Okay so the other day we had this thread about who this character was

Okay so the other day we had this thread about who this character was.

So I've done a little digging, and this episode is s04e06. Now the first time we identified Ralph as being the son of Clancy and Sarah was in s04e01, Kamp Krusty, where he attends image enhancement camp. However, given that Homer is seeing Ms Hoover about Lisa, it stands to reason that this is the parent of somebody in Lisa's class. simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Elizabeth_Hoover's_Students None of these kids look even remotely close to this character, and given that The Simpsons almost always makes an attempt to have children look like adults, I can draw the conclusion that this has to have been Ralph's original dad, and it was implemented because the animation department wouldn't have known yet due to the messy schedule and it not being common knowledge as it was only confirmed in one small scene that probably didn't even exist yet when they were animating this scene.

The alternate explanation of course, is that he is the father of Ralph 2.0 from s7e23 Much Apu About Nothing.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ralph 2.0 for reference.

holy fuck. nice work.

Deepest lore


please get laid

anymore of these wacky finds??

>tfw they will never make a meta episode featuring ralph's original dad and other deep lore

It's a joke, you dip. One's an animation error and one's a weird short sighted anachronism.

I love these hidden messages

Wasn't it Martin who's parents were sending him to "image enhancement camp"?

One Ralph seems slightly bigger than the other...

They're not "hidden messages" just misconstrued coincidences. I enjoy seeing things like this but people who entertain the idea that a cartoon show somehow knew these events happened is ridiculous.

Not saying you do this.

Nah we've seen martins dad before.


Oh you're right. I was misremembering it as both Ralph and Martin, because Ralph was off model during that one scene, my brain put two and two together and assumed he was at fat camp with Martin, because I also remember Bart freeing his "chunky brothers" when he unleashes his coup on Mr Black(y) and the counsellors.

But you're right, Ralph was at Kamp Krusty with the others, only Martin was at fat camp.

One could say that Ralph is a big guy.

I remember Ralph sounding really off during this scene.
Like his voice sounded deeper or something.

He sounds okay. You might be thinking of this episode from season 3. Infact, maybe this is Ralph 2.0?

Also pic related, from the spirit coyote episode, is another notable time Ralph has been off.

You mean like Principal and the Pauper

Sorry so late to responding.
Yeah that has to be the voice I was thinking of.

Maybe the writers and animators were so dispersed Ralph was all over the place before they finally made him a consistent character (before they made him into a straight retard).

I miss the Ralph we got who hung out with Bart and run around the city with the City Key.
Or the Ralph that dated Lisa and fell in love with her.
Guess they Flanderized him into a retard as well.

I swear I've seen that Horse riding scene but with Nelson saying the line (its his voice) instead of Ralph. Did they fix it for later runs of the episode? Or am i just crazy.

Well they wouldn't fix it to make it wrong. It's always been Ralph with Nelson's voice. Either Mandela effect or a false memory.

interesting stuff. I agree that it probably took them a while to really decide what type of character Ralph was and what they wanted to do with him.

also, is there a clip online from the coyote episode? I don't remember ralphs scene exactly

There are people who defend this scene saying he's supposed to be acting masculine. I think it's just a case of overworked Korean animators throwing in an approved background character model at random. It's not even Nelsons voice like a lot of people say. It's close but way more aloof.

Man I can't even remember this scene and I can't find it on YouTube.

literally austistic the thread

Literally kill yourself.

Impressive work.

dang, how did the Simpsons predict the hindenburg disaster?

The writers didn't decide that Ralph was Wiggum's son until I Love Lisa. They talk about it on the commentary.

>Actual Discussion on Cred Forums
>hurrr fucking autismmmm


Ralph is funny.

It always bugged me how the outline of his head conforms to his strands of hair.


I never knew it was this bad. Dear god.

Have the animators said anything about the tower painting?


this 1?


>He's got the proportional strength of a paralyzed spider!
Ok, I laughed.

Was I love Lisa produced before Kamp Krusty or something, because it aired much later

dear god neither did I..

yeah, that's it. thanks.


Honey, Dea ain't a word.

Is there really any doubt that it would be reference to the 1970s movie "The Towering Inferno?"


sick reference, bro