without any hype, because I just randomly picked it up at Walmart. I guess going in with no expectations the movie turned out surprisingly good.

I think this is a solid list, I'll definitely have a large list though.

I don't know how that's maximum reddit to be honest, they're all pretty good movies (except I haven't seen the Witch so I can't really comment on that).

Not sure about Halloween 3, definitely the worst of the bunch in my opinion.

I agree with the other user, your handwriting is really nice.

I be mixing up some classics with some modern stuff, but I know I'm definitely going to have these...

Ginger Snaps
SaW (just the first one)
Scream (just the first one)
Insidious (probably 1&2)
Might try to slip Dracula 2000 in there because it's a guilty pleasure
Then I imagine whatever is on AMC or SyFy along with whatever tickles my fancy on Netflix.

I doubt that I'll watch a movie per day, though I will try to finish off at least half of the horror films on my to-watch list.
I don't feel like posting the entire list but it's like 30 found footage, some 2015 shit, some new french extremism that I still haven't gotten around to and some "obscure" horror films from Iran and India and Indonesia.