Subtle, Russia. Very subtle

Subtle, Russia. Very subtle.



>cloned stormtroopers


i don't get it

>i don't get it
because you'Re american. you are the retarded school bully, that will end up sucking cock at global mcdonalds ran by china.

fuck off newfag


kill yourself faggot

too new to post


>Ivan, you have to steal plans of big weapon

turnip eating slav monkeys

That's a shallow lake



It's called a lagoon.

D-Day I guess?

That's too big to be a lagoon

the joke is КИHO = kino.

That's what these fucking monkey morons are guffawing about.

Jesus wept.

>I didn't get the joke because I know some Russian and translated kino into english while forgetting the memes

That whole scene was filled in a lagoon in the Maldives

Invasion from the sea, like immigrants upon europe.

Really? Jesus Christ.
I guess it flew over my head since I'm Polish and in most Slavic languages kino means literally cinema or theatre.
It's stupid, half of the posters would have "kino" as in "now in theatres"

>it's actually the ocean

>I don't actually know what a lagoon is

it is especially funny because in my language Skoro means barely.

most refugees are comig over land you dunderhead

Czech me out

you see 1V-4N
when drinking of alderaan vodka every night
you will never get die by one laser from rebel scum
because you are of taking nap on job