I saw this expecting to be disappointed but it was easily in the top 3 films I've seen this year...

I saw this expecting to be disappointed but it was easily in the top 3 films I've seen this year. Why did the critics hate it?

It's shit.

girls aren't blacked

Honestly, with most Refn films the writing is mostly pretty good and never detracts from his amazing eye for visuals.

Not the case here, the story in The Neon Demon is so on the nose and corny that it's kind of hard to ignore.

Like was it supposed to be satire or something?

I tried to watch it and was bored out of my fucking mind in the first 20 minutes. And I enjoyed crap like Beyond the Black Rainbow, but this was insufferable.

Glass detected.

>Why did the critics hate it?
Because the film tried to convince us that Elle Fanning is more attractive than Abbey Lee

no black guys.

women in this film are complex, not perfect pure princesses. the nu male critic can't handle this


Yes. It is supposed to be comedic. Refn and Elle say the consider it a comedy among other things on the commentary track.

>women in this film are complex

>any character in this shit
>not a shallow caricature of a real person
Refncucks everyone.

Refn should've included more scenes of how she became a bitch after her transformation







ikr? Was just thinking teh same thing.


It's highly stylized garbage with no actual substance, it's like Valhalla rising all over again.

lmfao. you wish. Neon Demon was a classic film released right in front of you, and you didnt get it it.

someday it will sink in for you.

or any refn

Define "substance"

whatever you dont watch