NEGATIVE CNN REVIEW: 'Birth of a Nation': A historical injustice

>With unforgivable inaccuracies, a complete reinvention of Turner's identity and failure to appropriately highlight the slave rebellion -- the most important part of Turner's story -- "Birth of a Nation" is a historical injustice.

Is Parker finished?

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wtf i love cnn now

Be honest, would this movie be one of the most acclaimed of the year if it wasn't for the rape allegations?

DAE hate niggers?

Be honest, would this movie even get wide release of it wasn't trying to capitalize on BLM movement?

I know that slavery is extremely important to blacks and to America, but don't black directors get tired of telling this story. Why can't these guys go the Steve McQueen and makes some movies about shit besides slavery.

I know. That's why you'd think liberal critics would be eating it up and minimizing its flaws. Just the opposite is happening.

>However, I have been told, as a black journalist, I am not "allowed" to be critical of "Birth of a Nation."

>I do not support films blindly.

>I do not believe in representation at all costs.
Historical accuracy — at least in the broad facts, if not the small details — is paramount.

wtf I love Clay Cane now

ywn watch another Hughes Brothers Joint that is pure black movie awesomeness.

All it is now is slave movies and fat ladies in dresses.

Come on back to the five and dime, Axel Foley, Axel Foley.

He sounds okay. I'll like him if he thinks the killing of Michael Brown was justified.

slavery in america is not even that big relative to slavery throughout human history

it lasted for several hundred years, but the arab slave trade had gone on for over a thousand years and enslaved both blacks and europeans, why isn't anyone talking about that?


nice try libcuck, this is a good movie

You're 100% correct. When the film debuted at Sundance people were calling it a masterpiece. Had the rape accusations never came to light the film would have been just like Selma with critics pretending it is amazing.

Because 10% of the population of the country is essentially descendant from slaves. And the whole Civil War thing (which WAS fought over the issue of slavery but not in the way or for the reasons most people think).

You mean straight white males?

Nigga looks like a Pajeet who works at your local 7/11


> Niggers try to re write history to make niggers look good

> Gets called out by other niggers for historical inaccuracies.


Niggers can't even lie right.

>historical injustice.

CNN follow the guide lines more, goy

He looks like he would actually be Obama's son.

Watched it yesterday, it really isn't. It's just black braveheart when it could have been something so much more. All the criticisms that are actually based on the film itself are completely justified.

>why isn't anyone talking about that?
the world may never know

Wouldn't Jews want Arabs to look bad?

>Grace Kelly on the Your Race side
You do know she married a Muslim sandnigger.

>One of Nat Turner's most important reasons for starting the rebellion was the rape of his wife by a white slave master.

But that's blatantly untrue. Nate Parker is such a fucking nigger.

>Prince Rainier was a Muslim sand nigger

News to me. Did you mean Princess Diana?

Did you even read the article? The author points that out and is extremely critical of Parker's constructed backstory and motivation, retard.

Jews were involved in the Transatlantic trade.

I don't doubt they were involved the Barbary and Saharan.

Particularly since castration is against Islamic customs but Eunuchs were the most in demand.

Oh, I guess so. I guess Grace stayed pure.

The narrative has officially spun against him. Despite being acquitted of the false rape allegations of a woman who stalked him, the liberals are gunning after Nate Parker.

>they have to put a picture of the author at the beginning on the article to make sure people understand it's okay for him to criticize the movie

I know. That's why I said it's blatantly untrue. I'm not criticizing the CNN writer. I'm critiquing Parker.


I guess when forced to either believe a man or a woman, they lean towards the woman, even when it's a black guy. Interesting.

He needs to double down and call them racists.

Why bother? They are doing that just fine by themselves

Is the fictional rape scene hot at least?

Nate parker was just trying to do method acting by raping, he was trying to get into the head of rapist nat turner

Brilliant kino

It's because, deep down, liberals are racists, so to them, there's no doubt in their mind that he's guilty (even though he was acquitted) because of the color of his skin.

Thank you for Correcting The Record!

So was this "remake" just (((Hollywood))) trying to reinvision history and try to remove a film widely considered one of the biggest "white pride" films of all time from the collective conscious?

do you even know what that means? you would say that to a hillary supporter who would defend this movie, not criticize it

> "It's ok this Nigger raped a woman cuz he's just an ignorant nigger and doesn't know any better."

Fucking liberal mental gymnastics will excuse blacks for any crime.

Does a movie have to be 100% historically accurate? Can't movies be, you know, movies?

This isn't a documentary. It's a story, and stories can have fictionalized elements to them.

I get the feeling this criticism has nothing to do with the film itself and everything to do with Nate Parker and people using false rape allegations to smear him.

I can't believe that the creator of South Park would make such a grim, humorless movie.
What the hell?
Didn't his partner Mike Stone have something to say to the matter?

Not at all when they've been actively discussing the KKK movie of same name. In fact, if anything, they've done the opposite of "removing" the film by talking about it.

I love black people but I hate dem niggerz

Taking this as a movie makes this mediocre and meaningless.

There's nothing there worth talking about that doesn't have to do with it trying to be a true story.

>deflecting this hard

keep digging that hole, nu-male

please don't try to tell triggered Cred Forumstards they're wrong, they'll start drowning our board in "cuck" and "SJW"

Kek, without the rape accusations it would have been hailed as a masterpiece and would have won big in the Oscars.

Poor Parker is unlucky.

>Poor Parker is unlucky that woman he raped squealed.


His name isn't even Trey it's Tré

He addresses that in the review. Movies don't have to be 100% accurate but the film deviates so much from Turner's history there's no point in even making it about him. It's not a movie that gets the general sentiment or picture right but messes up on the details, it completely and utterly messes up Turner's entire motivation and the reason why the revolt began at all.

american black people are the problem

>several hundred
>700 years of slavery


> Black man rapes woman
> Liberals all rush in to excuse this nigger of his crime

This is why liberals are never cohesive. The feminists will be fighting the Niggers... and rightly so.

American blacks might be the most racist, mysogynistic people in the world.

Bullshit, liberals are too busy calling the director a rapist even though he was found innocent 20 years ago. No one is looking forward to this movie.

You'd think blacks would want to tell more original stories and stop telling the same stories over and over again. Then maybe they would be taken more seriously.

Selma was a good movie though, Oyelowo was great in it.

Well that's no surprise even SJW don't like this shit.

Question: How many whites are niggers going to kill because of this flick?

Is this good enough?

>it's essentially "Braveheart" for black people

Who cares? What, the niggs can't have their own Braveheart?

The movie was probably in productions way before the whole BLM shit started.

>Poor Parker is unlucky that woman he raped squealed.

yes. poor Nate.

Are you suggesting blacks need a colour coated version of every movie?

slavery as in African slaves in the US only lasted about 150 years. also, don't forget that tribes of Africans would kidnap entire villages and chain them up for sale.

america was a mistake


Umm what?

Native Americans aren't niggers
check your sources

What did our guy say about it?

Have you even watched it you fucking faggot? Like, what the fuck is Django Unchained? The fucking dynamic potential of compelling storytelling in relation to current events?
I swear to fucking God, all of you mindless fucking crackers from Cred Forums love to default to your petty Aryan hate-train, as if your ignorance stands atop of a proven science.

I'm going to fuck all of your daughters. I'm going to fuck all of your sons. And then, you, and all memory of you, will be completely forgotten.

Fuck you.

>Have a black, gender queer liberal arts graduate friend
>She saw Birth of a Nation
>She fucking hated it
>Said people only like it because of white guilt
>Said Turner is not a man to model any behavior on or glorify and that he is not a model for what black people today should do
>Said there's been too many slavery movies how about we have a positive movie about black and white relations insteas

She's OK.

Because complaining about the arab slave trade doesn't give you carte blanche to demand whatever whatever you want from the government because you're descended from formerly enslaved peoples

Jokes on you, we don't have any sons or daughters. Or wives for that matter. Now what, cuck?

Also without the historical element this movie's plot is literally just Django Unchained without Jamie Fox and the entertainment.


I love how on the CNN page they have an editors note right at the top distancing themselves by making it very clear that this is Clay Cane's opinion.
Then below they put his photo so you can see he''s a black guy so all the people critical of his writing will see him and not freak out thinking it was a white guy.
Sad that they did this.

The Oscar-smash film "Amadeus" is considered irreparably inaccurate as well. The Mozart-Salieri rivalry, at the very least, is plain fucking wrong.

That movie is still fucking kino though.
Wait and see. Fuck a CNN critic.

America hasn't existed for 700 years, I seriously hope this is bait.

She was born female and doesn't get on people's case about pronouns.


Because the movies are made Americans.

>cared this hard to correct the record

Arabs did the smart thing and mutilated their slaves so that they didn't have to deal with whiny descendants.

>all the white people stuff is old
What have you done for me lately? For that matter what you ever done for *me* personally in my entire life?
I was born a poor white child...

>>However, I have been told, as a black journalist, I am not "allowed" to be critical of "Birth of a Nation."

Of course not. Any nigger that doesn't kiss nigger ass 24/7 is not a "real nigger."

Nate Parker’s The Birth of a Nation simply isn’t emotional or visionary enough to erase the impact and importance of D. W. Griffith’s 1915 The Birth of a Nation. It takes more than chutzpah to make a great movie or to overrun the contradictions accumulated around a film that did more than tell a one-sided story but revealed the enormous ambition, the deep, enraging imperfections, and the idiosyncrasy of America’s racial heritage. Parker’s attempt to elevate the 1831 insurrection and mass murders by the black slave Nat Turner suggests a juvenile, way-late, equal-time riposte — as if to answer Griffith’s old slander with an even older, bloodier slander. Sadly, it proves Parker doesn’t understand either Griffith’s film or Turner’s revolt. Even though Turner acted out the savagery that Bernie Sanders supporters never connect to the buzzword “revolution” (William Styron controversially narrated Turner’s uprising in his 1967 novel The Confessions of Nat Turner), Parker depicts the slave rebellion as an inevitable redress of evil. (He trades Griffith’s artistically innovative eye for his own jaded indie-movie eye. The white villains seem colorless and the black victims seem featureless.) Through Hollywood-style and Obama-era egotism, this angry, naïve epic about what was actually a failed insurgency is both Parker’s Reds and his self-martyring Braveheart. Lacking both radical form and revolutionary content, it’s an overinflated action movie.

Read more at:

payed my taxes for your welfare
good luck finding a nigger who did that


but isn't braveheart a good movie, despite historical inaccuracy?

Like clockwork.

>National Review
for when you only wanted biased content

>correcting the record
>by bashing the movie

But Amadeus is about some composer. It's low stakes history. Rebellions are much bigger stakes. People care about that.

Nate Parker tried to cash n on black nationalism but it's blown up in his face.

No, because it's just another generic movie about black people as slaves.

>Selma was a good movie though

It makes me so happy. Although, is that reviewer actually black?

Leave it to a dumb nigger to fuck up the retelling of his own people's sacred history. Way to go Parker you big dummy.

Based Armond does it again!

>implying blacks are responsible for slavery films and not (((them)))

Interesting to see you lose your shit and jump to racial slurs as a first reaction.

I've heard poor impulse control, hair-trigger tempers, racism and 'muh dick' are the hallmarks of the low-class African-American male. How good of you to perpetuate the stereotype.

It's crazy but the madness of current PC culture has actually brought out the best in Armond.

I just listed to the NPR review and holy shit they really just sucked this movie off hardcore. Guess the message is more important than giving money to a rapist.

WTF I want to hang all white people now??

Being this butthurt muhhahahaha

Looks like common criticism is that, not only are the motivations just historically wrong, but as a film it's plain action compared to something like 12 Years a Slave.

That's what you get for listening to anything opinion based from NPR

It's live by the sword die by the sword.

Same shit a Whedon and every other SJWcuck who gets eaten alive by their own kind the moment they step out of line

Actually Armond also hated 12 Years A Slave and famously heckled McQueen in person by calling him a garbage man kek.

Doesn't matter.

It won't be in the media, and if it is it'll be blamed on "systematic oppression" and glossed-over, just like every other time nigs murder a white.

They left out the part where Nat Turner and his horde of savages hack to death an infant and throw it's tiny body into a fireplace. Animals.

I'm not sure who I dislike more niggers or gender-niggers. I hope the rape protests work and drive away the rich white progressive audience .

These films aren't for Blacks, they're for Whites to feel good/bad at themselves for not being racist/secretly being racist.

Black people like normal movies.

They probably let this guy make a Oscar bait movie so they could shove him in the Oscars after last year's farce.

>American blacks might be the most racist, mysogynistic people in the world

They are by far the most homophobic. The only thing niggers hate more than an intelligent black person is a gay black person.


It's basically a trump card.
People aren't going to discard their ace up their sleeve

Because McQueen is British, and even if he grew up knowing he wasn't genetically British he wasn't told that his identity was a result of victimhood, and thus he feels like a real person

>American blacks might be the most racist, mysogynistic people in the world.



Yeah but it's a good movie. Birth of a nation fails even at that.

This movie was only ever going to have the love of the absolute most mainstream (aka pleb as fuck) press, and the Sundance idiots. Sundance darlings almost always end up getting ragged later in the year.

I'm sure Parker's rape stuff doesn't help but the movie got shit on by actual credible critics when it played at Sundance too

it sounds like a terrible movie that harkens back to horseshit like Braveheart

>Modern political skepticism prevented Parker from finding it in scripture, as Nat Turner himself did, and so Parker’s film collapses into the routine, nihilistic certainty of modern progressivism. But Terrence Malick is not afraid to get profound in Voyage of Time: The IMAX Experience. Collaborating with National Geographic, Malick combines extraordinary nature photography plus F/X to inquire about the origin of life and God. This 45-minute masterpiece fulfills the project vouchsafed to Malick scholar Gregory Solman back in the 1980s by Days of Heaven producer Jacob Brackman.

Read more at:

So fucking based I'm so fucking hyped

Amadeus turned the life of Mozart into a story about music, talents and jealousy.
Nate Parker turned the life of a charismatic murderers and religious nutjob into a story about a pure hero fighting for justice

to be fair, 12 Years a Slave is a pile of shit

look at what you're fucking typing on you ungrateful piece of shit


Outside of the reviews calling it "important" or "powerful" (i.e, has a message I like, so I won't criticize it), the ACTUAL objective reviews by good, quality reviewers range from mixed to outright bad.

I mean, goddamn, the LA Times came out today saying that setting aside the rape and BLM context, the movie sucks balls. The LA Times! One of the most liberal newspapers in the country thinks that it's not good on an objective film-making level, ignoring the controversy. Yeah, it's bad.

>700 years of American slavery
> USA not even around for 300

Several in this context doesn't mean literally seven. It's being used to describe an inexact number more then 3. Comparable terms would be a "a couple" or a "a few".

This is actually a pretty common usage.

>This flick was poised to sweep the oscars next year in damage control of the oscars so white fiasco
>Rape allegations happen

> 700 years of American slavery
> USA not even around for 300

"Nigger Math" is tricky due to their TBB

>His sister, Taige Steward, said her brother was not a “monster” and had never been in trouble before this murder.

at point does something actually become unforgivable

braveheart wasn't really inaccurate though. the timelines of battles were just switched and they didn't show how the britbongs really fucked up wallace. the rest was just fictional shit added for dramatic purposes, the context of the britbongs cruelty against the scottish were more vanilla in braveheart than in real life, but gibson just wanted to make a good film not propagandize the protestants as the sickest fucks on earth
unlike birth of a nation that just tried to be edgier than django unchained with no regard for nat parker at all

And just like every other time a non-white kills a white person, an internet search reveals that not a single news article mentions race in the headline.

they show that huge picture of the author so people know he isn't white

12 years a slave was a good movie though.

his chin looks like a hairy asshole

There were slaves in British North America since the early 1600s.

No, but it can serve as an excellent excuse (my movie wasn't bad people just didn't like it because of those allegations etc) for its shortcomings.

How has this operation google thing worked out recently anyway?
Has it actually picked up pace in mainstream media?

>Everytime I see that background all I can think of is that Kramer skit

Thats because everyone pretty expects this behavior from black people. Its really no surprise is it? Why report on something so obvious?

How the fuck should I know?

>Authorities say Steward beat Monchnik to death, and then doused him with gasoline before setting him on fire last November.

he a gud boi
getting his life on track

Its nothing to do with that
There is a lying narrative of wonderful blacks, that every liberal pushes, and reality has to be censored to promote it.

Most blacks view murder of whites as something good/noble/just
Put blacks in a group and they'll be cheering & hollering while they beat whites to death.

the media should be held accountable for pushing a false narrative (evil white cops killing black men), they've incited all the violence in the last two years

there was a recent Harvard study that showed you are no more likely to be shot as a black person than if you are white

Obviously the media are a buncha lying marxists but none of this would be happening if forced integration didn't occur.
If whites were allowed to have their own "safe spaces" without blacks.

Theres been no special amount of violence in the last 2 years, the attacks by blacks on whites have been constant for 50+ years

Do crackers get rekt by strong black bulls?


As evidenced by this movie. That doesn't justify it, though.

Amadeus inaccuracies are actually accurate but not to the truth because it's not based on the actual history but on a play which came about from the rumour that sallieri killed Mozart

I heard it was boring, shot like shit, and had weak, cliche characters.

The racebait bubble is bursting.

>Literally breaking into the home of a WWII veteran, beating him up and burning him alive for literally no reason.

And this will get zero press.

Meanwhile Saint Skittles attacks an overweight middle-aged asthmatic Hispanic man, tries to murder him, and become nig-jesus in the media for the next 24 fucking months.

>some guy you never knew is dead

Book of Eli was pretty neat, so at least they went out on a solid note.

>700 years of American slavery

The United States hasn't even existed for 300 years yet.

Why am I surprised a nig sucks at math?
If you aren't counting the zeroes on your fucking welfare check then it's beyond your abilities.

Why am I supr

>Horrific murders are only notable if you personally knew the people involved!

I'm sorry, who thinks like this?

It's still a nig breaking into a fucking WWII veteran's house and burning him alive.

Are you a BLM nigger running damage control?

>You're 100% correct. When the film debuted at Sundance people were calling it a masterpiece.


This is what tips me off to the SJW bullshit that is afoot.

Slavery started in 1619 in Virginia.

i know this is bait, but friendly reminder that whites and Europeans have been enslaved for far longer than blacks

Birth of a Nation + BLM = pure pottery kino