What matrix movies is the best and what is the worst one also general matrix thread

what matrix movies is the best and what is the worst one also general matrix thread

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Agent Smith is The One.

The first one and only the first one.

Smith is the 0, in the analogy. He represents oblivion and in-ev-it-a-bility. Neo is the individual. The figure standing apart from the background.

them how was he able to leave the matrix and hack into real life

they're all great

isn't there a fan theory that morpheus was "the one" the whole time? did I read that or am I making this all up?

because he died and was resurrected like neo

1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

yeah hat gives him the power to hack and fuck with things in the matrix not real life

2 & 3 should have each been full-fledged stories with their own beginning, middle, and end instead of one story split in two. this would go a long way toward correcting what makes them so boring and unsatisfying

I meant to put what not hat

Fuck you! 1>2>3


There is only one Matrix movie.

2 was so much better than one

he used his power post rez on Big Guy somehow causing his "conciousness" for lack of a better word to be in the vessel of bane and enter the real world. As far as i know bane/smith isnt shown doing anything extraordinary once out of the matrix.

>tfw no matrix prequel and interquel between first and second

want to know what the somehow is agent smith being the one

>Use humans for energy
>Humans need food to generate energy
>Food grows with sunlight
>No sunlight

What is Animatrix



trying to decipher i think ur asking why this makes smith the one but its not like that its a binary relationship basically harry potter and voldemort

you know how you said he was somehow able to transfer his conciouness it because he is the one sure he was rezed and that gave him power but only in the matrix making him a anomaly but how he was able to mess with the real world and hack into some one is because he is the one

he didnt mess with the real world in any supernatural way. all he did was take over banes mind and enter then he started being a sneaky lil fuck but nothing magical in the real world til neo starts sensing code and hacks the wifi on the squiddies. Its important to note they both have powers and they both die

so taking over peoples mind is not supernatural is what you are trying to tell me he also did that directaly from he computer with out help from the aliens


Animatrix had some great scenes. The short that explains the creation of the matrix was great. The samurai fight was also good. Only one that I didnt enjoy was the CGI one.

First post, best post.

he took his mind over while still in the matrix and was then transferred via the same process they usually use to return to conciousnessness except it was smith not banes mind instead. the operator had no reason to think anything was wrong so put it thru like any other request

you'll never watch The Matrix for the first time ever again

you need a brain link to do that he just went straight into him while he was typing some shit

kinda sick of discussing it now u havent actually referred to anything ive said and keep bringing up aliens and shit good day sir

13 years later you're still deceived.
The prophecy fit better with Smith than Neo.
Look it up.


Why didn't the robots just use nuclear and fusion power?

Maybe they needed a logical reason to maintain us alive. They did not hated humanity in first place.

the matrix was promising up until this very frame. everything that follows this scene in the matrix is garbage, including the sequels. fuck this gay shit.

13 laters and you havn't rewatched the movie

the prophecy was a lie.
What neo becomes at the end surpasses the prophecy of the one.

The prophecy was true because they needed him to escape Matrix 1 so he could save everyone in Matrix 2.

The only people he's supposed to be saving in Matrix 2 are the humans inside the matrix, and a select group of people who will remake zion after the machines are done killing everyone.
That's the prophecy.
Agent Smith has nothing to do with this.

I agree Smith has nothing to do with it. I was just saying that by this point the machines realized it wasn't enough for the One to just be the one of the first Matrix, he also had to be the One of the second Matrix. The next One will probably go through the same thing Neo did.

Second matrix?

This is the 6th cycle according to the Architect.


yeah that was referring to how many ones there are in the first matrix

And they're improving and changing every time. The One was becoming too powerful within the first Matrix so they created a new scenario where he breaks free of it and disseminates his information via the second Matrix.

What the fuck is the "Second Matrix"?
I just watched the movies again and there is no such thing mentioned.
If your referring to the matrix being rebooted that was after Neo died.

Almost all of the third movie takes place in the second Matrix.

Oh your one of those.

it was implied that is how smith was able to hack into peoples brains in "real" life and how neo was able to move stuff with his mind when he was "outside" the matrix

They use the dead humans as food

I fucking hate this reaction image, it disgusts me on so many levels

>It was implied

Neo wans't able to move "stuff". He was able to interact with machines outside the Matrix, because he was still connected to it, somehow.

How else did Smith "escape" the Matrix? How else did Neo be able to see and control machines?

They were still in a Matrix, a second layer of it. The Architect talks about how the Matrix is designed to satisfy the human need for chaos and to fight and so this second layer continues that. And in the end Neo returns to the source, just like Architect wanted him to.

So are you saying that Bane was a program?

Neo could do that shit because "the one" is something more than the prophecy entails. He's the next step of human evolution and has transcended humanity and machinery to become something more than the sum of his parts. No one in the movies explains what he is because nobody in the movies has ever seen anything like him before.

That or he is exactly what the machines programmed him to be. Zion doesn't actually exist, the deeper you make the story of humanities plight the less they are willing to question it.

the reason he was somehow able to do it was because hey were in a second matrix

>the machines programmed Neo

The machines don't want the one to exist, it would be easier for them to have just one matrix if they could program the "one".
The entire prophecy, Zion, all that shit, was built by the machines as a way to control the humans that the One liberated from the Matrix.

If there is no "one" and none of the humans reject the programming of the matrix then there wouldn't be a need for a prophecy.


What do you faggots think about the 35mm release of the first one?

Looks like shit.


do you think there will be a sequel or reboot some day?

I want a super-cut super-edited version of the last two movies merged into one.
And maybe more Animatrix.


what is this? someone went and did a quick scan of some reels? is this official or what

I hope not, it would only ruin it.

The machines didn't know about second the law of thermodynamics?

they were so smart they broke physics

1 > Animatrix >> 2 (as a action film only) >>>>>>>>>> 3


Who says the laws of thermodynamics is absolute?
A few hundred years ago, physicist thought the atom was indivisible.

animatrix above all

Best: Matrix 1
Worst: Revelations

what the fuck you sure that's isent backwards

where did you get this?

I'm into "art"