Why are niggers so funny and stupid??

Why are niggers so funny and stupid??

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Because of stuff like

DAE hate niggers?

Natural entertainers.

Someone please post this on /r/blackpeoplegifs

why are white people such cucks and pathetic?

>Obama was supposed to fix this

I want to like him, he seems like a nice guy, but come on. Where is the change we were promised?

You seem upset my melanin enriched friend

im glad niggers exist because wesley willis and ODB are my role models

Since when do interracial relationships only involve white and black people


cant wait till white people go extinct

>interracial marriage means white and non-white
Did you even read that article?

as long as there are less white people on this planet i will be happy. that's why i encorage all my friends and everyone i see to breed with white women and make them birth mixed, non white children and so forth, Whitey will be extinct by 2050 and there is nothing that makes me happier than that.


People are just going to adapt and evolve to be white again because people live in shelters.

no they are not. you filthy whites are going extinct and the world will rejoice, i will. I smile every time i see a white women with a non white, or even a beta white cuck with a non white woman.

>implying it's just niggers

thats actually pretty funny haha

holy shit what a clusterfuck. Post more.

This looks like a fair "put up your dukes" fist fight to me. And notice how the fat fuck let's up after he clearly won, rather than chimping the fuck out and trying to kill him.

>guy who ran over the first dude gets out of his car and gets ran over by a truck

That's wonderfully fucking poetic

so its fine when white people do it


>put up your dukes

That was a sucker punch, mate

Where are the car running them over?

Keep your cuckposting to your board

fight kino thread?

Cred Forums is rightful Cred Forums clay

go back to spamming your Cred Forums or cunny threads, Cred Forumsedditor

They are naturally frivolous.

I hate Cred Forumstards. But I also hate niggers.

what the fuck, doesn't that shit have asbestos?
she is literally giving that bitch cancer


You think that at some point the kid in the black wife beater would anticipate the right hook.

>still obsessed with Nubian gods
I don't blame you

see this one is good
this one just screams upset whiteboy from the suburbs trying to defend the negro

You can't compare a suckered punch to running someone over with a suv.

>doesn't that shit have asbestos?
are you literally fucking retarded?

I want to marry her.

Literally I fair fight.

Not dirty in the least, no one had an SUV.

Sucker punches ain't fair

>tfw you bring an suv to a fist fight

they were squared up. if youre in another mans face like that its kinda implied that a fight is starting. was he waiting for the bell? theres no bell in street fights. no round 1, nothing.

>two get into a fight in the road
>car runs one over
okay. Expected.
>guy in car gets out and joins fight.
not entirely unexpected.
>guy who gets out of car gets run over by another car.

holy shit




Daredevil tier fighting, GOAT


This made more uncomfortable than most gore I've seen.

lmao this happens everyday in kentucky same clothes same mannerism and everything

ps. everyone fucks everyone

As stupid as that is... It looked fucking awesome I hate wrasslin and I would've lost my shit if I saw that in person

As does any sensible person

They've done that on one of the "professional" rasslin shows.

Strangely ratings started dropping soon afterwards.

Almost as if it was like showing how a trick was done suddenly making people not want to see that trick anymore.

It's more realistic than WWE.