So many people love Fight Club. Why? What is good about it and the things it says? What does it actually say...

so many people love Fight Club. Why? What is good about it and the things it says? What does it actually say, in your opinion?

Not doing your homework for you.

I watched fight club for the first time after watching Mr robot so I thought it was underwhelming.

The film's essentially about not being a slave to the government, being unique, not listening to scoiety, and launching terrorist attacks against major cities in an effort to destroy the world economy.

Because it's reddit.
Normies love reddit.

It says manchildren need to grow up.

yet another thread that fails not to mention reddit. It's an obsession user. Stop. It's not like for feminism. With reddit is easier, just stop talking about it. It will go away. Trust me

Rust literally explains it in TD1

not being a slave to the government and society? I don't think so, I think it's just about not being a slave to capitalism
tss there are people who like to discuss films for their own fun. I thought this board is meant for that

The film makes fun of that mindset.

It's way better than mr robot that is for sure.

It says a big fuck you to the laws and to the stablishment. Fun to watch in a movie screen, but not in real life.


THere are two main types of Fight Club fans: The ones that think its message is cool. And those who think they're cool for thinking the people who think its message is cool are idiots, and thus they hate the film.

Both are idiots imo. It's just a silly movie with a theme that makes for an enjoyable story. The theme that I personally took away from it is that you shouldn't worry so much about the things you have, because you are the one constant in your life develop yourself. I think that's a valid, non cringeworthy theme.

Either way it's a cool movie

Because it was a very good movie with a twist. Its the first movie I can remember seeing that was the kind of movie that is completely different the second time you watch it. Also it has prime Brad Pitt when he was at his best looking and acting.

It makes some pretty funny observations about the weird state in which modern society is stuck in, the kind that makes teenagers go "Oh shit dude, that is so true". The thing is that, that's all it tries to do in my opinion, narrator knows everything is boring and lame but doesn't really have the answer for what needs to be done. Tyler Durden's solution was presented as completely ridiculous and childish. He talked the big talk about freedom and answering to no one, yet the fight club became nothing but a bunch of lackeys ready to do his will just because he said some stuff that sounded cool.

>Mindset leads to protagonist shooting himself in the head in order to escape it after he winds up getting several people killed and almost getting castrated himself
>People still think the author must be advocating that mindset

good movie, good concept, great plot twist
people often hate it because it's hurt muh capitalism
but fuck any ideologizes, just enjoy the movie

It's a good movie and adaptation. It suffers from the same problem as Into the Wild, where some people kind of get angry at the movie because some people took it way too seriously.

Marla was hot in a filthy way.

Retard. Fight Club was a satire. Tyler is a representation of hypocrisy of ideology, of how dangerous they become when put into practice. He claims to rally against dehumanisation but as his cult grows we see that's exactly what he's doing to his followers. He corrupts nihilism, his words are shown to be superficial as he bends his idiot followers to his will. Tyler shaves their heads, takes away their names, puts them in uniforms and berates them over a megaphone. He becomes an unofficial authoritarian government and a symbol of fascism. They carry out terrorist attacks for him. The film is a satire. Anyone that doesn't see the contradictions and faults in Tyler's mandate is retarded. Or young. And of course Fight Club is very popular with teenagers that like it for the wrong reasons.

>tss there are people who like to discuss films for their own fun. I thought this board is meant for that
I literally can't imagine how someone could believe that this board is for that in 2016. How naive you have to be?

There's always a few threads per day where you get actual discussions, if you prefer memes and shitposting that's on you.

A few allegedly 'serious' threads compared to literally hundreds upon hundreds of funposting and shitposting.
Hmm, I wonder what the nature of the board is then...