You just bought the rights

You just bought the rights.

What do?

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Kill it with fire and piss on the ashes

Either reboot with a female Jigsaw or sequel set 200 years after the last film. Futuristic death traps.

Saw porno.

I'll SEE what I can do. ;)

prequel trilogy

>female jigsaw
femdom saw hmm

A kids movie

>multiple corrupt politicians put in traps
>become better people afterwards
>enact into legislation death traps fitting of the persons crime

too creative.

the way hollywood works, they would make a prequel, and it would turn out that jigsaws father was actually the "real" jigsaw. over explain the entire concept and with the film taking place in the past can save a lot of money on cheaper traps


there's 7 films?

how bout they dig up tobin bells character and torture his corpse for 90 minutes. no complex traps either, just a carrot peeler and a blow torch.

Tone down the torture porn and bring in heavier mystery and thriller aspects like the first film.

The first movie is actually a great thriller.

The second one was more of a conventional horror film but it was decent.

Everyone after was mindless torture porn with dumb plot twists because LOL EVERY MOVIE NEEDS ONE!!!

yeah but member when that indian chicks head got nuked?


That's literally the story of the next one.


Saw guy villain whatever is called, was being Sawed into makeing saw games all the time.

Because his family was kidnapped by alien force

also aliens are testing just human endurance because they need a savior to retrieve some mistical artifact wich is inside a saw temple in another planet, they need this item so they can saw more people into retrieveing more dangerous saw items on diverse locations along the galaxy saw

then we could have Saw cinematic universe:

Saw: Aeon of Strife
Saw: 0
Saw: Infinity hell
Saw: Continuum hell
Big Bang Saw Theory
Saw my stars and the crazy diamond

Where's my pay?

i liked it but there was way too many plot holes.

i cant think of any atm but the biggest one for me was Adams only chance of getting out was the key in the bathtub which went down the drain when he woke up, which is unfair and basically pointless to do to him in the first place. like what if he woke up and the key didnt go down, and he just unlocks himself and gordon and leaves.

Also a guy gets burned alive for calling out sick....

i like this idea, I can see like a woman with an english accent doing this.

but itd be cool to see it from a future perspective and they look back at the jigsaw murders the same way we look back on jack the ripper murders, and manson, and etc. and their ends up being someone that wants to recreate jigsaws work

If you still dont get the Adam's key part then you need to rewatch the movie. Jigsaw knew one of Adam's faults were being overly anxious and never stopping to think before acting. Had he observed his surroundings and took time to make right decisions he wouldn't have let his best chance at survival literally go down the drain.

Strap a guy to an exploding chair. He has 1 hour to post in any thread on Cred Forums and get someone to agree with him that his favorite movie is good.

He was fully submerged in fucking water. If you wake up because you've sunk down into the water of a bathtub, you're not going to think before thrusting yourself to the surface.

I would make another Saw movie. Here's the premise: Jigsaw wakes up in the afterlife and is put through a bunch of traps that are based on his actions while he is alive. He is enticed to play the game because he is told that if he can survive the gauntlet, he will be able to find peace afterwards. Jigsaw forces his way through the traps, each one worse than the last. After he finishes the last one, he gets sent back to the beginning because he's in hell and will have to go through the gauntlet for all eternity.

Not sure what the intention was in the first movie, but when the sequel lore get's introduced the idea was that Amanda, Jigsaw's accomplice was supposed to tie the key to the end of the drain. If Adam had survived till the end of the clock he would've been told about the key's location and could've released himself, but Amanda was a crazy bitch and just threw the key into the bathtub without caring.

this actually sounds familiar now tht you bring that up.

i went to search a clip on youtube and i find this shit.....

who the fuck makes stupid shit like this

Thats fucked up but sounds cool. Would watch.

Two words: Viral. Marketing.

Add memes

Reveal in the first ten minutes of my new film that everything from 2 to 7 was a dream. Then actually make a decent sequel.

What kind of traps would a meme themed Saw have?

I hope you get a day job. And then I hope you don't quit it.

Thank you.

Anime adaptation.

>have hundreds of fishhooks all over your body, fused to wheel of a unicycle with an explosion device tied to said unicycle.
>can only escape by ripping the hooks out of fast as possible by riding the unicycle fast enough where all the hooks start ripping out your body

So you'd steal an idea from the movies. Good job.

The traps are supposed to be winnable, though.

That movie exists. It's called "Cube".

That guy had only 10 chains

My proposal is hundreds of fishhooks all over your body

Big ones

kys tbqh my man

15 minutes about some uninteresting reporter who investigates the whole thing and publishes a book about it. 90 minutes of some retarded copycat in England doing the same exact thing but with people with awful accents instead. Then just relax and get money.

If I try them, will I die

Flip that shit upside down.
Make it


Fuck off, cancer

>Having to get 10 Cred Forums posters to agree that Bane either meant he was a big guy for CIA or that it would be extremely painful for CIA.
>One. Or the other.
>Live or die, make your choice.

This is pretty good. I don't think Saw needs to be an absolute gorefest. Interesting traps is fine, though by the end, they didn't really get interesting besides: do this fast.

I always wanted to see a person who was able to outwit Jigsaw. Someone who is able to manipulate the game by cheating and causing Jigsaw to go ape shit over his design. Kinda like "You're Next" but with more game theory and probability behind the actions.


you guys think jigsaw is like a real life hero to cancer patients?

Well, I'm a relatively smart person so I don't think so.

Or were you trying to bump the thread?

be glad I'm rich enough to kill a franchise for enternity. only 1 and 2 deserve to be kept

sorry sir.

>only 1 and 2 deserve to be kept

3 and 6 are pretty good too desu.

Release every movie each year during October and rake in the cash.

>Reminder that if you don't have friends at work, you are worth killing with a barbwire noose
>If you work at any company that has slightly corruption or low ethics, you can die

Saw was once a favorite but it's so shit overall.

>work for the healthcare industry
Pretty sure I'm fucked, but I'm selling my soul to satan for glorious vengance... so we'll see who laughs last jigsaw faggot.

>Do drugs, hurt no one, be attractive... and get put into a death trap

Saw III is my favorite. I did all of them over the course of a week earlier this year and while I enjoyed the whole series, III is the only one I'd say is an all-around "goof" movie. I bought the dvd at a thrift shop for a buck and watched the directors commentary. It was comfy

>work at a casino


>buy the rights


Roll 3 dice and if they aren't all 1's, you get shot to death by suits of armor.