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its over

The people that ACTUALLY need to see this film wouldn't even consider watching it. Fucking pathetic America.

>paying to see Chimpout: Origins

shiiieet you can see the fucking sequel happening live every day

Enlighten me: Who NEEDS to see this boring Braveheart wannabe?

Really makes you think.

Its b8 dweeb

dindu nuffin at the boxoffice amirite

Blacks are only 12% of the population

I would watch it if they actually called it that.

i saw the commercial for this, they were mixing scenes from the movie with BLM protest rallies

wtf were they thinking

>leaving the swift, violent repercussions for Nat Turner's failed revolt as a pre-credits roll of text.
Missed opportunity.

>your movie
>opened at number nothing

stay jealous, faggot

Rise of the Planet of the Apes was better.

and winning the lottery is better than being sodomized by clowns. why are you saying obvious things?

"Birth of a Nation, Parker's directorial debut, hoped to cross at least $10 million in its debut after transforming into the darling of the 2016 Sundance Film Festival, where a fierce bidding war resulted in a record $17.5 million sale to Fox Searchlight. Instead, the movie grossed $2.6 million Friday from 2,105 theaters for a sixth-place finish and projected $7.5 million weekend, despite strong reviews and and A CinemaScore."


W-w-where?! *spins head around violently*

I didn't hate black people before the liberal media pretended Black Lives Matter was anything other than a joke.

>whats the IMDb score...
>search on google

I bet racism this did

*teleports in front of you*
i'm right here, kid

>putting the michael bay EVERYTHING LOOKS BLUE AND GREY filter on a fucking movie regarding a serious point in human history like american slavery

Seriously look at 12 Years a Slave and look at this pile of fucking fecal matter and it's pretty easy to tell the difference between good and bad filmmaking when it comes to the subject.

What a fucking disgrace.

will it show white children and women being slaughtered en masse by strong black bucks?

what about a sequel to dunston checks in called dunston chimps out

12 Years a Slave sucked too, the cinematography being one of its problems.

they wanted blacks to think it was the origins of the BLM movement and after they came out from watching the movie to start rioting

i miss the 90s where no one gave a shit about niggers illegas gays and trannys and peoples feelings. fuck why are young people so much pussys today

Boyz n the Hood, Menace II Society, Judgement Night, and New Jack City were 90s movies
Boys Don't Cry and The Crying Game were 90s movies

>black produced black starring black production for black people
>director ends up being a rapist


Wish I was rich enough to re-release the original the same weekend.

Ayyo Colbert "sips coffee" yummy-yummy yum mmm-mmm did I ever tell you how mah nigga Nate chimped out and dindu nuffin? He was a good nigga.

Some of those nigger movies are legitimately good movies with interesting criticisms of both the black community and society at large.

Maybe its period pieces where today's black films fall flat.

>didn't care about blacks

OJ&his white Bronco, Rodney King & the LA riots, sir mix-a-lot & Baby got back , etc etc

but it wasnt an everyday thing you saw on the news how it is nowadays

>mixing scenes from the movie with BLM protest rallies
That's why I'm not watching it. Plus I heard it was historically inaccurate.

Check again you dyslexic retard

yeah it was, and if theres more now its because theyre killing more blacks then they were before.

how do you fuck up this bad

America is too racist to deal with its own past. Only blacks and people that already hold progressive beliefs will go to the theaters; the scumbags will wait for the torrent

Good maybe we will stop geting 50 antiwhite moves a year.

>wasn't alive in the 90s

the LA riots were way more destructive than any shitfest purpoted by BLM or whatever

This is the most born in 99 post I've ever seen.

So it is lost to that throw away animated movie about babies?
All that liberal media dick wanking while getting released with no competition, and it still bombs.


This interview made Colbert unwatchable for me, christ what happened to him?

no it lost to Deppwater Horizon, that Tim Burton movie, and Girl on the Train by a wide margin.

Storks looks to have made more money on its second weekend than dindu nation did.

Will this be final of these kinds of movies since they all tend to flop?

>This interview made Colbert unwatchable for me

You're pretty tardy to the fucking party.

Colbert has been an insufferable SJW for years.

Maybe most people have more important shit to deal with.

>In med school
>Trying to focus on important things in life: improvement of society's health, empathy, saving lives.
>Couldn't give two fucks about chimpouts, dindus, "united states: dats racist", black culture dwelling on the past because they have so much free time.

>chimp out: origins

What the fuck is he doing there?. Did he switch places with him because he's black and he feels sorry for him? What a disgusting jellyfish.

>le 15 year old race REALIST NOT RACIST post

Go back to r/thedonald.

>Nat Turner

If anything he just made things worse for Blacks. Slave owners really buckled down after that.

Nobody goes to see black movies. Most blacks dont even go.

So Whites, Latinos, and Asians don't give a fuck about Black history, I kind of figured.
But why don't the Blacks give a fuck about the origins of their dindu ways?

The race war is over folks. Whites win again!

>getting triggered over the fact that people are sick of political-correctness
>telling anyone ELSE to go back to Rebbit

Well, I would definitely consider slavery something to "chimpout" about. BLM shit...not so much.

It's not your white world anymore, it's the black man's world. You should be thankful we don't kill you right now whiteboi, we're just taking your women and inseminating their wombs with our superior alpha male semen. You are done, your crimes against us will not be forgotten. By the powers of the ancient Ebonoids who descended into the center of the planet and emerged as pharoahs we will kill every last one of you by any means necessary.

So, now that this carnival election is almost over, and Cuckbert couldn't even get half the rating of a Judge Judy rerun with the most prime material any politics comedian can get.
What will CBS do with this useless piece of trash now?

Black people don't give a shit about this movie.

Only SJW do.

if it had pyramids, it would have opened 1st
stay woke niggaz

Holy fuck you weren't kidding. I just saw that.

Fucking classless.

> It's ok this nigger raped a woman and then lied about it because Niggers are disadvantaged and don't know any better.

Fuck you liberals and your fucking mental gymnastics.


Good fucking grief.

WTF? Someone please post this commercial.


Apparently Nat Turner's wife gets raped in the movie, even though that never actually happened in real life. It's even more ironic given the rape accusations against Nate Parker that resurfaced recently.

*gets shot by 13 year old* *gets genocided by the Chinese*

I'm sure the movie ignores all the children and infants that were slaughtered.

That's a stupid argument to make when you are shitposting on Cred Forums. Med school my ass.

>racists are raising children this young
I can't even...I'm literally shaking right now.

Home Alone 5 looks way more violent than I was expecting.

Is it still set at Christmas though...?

I think people is bored of movies about racism and slavery

Yet they commit 60% of the murders

Kek. Underrated post.

Does it show the niggers murdering white babies in their cribs?

There's no greater redpill than real life.

This could have succeeded without rape controversy?

apparently the movie glosses over the actual massacre of the rebellion in favor of focusing on the gritty details of life as a slave

>NFL ratings drop
>this shit has an estimated $8m opening weekend

BLM doesn't sell you fucking cucks.

So are they trying to tell BLM to rape and murder women and children?

White people win again!

That's the only way white privilege will end.

Delighted that whites are voting with their wallets.

he had the guy on and they switched places so the guy could help Colbert check his privilege.

Im not joking

>indie film festivals full of hippies and leftist snobs love the movie and shill for it so its the best thing ever
>when it's released to the general public it fails horribly because the general populace, even the left leaning side, have no interest in movies like this

every time

white guys raped black women before they were even considered women.

gotta love youre hypocritical logic.

youve accomplished nothing and your ancestors who you constantly praise were into beastiality. you guys literally couldnt stop yourself from fucking what you didnt even consider human. either that or you knew better which kinda neutralizes your argument of the whole subhuman thing. odds are you probably cant even stop yourself from fucking your cat.

Typical African American. I remember when I was in High School, they didn't even bother reading literature assigned to us about slavery.

>despite strong reviews and and A CinemaScore

Jesus what a nazi. Why wasn't this portrayed as a hate crime against those nice African gentlemen? Outrageous.

praise big head man of science

this kinda pisses me off cuz im black and i read all the assigned lit.

I find it amusing how you're so confident in saying "nigger" here, when in real life you won't do SHIT.

It's hilarious, because despite the talk, you're TERRIFIED of us. Lmfao. You KNOW this is true, you KNOW you're nothing more than a pathetic, shy autistic KID who LITERALLY CAN'T LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES LMFAO, yet of course online you're a "powerful crusader" (I actually cringed just typing that lmfao). You BOW your head when you see me in the street, you fucking SHIT YOURSELF when you see us late at night, and you're SUCH A LITTLE BITCH THAT YOU CROSS THE STREET TO AVOID US. LMFAO.

Again - go ahead and type out a butthurt reply, but deep down you KNOW what I'm saying is true. That's what makes it so hilarious - literally ALL young western european men are scared, pathetic cowards. Sure, you have your little steam groups where you talk about "da shitskins", you whine and bitch on your little forums, but WE CONTROL YOUR STREETS. LMFAO. You are PETRIFIED to leave the house after dark, because of us. LMFAO. Aww, little suburban bitch, did the scary dark man give you a nightmare? Don't worry, just go and play Crusader Kings, you can be a real man there! LMFAO.


True story, my white friend was annoyed because he said why should we(whites) have to read this stuff when they don't and seem not to care about.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Except facts show that fewer blacks are being shot by police

I assume they have a contract with him for a set amount of time, so they are stuck with him unless they decide to break the contract, which entails a huge payout for Colbert and his staff.

to fix Colbert would mean eitherr eplacing all of his writing staff, but I suspect that wouldnt fix much because Colbert himself is something of a raging liberal, honestly the only way to fix the show is to replace him.

There is a bit of a thing here too: He's not a stand up comedian. The modern Late Show has traditionally been the home of stand up comics. Leno, Letterman, Conan, Craig Ferguson, were stand up comedians. Even Carson was a comedian.

But Colbert isnt really, is he? In fact, in his early carrer, he wanted to be an actor. he had no interest in comedy. At most he's done sketch comedy,. and then for the longest time, he played a mock conservative pundit on TV. and thats basically the only thing he knows at this point.

And it shows. he doesnt have a natural humor to him. Someone like Craig or Letterman are naturally funny. They live and breathe comedy. Colbert is just playing another part. only this time he's playing "the talk show host" part.

Even Jimmy Fallon is a comedian who started his career with stand up comedy, until he joined SNL, which is sketch comedy. But he also has, again, a more natural humor to him. I may not like his style of comedy, the way he does the show host bit, but he still does it better than Colbert. He's much less stiff, and his awkward thing makes him more relateable and natural feeling.

>be a rapist
>get caught but still managed to get away with it in a court of law
>eventually become successful enough in the industry to make a movie about a famous black man
>literally fuck with history by making his reason for revolting be a rape that was confirmed to have never happened
>make the rape graphic, unnecessarily realistic and a prominent point in the movie

if nothing else the man has balls

whats with the pictures of those two niggers? why do they look like they-re from a studio

when i was a senior i would literally take tests for the best player on the football team who used to sit right in front of me. it was obvious as fuck and nobody seemed to care. but english is so fucking easy i didnt mind. i figured it would make the real niggas consider me one of them. come to think of it i did the same thing in economics for a well known weed dealer.

think ya mean statistics show. but yeah dude unless you can provide those stats from a REPUTABLE source that isnt stormfront or anything like that, i highly doubt it. and remember this isnt about all blacks being killed its only about the unarmed ones. i personally hope the cops kill all criminals whether theyre white or black.

dont waste your time brotha. we know what it is.

kill yourself my man

blacks may be hard motherfuckers

but they aint shit but for killing each other through abortion and murder.

hahahhaha you live in a white man's world.

This is pretty naive. You're literally saying that the news accurately represents reality. You're just taking for granted that the news is accurate. That's actually scary that you'd assume that trends in the news reflect trends in reality.

This is true.

I always look people who pass me by in the eye who pass by me as I am walking. It is always the white boy who diverts his eyes and either looks to the side immediately or at the floor. It truly is funny. I do this a lot when dudes are with their girls.

Yep. That's right. Walk tall. Chin up. Look that nigga in the eye and then straight at his girl. While he's so busy looking at the window glass of the building, I'm mirin' at the girl. somtimes they will smile back. I've noticed that they will occasionally flip their hair(or whatever the fuck you call it).

Feels good going to nyu.

>being this delusional and reddit

but an entertaining post 2bh

There are tons of stats that show this. Fbi data, local jurisdictions records, ect

But I'm sure no source will pass your muster, here goes anyway

no totally. i forget sometimes that everyone of the internet is hung up on this jewish media conspiracy thing.

And here is a study by a black Harvard professor that found no racial bias in the use of deadly force

I bet you think the Spanish American war was justified too. Or the war in Iraq as well.

black on white crime is 200 times more likely than white on black crime. makes me hate liberals despite being one myself.

Identity politics was a mistake

>that punctuation
>trying to pass of as a nigger
Shut up, white boi

nigger what the fuck are you talking about. just because channels decide to cover different types of stories or have a slant doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. that's why different news shows draw different political demographics. you dumb

people blatantly fucking up isnt a conspiracy. youre implying there are ulterior motives at work. im just saying i dont totally buy it.

>you dumb

oh the irony. you cant detect sarcasm can you. maybe sit the next couple plays out champ.

dude you're fucking retarded. all government sources say there is no racial bias in cop killings. in fact, if you go by cop encounters/stops per capita white people are more likely to be shot by cops than blacks. the entire blm movement is based on absolutely nothing.

there was literally no irony in that post. he just said that any stats that counter blm narrative would have a racist bias. you're a retard

The ulterior motive is to sell papers/ads

That's what it's always been. So hence police shootings and blm are what the media is focusing on now, since the public is ambivalent to Syria, the economy isn't crashing, ect, ect.

>whites are more likely
because theres more whites dipshit. theres more whites on welfare too.

and basically all of you ignored the fact that we're talking about unarmed blacks. my whole post was basically asking if theyre making it a point to differentiate between the armed and unarmed. read before you start insulting people you closet faggot.

not his post my post. i was being sarcastic. clearly you cant read or likely read the wrong post of mine. kys.

Blacks always buy the cheapest tickets so it's no wonder their movies don't make money.


>more likely
>I don't understand what per capita statistics are

Just fucking kill yourself

lol do you know what per capita means? holy shit

you think people are buying more papers or watching more tv because of the shooting or blm? thats horse shit. i agree that theres always something being plugged for people to focus in on but i dont agree that this is the flavor of the month.

The best part is there are barely more white people on welfare than blacks despite there being 5 times fore white people

you are the most pathetic faggot who ever lived. i was explaining per capita to him. you responded to my shit without reading what i was responding to. hes the one who said white people are more likely. youre the nigger in this situation. fucking dumbass.

News is pushing it because there is jack shit to report on besides trump, and blm stuff gets tons of shares on Facebook/Twitter - which is now one of the driving metrics in news

sure more unarmed black people are killed. but blacks are also literally hundreds of times more likely to run from, assault, resist, and shoot at cops than whites.

read this faggot i was explaining that shit to him. youre an idiot.

Yes, and white people are more likely to be shot when a police officer draws a gun

It has nothing to do with there being more white people causing this

well considering the current climate theyre literally running for their lives. the last black guy who surrendered with his hands up in the air was murdered. its literally on tape.

and while i never advocated disobeying the cops its not totally unfounded.

btw are you the same idiot who thought i didnt know what per capita was and made an ass of yourself? cuz if you are you should kys tonite.

>i was explaining per capita to you literally have no what per capita means. let me explain it a little more simply. instead of net numbers, you would be comparing statistics per, say, every 1000 cases. so, for every 1000 cases where a person is confronted by police, police are more likely to shoot the white person than the black one. do you kind of get what per capita means now?

You must be at least 18 to post

so you really are retarded. if there are more white people then they are clearly more likely.

Well considering the current climate is they are less likely to be shot by police then ever before, this post rlly makes my think

i already knew what it was. you fucked up and tried to talk shit but found out you were wrong and now youre trying to cover it up by posting that shit. kys faggot. learn to read the whole convo before you try to be an asshole. youre so flustered you fucking greentexted that whole thing. seriously kys.

>I still don't get per capita statistics

Fucking lel you dumb nigger

>well considering the current climate theyre literally running for their lives.
lmao. blacks have statistically ALWAYS been hundreds of time more likely to assault cops and resist arrest than whites. it has nothing to do with current climates. also white people are killed more often per capita by cop encounter, so there's literally no truth behind the "running for their lives"bit. you're a moron believing in a political narrative based on nothing.

so the fact that theyre literally killing people on film all the fucking time means nothing. your answer is its less than before? does that mean it isnt a problem? the world was way more racist before which means it was an even worse problem before. its not okay that it isnt as bad as it used to be cuz its still fucking terrible.

>this post rlly makes my think
are you trying to be a smartass?

kys you fucking faggot.

>fuck why are young people so much pussys today

Because instead of rebelling against the SJW dogma being shoved down their throats, they're swallowing it like good little subs...

wron about what? you're the mongoloid who still has no idea what per capita means despite having access to the Internet. about 15 people have called you am idiot so far, so why not just stop posting?


what the fuck do invidual cases caught on film have to do with anything you fucking retard? we have the statistics on the matter. blacks are less likely to be shot per capita than other races in the same circumstances. what a fucking moron you are

Except white are more likely to be shot than blacks in cases where an officer draws his gun on a suspect. The entire premise of blm, that the police are using deadly force disproportionally on blacks is false

For the study

>the LA riots were...

...also caused by niggers.

>Paying to watch Blacks chimp out

This movie might have worked in a pre BLM world.

>well I never see any white people shot by cops on film. I guess that means it doesn't happen
t. the thinking of a nigger

>Colbert has been an insufferable SJW for years.


i get per capita but we're literally talking about the number of people. if theres literally more white people then they are literally more likely. per capita is totally irrelevant. if they only stop 5 white guys and they all get murdered, and they stop 100 blacks and kill 10 of them, the whites still seem to be getting killed more. but thats not the reality of the situation.

you just ignore the parts you dont like. and if youre saying people being killed on film wont play a part in how people respond when they are in that same situation then youre a faggot who doesnt live in the real world. im talking about whats going on now and you bring up always. thats blatant racism because there is no always. the whole point is if you cant do your job properly without being biased you shouldnt be doing the job. yeah its hard but that doesnt mean you can become jaded.

Reminder that in the 60s the youth culture was peac/love fuck capitalism fuck colonialism. By the 80s Madonna was a material girl and stockbrokers were über mensch.

Seeing all these sjws dealing with the kids who will be teenagers in a decade and a half should be fun.

>per capita doesn't matter


You are just a straight up dumbass

I read your source. It cites reports done by the gov in which they interview citizens about their traffic stops and whether the police acted professionally.
There really wasn't much about violence it just talks about how whites are just as likely to be pulled over as blacks.
So the article tries but is never really able to say that police don't shoot black suspects more than white suspects.

>A CinemaScore

Doesn't pretty much every film get an A Cinemascore as long as it's what people expect? Seems like only weird films score less than that.

i was explaining per capita to the other guy. you still dont get this do you. fuck it, youre idiots.

In the real world bias exist because they are generally true, and if the bias has a positive effect it will survive

You are living in a fantasy world if you think humans can be rid of a system that evolved, for good reason, over millions of years

you might be the dumbest fucking person I've ever encountered on Cred Forums. whites are killed more often net, as well as per capita. blacks are *stopped* by cops more often *per capita* because, surprise surprise, they commit all the way more crimes than other races *per capita*, so cops patrol those neighborhoods more heavily. please just stop posting. there are plenty of studies and statistics on the matter. you're argument is purely "racism is bad, they died on camera". Google critical thinking, think like a nigger about how you'll never have the capacity for it, and then fucking kill yourself.

the guy implied that blacks are being killed less then they were before and my response was its still a problem. if i killed 10 people this year and then next year i only killed 5 it wouldnt be better it would still be a problem. you read half of something and completely spaz the fuck out. calm down and finish reading faggot.

never said anything like that

>make shit up to try to be a smartass

t. thinking of white Cred Forums poster

then look at the Harvard study, or fbi or doj crime statistics on crimes/deaths/stops per race. or just fuck off because you're desperate for your baseless narrative to he true


What I was getting at is use of deadly force is more common for whites than blacks

Thus the entire premise of blm is false

because that post literally never happened you fucking idiot. how many people have to call you a dipshit before you leave?

the bias is blatant racism. i mean i expect cops to be smart and try to protect themselves. and i dont care if they kill criminals. but someone whos unarmed is no danger to a cop. especially one with his hands up. how do you justify killing someone not running with their hands up? hell even if they were running if they didnt pose a life or death threat killing them is against the law. how do you justify that?

it's the same thinking you dumb fuck. you said that because there are videos of blacks being killed by cops, it happens a lot/more often than other races. it's faulty logic coming from a moron

im not arguing for criminals im arguing for the unarmed. they pose no threat and dont warrant deadly force.

>I would definitely consider slavery something to "chimpout" about
Why? It ended decades ago, they should be over it by now.

>bias is racism

So is a black cop shooting an unarmed black man racism?

What about an Asian cop shooting an unarmed white man?

Did you expect any different from niggers?

i read it wrong. my mistake.

One of the most shameless marketing campaigns I've ever seen 2bh. Also I like how every review has to say "uh even though it's complete shit you should see it because it's anti-slavery."

no its actually not. what i said was killing less people is still killing people and its still a problem. i said nothing like it would be okay if there was whites dying on film. those two ideas are nothing alike. and what i said about blacks dying on film is that blacks seeing that effects how they respond when they see police. once again thats nothing like saying it would be okay if whites were shot on film. go fuck yourself.

more unarmed blacks are killed per capita, yes, but the proportion is tiny and can be accounted for by the fact that blacks are many, many more times likely to resist arrest and assault cops. I have never seen a video where a man complying with police is shot

Most of the niggers I met in the army were cowards.

Afraid of the dark in the woods / jungle, afraid of jumping out of planes, afraid of dogs, afraid of combat, and afraid of us rednecks.

Some of em' were alright, though, but they were usually the country blacks. Urban niggers were damn near worthless.

>i said nothing like it would be okay if there was whites dying on film
well good thing nobody said that. you're an imbecile

Jesus Christ.

You're also totally ignorant of history if you think what's in the media reflects reality. You're the perfect little puppet, more so a sponge and less so a brain, that sucks up whatever the corporations, media and politicians feed us.

If you lived 100 years ago, you'd be a puppet of anti-evolution propaganda. If you lived in 1930s Germany, you'd be completely manipulated by Nazi propaganda. If you live in East Germany in the 1980s, you'd buy in to the anti-Western propaganda, and so on. You probably buy Apple products too.

bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

prejudice and unfair. yup thats racist.

and dont put words in my mouth. i never said anything like that. im not even complaining about race. lets take race out of it completely. how is it okay for the police to kill an unarmed man who isnt running and has his hands in the air?

black cops are more likely to shoot blacks than white cops lol. it'd funny because we have the datasets and variables to run all these crime/race/cop through a simple regression to answer these questions. the problem is no essay on it will ever be published.

well that doesnt make it okay. thats like if a surgeon kills someone during surgery and you say well hes been stressed lately or hes had some rough operations lately. thats bullshit. i dont give a shit about niggers who are armed and breaking the law. but on more than one occasion blacks have been killed while they were totally unarmed and posed no threat.

haha I'm trying the Harvard study is like 70 pages. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and read the sources you graciously posted. You might make a better argument if you keep a level head.

>Most of the niggers I met in the army were cowards.

and you were a bad ass chuck norris type right? fucking kys you military stooge.

cops (including black cops) are more likely to shoot blacks out of the bias that they know blacks are statistically (and from personal experience) much more likely to assault them. that's not racism.

>but on more than one occasion blacks have been killed while they were totally unarmed and posed no threat.
so have whites.

is that even a post? thats what you tried to say i said. now youre talking shit because i said i didnt say it? youre a fucking retard.

>don't put words in my mouth
>I'm not even complaining about race
>the bias is racism

Ok bro

on only 12% of the population..what is your point?

riiight but you support the ring wing bible beaters who are anti science. tell me more about how you like to vote against your own interests but think youre smarter than everyone else.

You realize that the surgeon shit actually happens all the time, and usually doesn't result in anything happening to the surgeon

thats not a justification thats just you being smarmy about a shitty situation.

your logic was blacks were disproportionately being killed by cops because you saw videos of cops killing blacks. that logic can be applied to thinking that if you didn't see people dying on camera, you would extrapolate a generalization from it that they don't die disproportionately. you are dumb as shit

Now this is projecting

fun fact: this is the ONLY video on his channel that has the comments disabled

Bias is a fact of life

Bias exists for a simple reason - it's helped people survive

You can stick your head in the sand and call it whatever you like, but bias is something you should get used to. You'll be gone long before biases are

BLM is represented as a racial issue of white on black violence. stats show that is baseless. I guess not being a retard and having critical thinking skills is being a smartass

>and you were a bad ass chuck norris type right?

No, sunshine, I wasn't like Chuck at all, due to the fact that I actually shot people and got shot at, as opposed to pretending, the way he did all his life.

well i know white people like enslave people and rape people and cultures and bring plagues. does that mean youre to be treated as a plague?

thats not a good thing. this isnt even about race to me. im not only talking about this because theres blacks involved. thats how i discovered it but that doesnt mean its okay when its done to white people. your whole defense is based on whites dying more. isnt that just as fucked up?

i responded to something he said. youre taking what i said out of context. typical right winger bullshit. i went on to say if we take race out of it completely its still a problem. youre being an asshole while you should be agreeing.

>watching this flick


so you think thats a good thing?

and dont they usually face malpractice when theyre proved to be in the wrong?

I don't think you should be posting on Cred Forums if you're going to get triggered every time someone shits on niggers

Why did they put Cuckbert in Craig Ferguson's rightful spot? I want Craig back.

that wasnt my logic at all. i said it to reference a particular case. the fact that its on video has nothing to do with the proportions it just shows innocence. youre still ignoring my point which was that killing less people is still killing people. and if it isnt justified then its wrong. you continue to ignore the parts you dont wanna deal with.

im not speaking for black lives matter. im speaking for unarmed people who pose no threat to the cops being murdered.

>well i know white people like enslave people and rape people and cultures and bring plagues. does that mean youre to be treated as a plague?
That's a funny way of saying CIVILIZATION

No, but it's a fact of life that things like that will happen

Rather than pretending that these issues can be solved 100%, the best we can hope for is mitigation to minimize these things. But mitigation can only go so far before the costs out weight the benefits.

>people with poor critical thinking skills had irrational and superstitious fears

not surprising

>white people

Literally shit every single culture and people have ever done except for maybe a few that went extinct

clever response. except nobody asked for your civilization. you probably complain about illegals but dont get that your the original illegal. you commit the most and worst crimes in humanity but bitch about what blacks do. youre scum. its so funny cuz you dont get it.

This. why doesn't anyone talk about all the Eastern Europeans who were raped and pillaged into oblivion by the Mongols? ever wonder why some white people have slanted eyes?

>it isn't about race to me
>mentions race in every sentence

yeah okay. but you guys are defending the cops in cases where the victim is on video not commit any crime.

>except nobody asked for your civilization.
Yeah you probably would have had a more fulfilling life shitting in a river, making war with the dozens of other tribes who wanted your land/women/resources.

White man merely took advantage of your stupidity and short sightedness. You lost and you're sore losers.

you missed the point. does your commission of those crimes mean there should be a bias against you?

if you were really paying attention what i was trying to say was that even if race were to be made a nonissue the case would still be the same.

Yep, at this point all you have are strawmen and insults. I'm not voting for "right wingers." I'm just not ignorant enough not to realize that the media has its own agenda and that appearances differ from reality.

Human beings are not any less susceptible today to propaganda and dogma than they were 100 or 1,000 years ago, yet the average person is happy to believe nearly anything with only a thin veneer of evidence. It's not flat out unintelligent/stupid to believe anything at face value without a ton of evidence from unbaised sources. This would include literally everything in Fox News, the New York Times, etc. etc.

youre right. we completely lost.

all im trying to say is that its wrong for cops to kill a guy whos unarmed and has his hands up no matter what his race is. do you disagree?

No I don't disagree but then again I'm not bitching and moaning about cops every third post on Facebook for all my other liberal friends to see.

Cop hating is fun until you actually need the cops.

Then why specifically mentioned one race repeatedly about an issue that affects all of them?

well the truth is to believe only what you can unquestionably prove. but thats not the reality of things for most people is it. i cant prove anything and i highly doubt you can either. we make our own minds up based on what we see and here. the only difference is where you choose to place your faith. just because you get your info from back alley websites and believe everything a conspiracy theorist tells you doesnt mean its true. and i never said im totally sold on whatever the mainstream media is selling. point is theres no way to be sure of anything without actually being there is there?

i dont bitch about cops on facebook. i dont facebook. and i like cops. im glad theyre around. im not a criminal and dont like them. however when i see them while im driving the thought does cross my mind that they might shoot me for no reason other than the color of my skin. maybe i should be mad at the media for making me feel this way. but whether or not its true its something to think about.

that's happened like 5 times in the last few years?

compared to 5 digit murders by blacks

You should be mad at the media because the media is actively pushing this.

in response to other people wherein race was a relevant part of the conversation. heres one of my posts that exemplifies my separating race from the matter i said if we take race out of it completely the case is still the same.

>you missed the point

So your point was people shouldn't be biased against blacks for current crimes because otherwise people should be biased for past crimes by whites?

I've never heard a neonazi say the problem with blacks is they sold their own people into slavery

not really the point. its still wrong.

blacks murder rate is also a problem.

are you trying to negate one with the other?

well its probably said more often than you think

you can go now.

> they might shoot me for no reason other than the color of my skin

it's you that makes this connection. No one else. They point out that it's everyone. Stats back it up. Blacks are not killed by cops more often than whites/latino/asians/na when laid against arrest numbers.

You are more no more likely to be killed in an altercation than any other race.

cops shooting civilians isn't that absurd when you consider the amount that lots of people are violent and have access to illegal weapons

black people tend to commit more violent acts than any other group, so it's not surprising that they are killed at a disproportionately high rate (although not that much higher than their population)

are some cop on black shootings informed by racism? sure, but I think most are due to cops having to perform their job in borderline warzones where black people are constantly killing other black people, putting cops on edge

notice that almost every one of these shootings involves a career criminal as the victim

If the evidence suggests or proves X does Y, then of course you should reason that X will do Y in the future. (regardless of how accurate your characterization of whites is or whether it's unique to whites)

It's literally stupid to understand based on plenty of evidence that X is more likely to do Y but then expect maybe X won't do Y as much as the entire body of evidence suggests. The fact that you have to ask about such simple logic indicates you are dumb. Just stay away from serious discussion and engage in your emotional-social SJW circle-jerking.

The idea that you shouldn't conclude something about [ethnic group] is transparently 100% emotional--because it might hurt someone's feelings. You are an anti-intellectual weakling.