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Hey Paul!

Hey user, did you like my movie?


Is this brrpkino or an actual good film?

Well Harry potter farts a fucking lot at least, so it's su-BBBRRRRRRRRAAAAPPPPPPPPPP

That's beside the point, is it a good film?

No idea, I just stopped watching right as Pot started gaining the ability to do shit.

my favorite scene of the movie

The movie had too many fart jokes. It was good and different than other movies out today though.

It starts out alright then gets good then somewhere towards the end just gives up on itself.

The MEW scenes hit a little too close to home.


I loved this, has more heart than any movie I've seen in the last year.
I don't get what's not to love, its the full package imo

I didn't see it.

yes but is it classic

Funny how the second a woman turns up, the film is ruined.

She judges the man as inferior, and so all that was built up in the film is ruined, and he is portrayed as a loser at the end, despite going on an incredible journey.

I fucking hate women, they are selfish cunts.

Wouldn't go that far, but its undeniably great

Wasn't the the point? The message is pretty open and can be interpreted in a lot of ways. Kinda annoyed me when I watched it with my normie friend and he took everything super literal

Watched it last night. enjoyed it.

it has a tired and cliched 'twist' at the end. the achievement is that when you read the plot summary then watch the movie you are shocked it isn't unwatchable.

It is by no means great but it's a 3/5 movie.

>despite going on an incredible journey.

Did you see how close the stuff he made was to her house? It was in his head and he was wandering around the woods just outside of town.

>It was in his head

They all see the Swiss army man speed away at the end. It was real. He really was stranded on an island. He had no idea when he made land that he was close to home. That he was near her house is pure co-incidence, he was actually lost, it's just that he built all the stuff towards the end when he was most of the way home without realising it.