What's the episode where quality started to go downhill?

What's the episode where quality started to go downhill?

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No specific episode or season, just a gradual decline from the fact that it's a show with twenty-something seasons and diminishing returns set in.


The fake principal ep

The Principal and the Pauper is generally held as the start of the decline, though you could also say Homer's Enemy, as much as people might not want to hear that. It's one of the first times Homer shrugs off being a massive dick.

Homer Vs New York city

It feels like later season episode with its slapstick and wacky humor and situations.

Marge is built for sex

How was Homer a dick? He made every attempt to befriend Grimes. Grimes was a bitter jealous prick.


A lot of correct answers here, but the change away from 4:3 was the final nail in the personality filled animation.

The one where Bart was caught shoplifting.


Somewhere in season 7

I think it's a bit later, the Armin Tamzarian bit was definitely played on as being retarded.

>And I furthermore that everything will be just like it was before all this happened! And no one will ever mention it again... under penalty of torture.
Lots of episodes played off the ridiculous and are classics (missionary, Mr X, lord of the flies, have no fear we've got stories for years) but around season 16-18 it lost a lot of the self referential humour.

What was wrong with that episode?

At the very least, 10th season. People say it was the 9th season, but there were plenty of great episodes that are in the style of 9th season. It's the 10th were the was a fairly drastic shift in tone, but more importantly, the jokes became weaker.

the Tony Hawk episode.

Season 8 had a couple of episodes that were recognizably of lower quality than those before, but on the whole is still "classic Simpsons".

Season 9 is the true beginning of the fall.

Bart behaving out of character to force in a moral that was completely antithetic to what the show had always been about.

I don't get the hate for S9

Aside from the Principal and the Pauper and that musical episode it was a really solid season

Behind the Laughter

The show died right around the same time the movie came out.
It should've ended there.


How the fuck was that out of character

Tony Hawk and Blink level


I don't see why there. It should have ended when the episodes clearly stopped being good enough to justify their existence.

Because he's done way worse shit before without feeling an ounce of guilt or being nervous in the slightest.

Family guy and American dad are funnier than the Simpsons ever was

There, I said what everyone is already thinking

For me it's this. When celebrities started becoming more involved in the storylines.

Marat honed it over a week w/ friends while art streaming.

Season 9 is where the cracks are showing. Where bad episodes are speckled throughout the season

arguably 11 or 12 is when it's officially in a coma. We stopped at 14 cause we couldn't take anymore and it was just getting depressing.

>Marat honed it over a week w/ friends while art streaming
Go to bed user

The newer seasons make season 14 look like a golden era season

The one with Grimes

The one where Bart gets a racehorse. Absolute shite

>Where's my burrito?!
>Where's my burrito?!
>Where's my burrito?!

Someone post a link to that Zombie Simpsons page.

Furious D

American dad maybe. Family guy no.


Season 11 was the last acceptable season.

This episode

Season 5 or 6 was the last perfect season