That rape scene in road warrior

>that rape scene in road warrior

how the fuck can the same person make movies then happy feet and babe in the city? the actual fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

he is a mad man

Babe in the City has that cripple dog almost getting killed though, complete with a vision of himself in Heaven with fixed legs.

More crucially how can he go from making a red pilled movie like Road Warrior to making feminist agenda pushing shit like Fury Road. Compare the rape scene in RW to the rifle scene in Fury Road and it's like seeing "literally our guy" turn into Anita Sarkessian.

You are a fucking retard, like almost a year later you spout the same illogical verbal diarrhea in hopes someone will agree with you when honestly they should be taking a pickaxe to your groin.

You don't know what you're talking about, don't ever post again.

He truly is Mad Max: Fury Road

>anita sarkessian
You need to go back

>honestly they should be taking a pickaxe to your groin.
Well it's no surprise that a Furiosa Road apologist is in favor of the castration of white males.
>illogical diarrhea
Except Fury Road having a feminist subtext is objective fact. Whether or not that's a problem I'll let you decide, but it's there no matter how hard you pretend otherwise.

>Except Fury Road having a feminist subtext is objective fact

Do you really think the basic idea of "Women shouldn't be breeding cattle" is a feminist only ideal?

I consider anybody who would hold that belief to be an ideological enemy of the white race and I would support their execution.

>Female can hold her own
>It's feminist propaganda!


>Well it's no surprise that a Furiosa Road apologist is in favor of the castration of white males.

please tell me that you're pretending to be this autistic

I would say George Miller should direct a star wars movie but I'd rather him do his own thing.

Why do you hate women so much user?

Did someone hurt you?

>Fury Road having a feminist subtext is objective fact

Yes. What of it?

It ruined the films plot and story, and integrity. none of you vaginas will agree, but it did. It wasnt a mad max film, it was charlize therons film.

>Never takes on group of 200lb men and wins
>Does what she does best, shooting and driving
>Completely believable

>Sarkessian has directed it.

Kek just stopping in to rile the pot. You guys realize that Charlize Theron overpowers and at one point literally pins Hardy against a wall during their spat, WITH 1 ARM. And these retards saying "no she was just a woman who could hold her own". Fury road was garbage because it would have ended 10 minutes in when max catches and skull fucks the 1 armed bitch and her flock of nu(Fe)males that probably comprise 1 full woman all together. But nah, an amputee and a handful of delicate summer children can overpower a warband.

This, this, this, this.

This board has seriously gone right through the looking glass

Is /film/ actually coming or is it all a pipe dream?

Except they didn't. Max pinned Furiosa to the ground and held a gun to her head.

This bait wins you one night with Anita.

The rape scene in road warrior? Are you guys talking about the scene in the first movie where the young couple gets all fucked up

>criticizing the realism in Mad Max: Fury Road
alright then user


Holy fuck you are stupid

>max passes for all that shit in the start of the movie
>tied to a dead weight
>against like 5 girls
>and max still wins

Why does Fury Road being feminist make it bad? It's not shoving a point down your throat or anything. It just shows that some women can hold their own out in the wasteland - that's about it, really.

it's almost like people experience multiple emotions or something

>Everybody's retarded but me, I'm the only one who's right!
Look at the Cred Forumsermin manbaby and laugh

>people think women would be able to hold their own in the post apocalypse

why do you people have to argue about fucking everything? Why does everything have to be about your fucking social politics? How many times do you need to argue about this? No one gives a shit please leave.

HAHAHA YOU FILTHY OUTSIDER!How can you expect us to enjoy a movie if it's not about white man's burden?We are just 300lbs young wannabe directors who'll never make it in the business.

>Max just go blood drawn for hours
>Got out of a car crash
>Dragging car door and an unconscious body
>Dehydrated, about to die of exhaustion
>Fighting against 5 girls at once
>One of them armed
>Still wins
>Furiosa smart enough to install kill switch on truck, forcing Max to cooperate or die when the warband catches up
>This somehow is feminist propaganda

That's the second movie, user. The one with the oil refinery.

Road Warrior is a 10/10 classic, Fury Road is just a really good action movie