Just finished season 1 and loved it. What am I in for with season 2?

Just finished season 1 and loved it. What am I in for with season 2?

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Disappointment. its worth watching though.


don't listen to people man, just watch it

it's definitely not as good, but it's at least watching for ani, and the origins of vinceposting.

pure unadulterated kino. go in to season 2 with high hopes. it is so great. the stortlines are well fleshed out. it is mind blowing.

Watch it.

Disappointment, if you go in expecting more of Season 1. It's slow, low-key, and kind of cynical. Pretend it's a different show altogether.

Great characters, but definitely less tight plot
Also expect lots of technical estate and financial talk, i literally had to be explained what the duck some characters where talking about in a couple of episodes

Also, if you were disappointed that S1 didn't end up being about a grand supernatural conspiracy you're gonna hate this one even more

More of the same.

A lot of pointless mumbling
A lot of hard to remember names
A lot of useless shit and pointlessly long episodes
A lot of meaningless deaths
A worse intro song

A fat pussy

and a gaycop

Pure distilled telekino

A massive explosion and retard tier shootout.

listening to vince.

First and second post best post

men sacrificing themselves for women


If you're a patrician you will at least enjoy season 2, if not love it.

>You see Ray, some people say that you need to learn to hold loosely all that is not eternal, but I've been trying to loosen up and this shit's still stuck up my ass.


>Caspere knew this

It's good but suffers from having multiple directors and a rushed script.

I keep forgetting he was in there too.

season 2 was just so forgettable


12 year olds who are already evil as fuck

disappointment and contrarians on Cred Forums defending it

the finest televisual spectacle on the planet just look at the titles man


Operator Kino

boredom and some glorious one-liners by Frank