"Fact-checking Hillary Clinton is like playing chess with a grandmaster...

>"Fact-checking Hillary Clinton is like playing chess with a grandmaster. Fact-checking Donald Trump is like playing checkers with someone who's not very good at playing checkers."
>audience bursts into laughter
Holy fuck

Someone wrote that joke, and then put it on television, and then said "It's so good, let's put it in every commercial"

Other urls found in this thread:




>it's a drumpfkin thread

I'm not memeing or shitposting here. I was half-watching a rerun of "1,000 ways to die" while eating breakfast and that commercial came on and that statement crossed my ears and it's like...

Where's the fucking joke?

The full shilling of corrupt Clinton is in affect.

Donald is an idiot though.

God save us all

>Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next American president
absolute kek

Found it.


>this was so funny we're going to use it to advertise our whole show

This is why I hate this election.

They're both shit but people are pretending one is so less so.

Fuck everyone who says don't vote 3rd party, it's that thinking is why we're stuck between a douche and a turd.

I can understand why a dumb fuck might actually like Donald Trump. But does a "Hillary Clinton fan" actually exist?

What's with this new american obsession with "fact checkers"

Even Hillary begged them to help her during the debate

>Trump lies more because of our self-selecting sample of Trump's and Hillary's statements
>fact-checking organisation
>doesn't know what selection bias is

Holy shit that's retarded

Is that joke supposed to be anti-C!inton or anti-Trump? Being able to easily fact-check what someone says is a good thing, isn't it?

Afraid of facts?

So it was said by a guest interviewed? Not a comedy writer? Why is this even a thread.

Hillary Clinton:
>Well the fact is that the circumstances suggest a certain result and you can't prove otherwise unless you find a manilla folder buried in an archive in New Mexico in 1979

Donald Trump:
>My dad works at Nintendo

Trump is effectively 3rd party. He already broke the Republican Party, and if Hillary loses to him (after how she and the DNC fucked Bernie over) the Democratic Party will break as well.

Only plebs actually vote for PRESIDENT based on policy. You vote President based on deeper ideals.

>Afraid of facts?

I'm afraid of people who present their opinions or ill-thought-out research as facts or use any number of biases to twist their own argument, as every "fact checking" body I've seen does

Sadly Yes.

But you try to bring up any of her corruption and her inneptness why she is not fit to lead.

neither are fit but Trump is not a politician and has had no experience.

Hillary has had experience and always manages to fuck everything up and screwing over people, and then plays dumb.


I don't trust him but I would go with him over Hillary.

The thing is that with Trump, people already ridicule him and call him out on his shit but the same people will not do so with Hillary.

It's better to have a asshole you know you can't trust but people will call out than one that nobody does and is in bed with them.

checks and balances bitches.

I liked him when he first started running. It's mainly because he's not just another suit, he's never been in senate or congress and that's what makes him different. Plus he's a businessman which we kind of need to fix this mess of an economy.

I guess over time he just flip-flopped way too much
>we're gonna build a wall
>a wall? I never said that, we're keeping most mexicans i love mexicans
>i never pay my taxes because I'm smart
>never pay my taxes? I never said that, lower taxes, i love taxes

then the only thing Hillary runs on is
>Donald Trump...is sexist and hates women
>yes but what are your plans for America
>Trump...hates women and is a bully. I am a woman

America is pretty much fucked either way

"Fact Checker" is like some kind of awful 2016 meme

Hillary Clinton actually does this thing now where she smirks and says "Let me correct the record" like she's pursuing Trump's title as IRL shitposter

And yet, if you try to bring up trumps inconsistancies, lack of any real knowledge about how government works or operates, day to day nuances, meme border control policies, and lack of understanding of just how volatile statements and attitudes are on the world stage, trumpfags do the same and ignore all that and scream "based god emperor trump build wall maga".

They have the same ravenous,fanboyistic support base type, just on different sides of the isle.

She's hired Chloe Moretz as her full-time meme consultant and it's beginning to pay dividends

Trump will save the republic

Its literally the Obama administration: the tv show.

Wow is he still on the air?

Trump's bullshit is a feature, not a bug

>I'm going to reduce the deficit, raise the minimum wage, forge new alliances with foreign countries and give everybody free college education
>lol j/k I'm not going to do any of that

>I'm going to be a huge prick and piss off everybody you hate, all the time

Well they couldn't cancel both failed night talk shows hosted by blacks or that'd be racist.

>there are people in this very board that are not voting for qt

It's fucking amazing that the guy can't maintain a political comedy show in the most ridiculous election of the millennium

I mean keep in mind he's got half of Stewart's ratings, and then keep in mind that Stewart spent his final season covering dog bites man stories like Delaware Senators denying witchcraft and Missouri Congressmen saying it's not really rape if the woman gets pregnant.

I'd vote for teenage hillary, she was a goldwater girl after all

>There are people on this bored who Shrill for free.

Where the fuck does someone sign up to be payed to shitpost?


It's because it's all such insanely low hanging fruit that it's boring. They also can't contain their "WOW GUYS WOW THIS IS SO STUPID WOW". There was that bit when Colbert literally just laid down on the floor when Trump won the nomination

Plus political comedy is saturated now. When it was Stewart and Colbert they were really the only two ones and they provided a nice contrast, now there's like 8 of them and it's all the same thing.

Please correct my record and find a single instance of him saying there's no more wall

I'm actually voting trump BECAUSE he's so incompetent. He will have no support from Republicans or Democrats thus minimizing any damage he can do. Then in four years we try again.

Hillary probably holds babies hostage if they don't give her what she wants. This is election is pitiful.

>Hillary is awesome

Cheers and applause

>Donald Trump....

Loud boos

>....is a shithead

Crowd laugh and whoop uncontrollably for 10 minutes

>It's because it's all such insanely low hanging fruit that it's boring.
Stewart peaked during the Bush administration, a man who once introduced an education bill by asking "Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?"

Did they just copy the 4D chess meme and fuck it up?

Well... it's more like fact-checking Hillary is like playing a game with someone who is very good at cheating at that game; fact-checking Trump is like playing a game with someone who is playing a different game.

email Hiro, he'll give you all the details

Yeah but his style of comedy and the format was fresh enough to get away with it

Can Noah even vote here? Why is some dirty foreigners opinion relevant?


Oh God that bit very early on when he tried to compare South African infrastructure to American infrastructure as if he was trying to say America has more problems than SA

Trump is so dumb he's surrounded by super models, flies in a private jet with his name on the side, lives in a deluxe penthouse, and is going to be president.

Hillary is playing politics, which is a game of cheating. Trump is playing reality TV, which is a game of audacity. They're both playing their best game, but not against each other. The US population is their opponent, and they have already lost.

>When it was Stewart and Colbert they were really the only two ones and they provided a nice contrast
I thought Tough Crowd was a better contrast to the Daily Show than Colbert was.

Really? What did she mean by this?





cos Trump voters are smart enough not to give a shit about the policy bullshit politicians spew on the election trail.

they love him BECAUSE of the lack of knowledge, unrealistic meme policy and so on, and seeing how poorly voting "logically" has worked out, they are probably on to something.

So what is saying is...

Hillary Clinton is so corrupt it's impossible for anyone except the absolute smartest people to figure her out.
Donald Trump however is a straight up honest guy and anyone can see this.

see I also see that happening.

They will undermine him at every coast.

I grantee if he wins, he will not run for re-election, he'll realize this was a waste of time.

If Hillary gets in, even if she dies, Tim Kaine will probably be president for a full 8.

Trump at least would be a breather period for the left to stop being fucking retarded.

>whats are strategy to take down trump?
>aha, we'll have people fact check him, thatll get the undecided voters on our side
>ok we'll plug it in your debate, every liberal media outlet and every newspaper we own
>itll read "Fact Check trump! Go on my website and read the fact checks!"

When Hillary loses we'll have a glorious example of how to completely mismanage and sabatoge your own election in the 21th century

And yet we all know that if he was born poor, he would not be
>surrounded by super models, flies in a private jet with his name on the side, lives in a deluxe penthouse, and is going to be president.

>there are people who actually believe that 99% of the 1% were born in the 99% like they would be in a meritocracy

Clinton is winning because the media says so. Donald Trump is bad because the media says so. Vote Clinton because the media says so.


People who support Trump tend to watch news channels that call him bad?

>Fuck everyone who says don't vote 3rd party,

You don't have an electable 3rd party.

>Trump voters

pick one

The MSM is literally losing her the election by shilling her so hard and being so blatantly anti-Trump

>Plus he's a businessman which we kind of need to fix this mess of an economy.

why are people stupid enough to believe this? do they really think a country is a fucking business?

What we need in America is a good idiot cull and Donald Trump is the only candidate eager to kill large amounts of people.

Of course, Fascism always ends up destroying everyone's lives in some way.

Hindsight really is 20-20

I really wanna hear your political opinion.

I swear to god, I really want to hear it.

Ashkenazi? yes, I am an Ashkenazi jew. so let me tell you something, kiddo.

We own the world. we stand behind the biggest companies and systems in the world. you fuck with me, my family? or I simply don't like your face? you're gone, kiddo. and I'm not talking murder here, kiddo. no, no, no. that would be TOO EASY. we will make you suffer. no, not physically. economically. you will be living in a cardboard box under a bridge sucking dick for a quarter. and you know why? just because I don't like you.

So let me tell you again. you do NOT wanna fuck with an Ashkenazi jew kiddo. because at the end of the day, you're just another tiny ant underneath my shoe.

Is Cred Forums and r/the_donald still trying to unskew polls?

They're stupid enough to believe a guy from a reality TV show so why not?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Johnson is a fucking Moron and Stein is a supersticious hag

>Have two complete shit candidates
>Say you will vote third party
>Repeat every four years
When will it be time to vote third party?

What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.

i dont think audience even knows what the fuck trump says anymore, they just lol coz trump lol and sucking hillary´s dick seems publically accepted this year

Dude, listen to him talk. He's dumb.

His father was rich.

so he's basically saying that hillary clinton is better at lying, and that's a reason to support her?

He's smarter than you.

>implying your vote matters unless you live in a swing state

I'm sure.

>disgusted by candidates
>look into third party
>agree with Gary Johnson on a lot of issues
>mfw he starts speaking

I'm literally just going to vote on secondary issues then write in Kurt Russell or some shit. What a fucking joke.

>implying your vote matters unless you live in a swing district

Can you cyber?

Thought not.

It's a shame really.

If Rand Paul had won the nomination, Rand could have legit won.


>Lived in Broward County Florida, the Orange County California, and then Washington D.C.
Eternally blue

Rand is shorter than Hillary, short people don't win elections

He is an embarrassment to South Africa.

He used to call out everyone's shit and he even used to make fun of blacks but now he has turned into an establishment sjw lapdog.

I hope he fails we don't want him back.

>VP candidate thinks guns are just for hunting

He's only two cm shorter than Hitler.

>escape from New Jersey
>happy to get away from militant liberal college death squads
>move to Naples, Florida
>everyone is 1,000 years old
>and even more obnoxious about who they're voting for (usually Dem.)

What the fuck ever happened to keeping your politics in your pocket?

Think he was trying to do the "I was play chess, when everyone else was playing checkers", but it just turned out wrong and didnt make sense.

Why not just say: "debating is like playing against a Chess grandmaster, Hillary is doing very well, while Trump is still trying to figure out why the checkers pieces look so weird".

I'm not a CTF or whatever, but you could've played that so many different ways.

Its a quote from a reporter they interviewed. Nobody on the show wrote that joke.

The only people that watch this show are too young to vote.


I hate Hillary but Trump pisses me off simply for his support base
>Live in south
>Everyone hated Trump until he became the candidate
>Much more Rubio, Jeb, and even Cruz support
>Everyone I know raved about how "unstable", "unsafe", and "unsupportable" Trump was and how they'd never be able to vote for him if he got the nomination
>Until he did
>Now everyone is retconning their support and pretending like "no, I always supported him. How dare other republicans not support him like I do!"
I don't even care if people just vote for their party, but I fucking can't stand when people just won't fucking admit that's the case. Everyone I know who supports Trump HATED him until he actually was the only choice, now all of a sudden he's their Christ. This shit just sums up why I hate this election. Same goes with Hillary, but it's not nearly as big a deal where I live.

>"Fact-checking Hillary Clinton is like playing chess with a grandmaster. Fact-checking Donald Trump is like playing checkers with someone who's not very good at playing checkers."
This was really approved to go on air? You would think they would be a little more self-conscious about shilling this hard. Besides that, it's not even clever.

Still, if you live in a red or blue district, you're wasting your time voting for one of the main parties.

You should not think of it as third parties throwing your vote away, you should recognize when you're in a locked district, and THEN vote third party.

And don't forget, 90%+ of elections are won by the candidate that spends the most money campaigning.

I see

Lmao, Trump only said that false statistic to bait Bernie into releasing a true statistic that he would never have dared to say otherwise, and it fucking worked. Same with the whole birther conference thing. He's kind of a genius that way, in case you hadn't noticed.

Nobody that show pays writes any of the jokes.

>unpaid interns have never been funnier than they are today

>In America you can just buy testosterone
>here the doctor laughed me out for asking

I'll always be a little numale cuck

>>"Fact-checking Hillary Clinton is like playing chess with a grandmaster.

Hillary said a thing that I found hard to believe.
I googled for a bit.
Yup she was wrong.

It's harder to fact check her, but it's not playing chess with a grandmaster.

So he means fact checking Hillary is difficult, while fact checking Trump is easy?

So what Trump says is truth that's easy to find, while Clinton says unsupported lies?
Am I getting the analogy right?

America is literally turning into Idiocracy, a movie satirizing and over-exaggerating American culture.

I hope you all realize how stupid this is.

If you are rich enough to sponsor an election campaign in America that rivals the two parties, you just join one of the two to save money

what if its the jews

first a black man then a woman

Go to /fit/ right now user, it's never too late

Okay dude first off,
1) A REAL Navy Seal wouldn't go around bragging about his accomplishments and possibly reveal his identity.
2) The United States isn't a totalitarian regime so if you were to attack citizens randomly, then you'd be going to jail
3) What is a Navy Seal doing on Cred Forums anyways?
You're probably a NEWFAG who cannot get fucking laid.

I kek'd.
Also, that's actually accurate. I do believe both are terrible options, but I wouldn't trust the greatest army in the world to someone that gets so easily baited.

No. What he's saying is that both candidates are incredibly dishonest but Hillary is Darth Sidious and Trump is Todd Howard

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is like eating ice cream in a bowl.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is like shitting in a bowl and calling it ice cream.

>le memey contrarian libtard man

Reminder those racist ASSHOLES at pol are talking shit about us RIGHT NOW

there was never any ice cream in that bowl, Leibowitz

Sup Reddit

he baited bernie a year after bernie said that?

that post is accurate. people should stop crying about opinions they don't like and either ignore them or say something intelligent in response to them.

Friendly reminder that Trump is an actual genius and an absolute madman.




At the most he received $100 million inheritance, turns it into atleast 3 billion.

>yeah it's all daddies money

Except that is isn't the problem the problem is constant threads that are not Television or Film related. How many threads on Cred Forums were made about that video of Hillary seizuring her way into that van? And kek at this Dane trying to take the high road on discussion quality when cuck is the go to tactic.

t. nigger


Shut the fuck up Cred Forums. Trump is like the fucking Frank Drebbin of politics.

Im still waiting for an argument against Trump.
seems like women and fags butthurt that he called a woman fat in the 90s and doesnt want to be flooded with muslims

why don't all you pretend conservative faggots just read this and be done with it?


>liberal filth is stupid

More at 11

Are we really pretending the vast majority of what trump says aren't outright lies that have been proven to be lies by dozens of legitimate journalists?

Shit, even Cred Forums accepted it was over after the debate. Why can't Cred Forums?

He's no cyber expert like hilldawg that's for sure.

wtf i hate hilldawg now


>Hillary doesn't have a plan

her plan is Obama administration 2.0 and probably ignore Bernie's changes to the party platform as much as possible, which is sill better than Trump

also to be fair if you were Hillary Clinton would you really not use the dumb shit Trump said against him?

It would be so bad if they weren't continually giving Hillary a free pass.

They're both shit but one has had political power and experience and did a lot of terrible things with it.

If nobody calls out Hillary, she remains unchecked and that is what worries me.

Trump will be called out every time.

Then again the media does it so much that if he actually does something horrific people just stop caring.

You have a boy who cried wolf scenario brewing.


>did a lot of terrible things with it.
name one that's not a ridiculous Cred Forums meme. what unilateral power do you think a first lady, senator or secretary of state has?

He would be less likely to succeed in negotiating a nuclear crisis. That's the most important role the POTUS can have and Clinton would be much better at it.

>S-stop fact c-checking my overlord
>h-he's just trying to m-make us great again!

Its gonna be so funny when trump loses.

>Im still waiting for an argument against Trump.

The debate he had with Clinton was pretty much all you need. Also, saying he'll "blow Iran's ships out of the water" shows he's not exactly all there and thus not fit for the presidency. It's a total shit show, a complete buffoon and a withered old hag. Get your shit together America.

Trump has been negotiating international business deals for decades and he wrote THE book on negotiating. Hillary caused the clusterfuck we have in Syria.

do you prefer buying hostages from Iran?

Blame trump. He started this shit show.

>not just taking all the oil and glassing the sandmonkeys
this is why you guys are losers, and you know what they say about losers

>I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has nuclear reactors. He is so good with these nuclear reactors, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of nuclear reactors is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly nuclear reactors is one of them.

No, I prefer respecting their waters as they should ours.

so you prefer isolationism to Hillary's neocon nation building and world policing?

No, but I do believe in respecting boundaries.

I just watched that recently.

Too depressing wasn't funny.

>fuck facts all i care about is my nonsensical opinion being validated
The post

>facts don't matter!
- Trump fags

le vote third party meme

what a fucking moron

You vote for whichever of the 2 you like least by not voting

And then it offended you so much you posted it to Cred Forums to make sure everyone knew about it. Clearly it's top tier writing.

I don't think so. Pretty sure he just wanted to share how shitty something was, which is what happens here often.

That's the most brilliant summation of this election thst I've seen. My hat is off to you, sir.

What aren't they covering that you think they should be hun?

If shillory wins

>America looks like a wet pussy
>Russia lols at us
>CHINA keks at us
>isis dies laughing as they rape and kill people while Hillary blamea the NRA and racism
>Even more SJW cucking
>Refugees placed in mostly white areas and somewhere around 500 to 1000 cases of rape "reported" in nearby areas

If Trump Wins
>America looks like a patriarchal penis
>Russia begins to like us
>China keks at us but in good fun. Before falling into an elevator shaft
>isis gets bombed
>Americans are given empowerment and not blame
>Refugees fuck off
>College kids get butt hurt

Hillary wont have nearly the level of media butthurt. Itll just be obama with a bigger dick but more emotions. TRUMP winning would probably destroy the liberal media. Hillary winning is just another shitty 4 years of shit


lmao, OUT

Here's my argument against Trump. When asked how he'd deal with ISIS, he said, "We'll take the oil away from them," then refused to elaborate in even the slightest way on what he meant by that statement, saying that unlike Hillary, he didn't want to give away his strategy to them.

The problem is, he doesn't need to elaborate on it, because there's only one way to accomplish that - boots on the ground. Unless we've made insane advances over the past few years and can field a legit robot ground force, that means sending soldiers back into that sandy clusterfuck of a hellhole to fight and die. Again. And you can be damned sure that those young men and women won't come from any families that Trump knows or associates with. They'll come from families you know, maybe even your own.

I for one, am vehemently opposed to spilling one more drop of American blood on problems that the "big boys" in that neighborhood are perfectly capable of should be solving on their own. As much as I hate the Saudi regime, I'd rather see them field a ground force to deal with the problems in Irag and Syria. In fact, I'd welcome it, because it would mean they're actually shedding blood and money and getting their hands dirty for a change.

They don't, especially if you're running for President. Learn your persuasion.

>if you call them facts that means they are facts

This whole post is irony, right?

How do you retards not get Trump is a liberal thats only on the republican ticket because he knew that'd be his best shot?

Oh shit, you're right, we need a true conservative, that's why I'm now a #CruzMissle.

Real estate deals aren't international politics.
>he wrote THE book on negotiating
He wrote a business textbook?

>don't vote for these mainstream morons, vote for the morons nobody else would even consider!

What is Aleppo?

Hilary's foreign policy is hawkish as fuck tho

Libertarians seem pretty fun though.

>making it public on how you're going to deal with a terrorist group
Are you fucking stupid?

>Cred Forums is this retarded

A better question would be, take the oil away from who? It belongs to the Iraqi people (as much as I dislike Arabs and their quite fortunate geographical locations, the Kurds are OK), and last time I checked they didn't get a very good deal in a war that was started for something that had nothing to do with them. That oil needs to go back into Iraq, to ensure they have some semblance of order (not necessarily democratic) and infrastructure - a task the West was completely not ready for and should have never attempted. I don't think Trump meant this as anything more than to get a woohoo and another headline, but it'd be fun to see him answer it.

Pull your head out of your ass and conjecture on how you do that without putting troops in Syria and back in Iraq. Go ahead. I'll wait.

His qualifications and track record are still exceptional and far exceed Hillary's.

A Hillary vote is playing Russian Roulette with a semi auto
with Trump at least you get to spin the cylinder.

he literally was a train wreck of a business man who immediately got bankrupt on all his buildings but the banks wanted to keep his name on them because they were worth more as "Trump" buildings.
Then once the banks successfully made back the money he lost, he took all the money out of the stocks, which cost the banks billions of dollars.

ok so you're clearly a woman. But I'm impressed that you have such a nuanced view of the banking world and can articulate it so well to us troglodytes.

Caspere knew this.

He has no political experience.

>it's an uneducated english major thinks he knows what bankruptcy actually means and thinks it's all the same

>which cost the banks billions of dollars.
Good, fuck the banks.

(((Fact Checking)))

aka "Even though multiple members involved in Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign started rumours that Obama was born in Kenya, unless you can actually find Clinton stating that Obama was born in Kenya any connection between Hillary and Birtherism is pure paranoid conspiracy-mongering, checkmate Republikkkans"

I don't understand how there can be satirists who openly support one politician over another. Everything out of a satirist's mouth should be satire. This guy and Kate McKinnon doing Hillary impressions while worshipping her are futile as what they're supposed to be. Tar and feather the coon, correctively rape the dyke.

>It's a "liberal arts major doesn't understand debt and capital leverage" thread

Yeah I'm sure Gary Johnson is just a gas at parties

Was going to vote Johnson but he'a revealed himself as a nincompoop like Trump

Hillary is literally evil and Jill Stein is also a nutcase

I will vote Trump though simply because he makes the right people upset and the left is more annoying than the right these days

Wow a foreigner who didn't grow up in this country talking about how America should be

Let's listen!

Great post, and it's right at the level of discussion that Trump does not, can not, and will not, engage in. I hope others will notice that discussion of it gives absolutely nothing away to ISIS.

it's a trump cuck can't accept the facts episode

>Jill Stein is also a nutcase

But she's our nutcase

Trump will never win and it was honestly mean spirited to allow you alt-right fucks to think otherwise.
People under the age of 25 shouldn't be allowed to vote.

she's actually 4 years younger than hillary

I'm glad you've found a way to feel superior.


At least Trump won't die 100 days into his term drowning in his own body fluids

yes you samefagging autist shill
have fun throwing away your vote and choosing to not voice your opinion faggo

>Meme reply
Still won't win the election.

what is that in dog years?

>implying voting does anything

electoral college makes voting irrelevant

Every business he ever ran has failed.

>You need to voice your opinion by choosing one of these two parties with a despotic stranglehold on the political and legal system

K pham

>What is Benghazi
>What is the iraq war

Are you sure?

know one will ever know that you threw away your vote in the election.
you have a decision between two candidates and you are choosing not to make it.

>Clinton was among the ones that gave the heads up for Iran to start developing nuclear weapons
>Clinton was the one that allowed the selling of uranium to the russians

If anything any possible nuclear crisis will be caused by her in the first place.

all of the best presidents were businessmen
this country was set up to run like a business
thats why we have a PRESIDENT (CEO) and not a premier or prime minister or some other faggy named position

boy thats a lot of red

>Who is James Madison

We've had an actor before.

Well phrased.

I used to like Colbert, never liked Stewart. But Colbert was enjoyable.

I'm glad you've found a way to feel superior by regurgitating xkcd drivel.

>Trump is effectively 3rd party.

This. Libertarian cucks are just mad that the first really successful third-party candidate isn't an open-borders weed-smoking faggot, so they're pretending that Trump running under the Republican ticket ACTUALLY matters when his entire popularity is his total lack of conformity with both the Democratic and Republican Party.

Hillary-voters have LITERALLY gone on record publicly stating that one of the reasons they hate Trump-supporters is because of how many of them are actually fit and muscular, because it represents "toxic masculinity" or some shit when you aren't a granola-munching whisp in weird thick-rimmed glasses.

This shit isn't even made up. We literally live in a world where male Democrats are this fucking pathetic.

>my candidate is really good at lying to federal agents and congress! that's why she is good!

>for some reason i am in support of this behavior. i don't really know why but i feel that i have to be!

This has to be the most stupid regurgitated sentiment i've seen this election. Fuck your third party retards. MAGA

The fact that you even have to say 'real unemployment' just goes to show how fucking corrupt this country is.

The fact the DNC was revealed to be rigged. Seriously nothing no where, if John Oliver reported about it, I'd at least believe he has our well being but he does not, what I've learned about this election is that Most Liberals are not liberal at all, they're just Democrats. I'm against only right wing corruption but left wing corruption is perfectly acceptable and that's what pisses me off about this election,

>What's with this new american obsession with "fact checkers"

Most "fact checkers" are run by Liberal nu-males with a BLATANT agenda and their sites rarely contain facts, so they're a great way for Liberals to pretend that reality is on their side when it isn't solely because their source for data has "fact" in the name somewhere.

Kek, that's total bullshit. He's never even personally gone bankrupt and only 4 of his buisinesses have gone bankrupt.

I can't wait for Hillary to win in this rigged election. Cred Forumss tears will be so delicious, that is if Hiro doesn't delete them first.

>name one that's not a ridiculous Cred Forums meme
I'll name you two: Destroying Syria and destroying Libya.


>fit and muscular

Not even Trumpkins believe that, do they?

I mean even Drumpf himself is a 300+ lb tube of lard.

>only 4

Cred Forums wants this cuck to win?

Then why are Liberal cuckolds making "political cartoons" like that?

hiroshimoot is gonna delete Cred Forums on election day, you read it here first...

fact checking has been around for a while, you were too young in 2012 to realize or even pay attention

Literally would be the best day of my life.

>We'll have a neurologically damaged Feminazi that wants to do to our country what Merkel did to Germany, but at least it will piss off this nebulous group of people on the Internet that I don't know and never will!

I'm sure you'll be laughing up until your paycheck gets reduced or your job gets outright taken away due to Emperor Hillary's new Diversity Legislation.

>I mean even Drumpf himself is a 300+ lb tube of lard.

Lol no he's not howtallis.org/donald-trump-height-weight-shoe-size/

That's really sad.

>You vote President based on deeper ideals.
Which is why my consideration is going to Stein, Johnson, or whoever Guns n' Dope is running.

Cred Forums's a symptom of a broader trend in Cred Forums's userbase

Nothing's going to change unless we get Nazi-tier mods, you're still going to be stuck with thinly-veiled Cred Forums threads like this on Cred Forums

>I know dick about business or money

Typical Bernie-cuck.

They'll just refugee on our blue boards.

>tfw i'm half indian

Will I be safe?

Why is it surprising that he believes that? He cares about markets and individual freedoms more than federal laws.

Fine by me. My wife will make the money and I'll just play videogames all day

400 lb. blobs typically tend to be Feminist keyboard-warriors.

You're in complete denial if you don't realize this.

Conservatives aren't the ones who made "fat-positivity" a thing.

I've been on Cred Forums since 2004, my life is very sad

>he's a tall tube of lard

Still a tube of lard.

People are talking more about "fact checking" now because we've never had a candidate lie so often and egregiously as Trump does.


That doesn't sound very scientific.

I'm gonna need sauce on that man. Sounds highly kekworthy.

>all of the best presidents were businessmen
After the independence crowd died off they all tended to be lawyers and generals.

Not according to the KK... I mean Trump rallies that I've seen. You're probably a morbidly obese shut-in yourself.

There's a name for the author and a reference to the publication right there in the image, genius.

Give me 10 lies he's made.

Of course it would make little difference but it would create a shitstorm. Boards would spammed to fuck. Cred Forumstards would go apeshit.

I've heard hiroshima wants to close the site in december and a alt-right vs sjw ww3 might give him the excuse to vanish with the $ from the over 9000 Cred Forums passes he's sold recently.

and her experience is proof that she will be a disaster.
Experience is only good if it's experience not destroying things and being plagued by scandals.

>implying he's just tall
You said he was 300+, which he's not.

how socially inept do you have to be to allow yourself to actually believe this type of thing, are people this desperate to just convince themselves their opinions are correct?

>Not according to the KK... I mean Trump rallies that I've seen.

How fat are you?
How many fucking cats do you have in your apartment right now?
How many Salon articles have you posted on Facebook?

Nobody unironically tries to call supporters of the opposing candidate a white suppremacist terrorist-group unless they're a completely deluded Tumblrkin that is also fat.

I was just going to write in rolf after the EEnE joke.

lol sexist racist deluded trumpkin alert. is your small penis making you afraid of having a female president?

Blue counties tend to be more populated.

You tell 'em.

I love how modern Libertarians are just thinly-veiled PC-nazi SJW's with a different name.

I remember when they actually opposed that kind of shit and thusly had a chance of being taken seriously as candidates.

>Not according to the KK... I mean Trump rallies that I've seen.

Hilarious, considering Bernie-cucks and Hill-shills literally act like the KKK.


>Writing a joke is like painting a work of high art. Writing a joke for a political comedy show is like finger painting with a young child that's not very good at painting... and extremely biased.

1. He opposed the invasion of Iraq.
2. He opposed the intervention in Libya.
3. He claims Clinton wants open borders.
4. He claims that Clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment.
5. He claims that Clinton started the Obama birther thing.
6. He claims he's not racist against Mexicans, only immigrants, but he attacked a judge for being of mexican descent even though he is an American citizen.
7. He claimed Obama is not an American citizen.
8. He claimed that Obama and Clinton founded ISIS.
9. He claimed Clinton would allow in Syrian refugees without vetting.
10. He claimed Global Warming was a Chinese conspiracy.

Hundreds more where that came from.

Nothing about toxic masculinity there m80

He's crashing this site with no survivors.

Late Night is so liberal it's up its own ass.

All they do is say things college kids will use in their debate class the next day.

Are you claiming Trump supporters aren't just another white supremacist terrorist group?

Because that's just another Trump lie.

>still in denial

Go to a "Trump protest" sometime.

See how many females that weight less than 170 lb.s there are and how many males that weight OVER 110 lb.s.

The paleo-con types have always been a minority

The rest were mostly spergy Bryan Caplan/Marginal Revolution types that think taco trucks on every street corner means that illegal immigration has been good for the US

>unironically paying for a pass

>haha Drumpf is just like KKK xD
Even stormfags on Cred Forums have better arguments.

They're setting up ministry of truth-tier reality manipulation.

>6. He claims he's not racist against Mexicans, only immigrants, but he attacked a judge for being of mexican descent even though he is an American citizen.

He stated that it was unfair to hand him to a Mexican judge after the media has been blasting "TRUMP HATES LE MEXICANS" for 18 months, which is true.

This was really all I had to read to realize that you are a deluded nu-male twat.
Keep that War on Reality going though. I'm sure you'll eventually win through sheer force of will.

You're welcome.

lol trumpkin just scared of having a female president

>big hate rallies
>bunch of dumb white people
>angry retarded leader getting people angry and racial and religious minorities
>all the while he hasn't paid taxes in 18 years

Yeah, totally different than any other hate rally.

Don't worry, I'm sure they're all aware that the Comedy Central late night legacy died with them.

>a politician paints his opponents in bad light
>only trump does this
You have to be less than 18 years old. This has to be your first election.

>People are talking more about "fact checking" now because we've never had a candidate lie so often and egregiously as Trump does.

Fucking lel.


>Mexican people are incapable of being fair and impartial judges
>it's Mexican people's fault if white people make racist comments against Mexican people

But I bet you think you're not racist yourself though.

Look at the Nazi.
Look at the Nazi and laugh.

I never said other politicians don't like. Just none of them have lied to the massive extent that Trump does. You'd have to be a pretty big chump not to see that.

>7. He claimed Obama is not an American citizen.

I think any country would be leery of a leader that spent half their formative years on the other side of the world, and seemed to have a burning hatred of the American side of his parentage

>racist comments against Mexican people

Like what? Are facts "racist" now?

Oh wait,
>Liberal nu-male
Of course they are.

>Implying a Trump victory isn't necessary for historical purposes
>Implying Trump hasn't already torn the republican party asunder
>Implying a Trump victory over Clinton after she fucked over Bernie and his supporters with the help of the democratic establishment wouldn't rip the democratic party apart
>Implying it is not necessary that the two-party system implodes for real democracy to be born in America

Wew lad.

1. He did
2. He did
3. She does
4. She does
5. She did
6. He didn't attack the judge for being mexican he said that the judge is biased since he's part of a racist mexican group called la raza (the race).
7. He admitted he was wrong
8. They did
9. She will
10. This is the only one that's right.


Basically, yeah.


Also, people talked about Obama's birthplace for so long because he WITHHELD the evidence, i.e. shit that tends to make people suspicious.

But I keep forgetting, when a Liberal President does suspicious shit I'm supposed to keep my head down and not ask questions like a good little nutless drone.

Nah man don't project American stupidty on us

>a burning hatred of the native* side of his parentage

"Birtherism" is just the way that many Americans unfortunately express their fears that they're being ruled by someone alien to themselves

Except Mexico is sending their criminals.
Do you think the United States is the only country in North America with an immigration problem?

Are you that retarded?

>if the world is round, how come the horizon is flat and raises to eye level?

Ugh, I think your body-shaming is extremely distasteful and hurtful.

>Thin privilege is not having a statue depicting your body type be used as an insult
>Big dick privilege is not having a realistically scaled replica of your dick be used as an insult


>Heh, I'm fine with electing a FOB Muslim as PM of Britain, checkmate bigots

Being wrong and lying are two different things, such as with Obama's birth certificate. He'd already have to know it exists or seen it to be considered lying

Trump mostly exaggerates, he never outright "lies" about something important, aka saying something completely different to what is happening.
Clinton said that we lost no people in Libya. We lost 4.
She said that she didn't exchange in classified materials. She did.
She said that she didn't wipe her server. She did.

Trump hasn't said anything nearly as outrageous as that. For example , the "hillary wants open borders" thing is an exaggeration, but hillary's policies on illegal immigration are way more liberal than candidates of the past.

Even in his tax story, he never claimed that he paid income taxes.


>What's with this new american obsession with "fact checkers"

It's a Liberal obsession, because "Fact Checkers" are typically biased as fuck and have no legitimacy other than having "fact" in their name.

>Trump: "Schools are now forcing little girls to use the same lockerrooms and showers as boys"
>Trans-girls aren't "boys", shitlord, and they are beautiful people who should have other children see their feminine penises.

>Hillary: "100% of terrorism is the fault of racist white people."
>Only 99.9% of terrorism is the directly committed by whites. The 0.1% committed by Muslims is due to Muslims being mad at Trump's evil racist comments.

It's legitimately a joke at this point.

>unfortunately express

Spoken like a Nazi.

>says his hometown is Chicago
>cites Chicago all the fucking time
>media says his hometown is Chicago
>only set foot in Chicago when he was in his mid 20s
>he was born in Hawaii and grew up there and in Indonesia

Not even an American and I found this fucking weird

Also makes me annoyed when he claims to understand african american culture and he goes to black churches and sings amazing grace and shit. Like, this guy had the most inauthentic african american formative experiences possible but he pretends he's some kid from the hood. Fucking bizarre.

>and showers as
No high school has showers anymore.

Scarlet Johansson looking attractive as ever

I guess I totally imagined the ones at my high school.

try using actual examples if its so obvious trumpshill.

And the fact no one remembers him at Columbia University of ever saw him there.

They've already been posted ITT.

Do some research next time.


I have to provide fucking proof of my birthplace when I apply for a job to sweep the fucking floors at a downtown Target.

But when the guy who wants to be President of the fucking United States has to do the same thing, Liberals treat it like a fucking second Holocaust.


>it's real

Politifact and anybody who takes it seriously is a joke.


>Like, this guy had the most inauthentic african american formative experiences possible but he pretends he's some kid from the hood. Fucking bizarre.
He smoked weed every day for a few years in his teens.


fuck drumfph and fuck white people




You'll starve.

Oh really?

except no one is accusing you of being born somewhere and obama did show his birth certificate you kollaid drinking nigger republican fag redditor.

>implying he was wrong to say that a judge with connections to La Raza can't be impartial
C u c k

i can't believe "Hillary Voters" would say something like that.
Who does he think he is?

Is that a man or a woman?

>Trump is suppose to be some badass speaks his mind President
>Gets his cage rattled instantly at the 1st debate
Hes perfect for you Americans, all talk with no backbone.

who's hyped for the vice presedential debate on tuesday?
i don't think a lot of people know just how "stereotypical mustache twirling corrupt politician" mike pence is.
he's like nixon-level bad and then he's against an anti-abortion christian cool guy with a lot of charisma.
oh ho ho.
should be interesting.

Only $100 million? What an inspiring rags to riches story!


It's true though. That's why Drumpf has to resort to insulting Secretary Clinton instead of offering any rebuttals.

South Park is the only show on CC that's allowed to not have an agenda.

Wow, I can't believe he turned such a tiny amount into such a large amount! It's almost like that tiny amount was actually enough for even a fucking idiot to make it into a large amount!
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

$100 Million to $3 Billion is a huge gain.

>3. He claims Clinton wants open borders.
Obvious hyperbole

>4. He claims that Clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment.
Obvious hyperbole

>5. He claims that Clinton started the Obama birther thing.
Her campaign did in 2008

>6. He claims he's not racist against Mexicans, only immigrants, but he attacked a judge for being of mexican descent even though he is an American citizen.
He attacked the impartiality of the judge as he was connected to La Raza.

>8. He claimed that Obama and Clinton founded ISIS.
They did

>9. He claimed Clinton would allow in Syrian refugees without vetting.
She will

You know you've lost the argument when you're resorting to le epic xD reaction face memes

Over the course of four decades? It's less than letting it sit in a fund.

>wtf why doesn't Trump have 100% liquid assets