I've realized while watching "The Shallows" that for some reason I love scenes where characters perform surgery on...

I've realized while watching "The Shallows" that for some reason I love scenes where characters perform surgery on themselves or treat a nasty wound they received

I know No Country For Old Men did it too


Are there more examples of this?

Other urls found in this thread:


the self surgery in the predator movies are pretty good, because they're detailed for no reason other than to hammer home the "this thing is a fucking alien"

Lorne Malvo does this in the Fargo tv series

Does Predator count?

Yes! I forgot.

Predator 2 especially with the blue flame fucking ruled

the knick

One of the Bourne movies does this I think. Or maybe it was that shitty Mark Wahlberg Max Payne movie. Or both.

Blue Ruin has a scene sort of like that

Dredd has this near the end

Terminator, when the cyborg pulls its eye out.



F The Knick
F Thackery

master and commander

I remember in the first one it's the men in the fishing boat who dig the bullets out of him

In the second he just pours vodka over his bullet wound.

It's probably the Max Payne movie, but I've never seen it because it's from the same director as "Die Hard 5"

Le samourai

I think there's a scene in one of the first seasons of Nip/Tuck where one of the characters gives himself a nosejob in his bathroom.


The Fugitive

>ctrl f First Blood
>0 results

Go fuck yourselves.

You should watch the knick season 2
specifically the final episode



House M.D Season 7 Episode 23 i think.
The One where he operates Tumors out of His leg in His bathtube

No one has posted Pan's Labyrinth yet? That shit is hardcore when he sews up his own face.

Shout out to Shooter with Mark Wahlberg too.

Castaway is known for this.

Dark Knight Rises sort of?

Dumb examples, but they get the visceral nature of it right.

The Revenant had some gnarly scenes.

Ehhhhveryone seems to forget the ultimate. The ULTIMATE.


You can try to watch Taxidermy
It's the only movie I couldn't finish
and not because it's bad

What was with that fucking editing? God, nip/tuck sucked.