Literally me. This guy is literally fucking me

Literally me. This guy is literally fucking me.

Right down to the egotistical act of being better than everybody even though there's nothing else going on in my life and everyone else beats me in everything.

Do you have any characters that speak to you directly?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you cuck your friends too? Because that was quite shitty of him if you ask me

You should do what he does at the end then.

I've never had the chance. But realistically if I did have the chance I probably would.

In what sense?

Except you're a shitty "musician".

Nah, my shit was acting.

Funnily enough I ended up joining the merchant navy

Depressed fuck who always calls others on their shit, and thinks he's superior to others. Also, a possible drunk.

Please tell me at least you didn't recite shakespeare to your dad while he shat himself.

>Right down to the egotistical act of being better than everybody
Literally where does Llewyn does this?

Seems like most of Cred Forums is that

The entire fucking film? It's his character throughout. It's what defines him.

I didn't get that impression. He didn't look down on the Star Wars dude or John Goodman for example

He thought that Al Cody was a fucking idiot, as shown by his reaction when recording. Also, he can't judge him too much as he's in exactly the same position.

John Goodman's character doesn't really count.

He's the protagonist though. He's fundamentally the hero

Not to their faces, anyway. Besides, they A- weren't from his scene and B- were people he had to hang with to get where he wanted. Everyone else in the movie the dude considered a poseur. Whether he had any respect for the dinosaurs of decades past is up to debate.

*star wars dude
Thought you mean the rocknrolla, didn't even remember ONE SECOND PLEASE guy.

>possible drunk

>This guy is literally fucking me.
what did i meme by that

What are you getting at, user? I was talking about myself, because McNulty is undoubtedly a drunk.

>Because that was quite shitty of him if you ask me
>implying you wouldn't fuck Carey Mulligan if you had the chance

So, does he kill himself at the end?

yeah that was my point since he's supposed to literally be you



He's too much of a coward.

As I said, he's like me.

Literally me

OP said "Do you have any characters that speak to you directly?", not if there's a character that' literally you.

Was he supposed to be likeable for the audience or were we supposed to hate him?

I think he was supposed to be pitiable and infuriating?

even looks like me

>I don't see a lot of money here

This entire scene, fuck.

Then the fact that there's something dangled in front of him where he could take it but he still says no because of his principles.

Women will never understand this

Any other good depressing movies like this?


Charlie Kaufman's stuff

Literally just watched Eternal Sunshine and Synecdoche.

In a miserable sort of mood.

Literally me as a musician:the movie

But I never fucked Carrey Mulligan

So you're an asshole with a superiority complex as well?

>Right down to the egotistical act of being better than everybody, even though there's nothing else going on in my life

Youre probably gonna want to watch it again user, because you just aboit missed the whole point

what point would that be?

Yes and I had a partner who killed himself too.

Was he the more popular one that everybody liked? And do they secretly wish it was you that died instead?

I wouldn't say more popular but yes, everyone would choose him over me except him.I think even my family would choose him over me.

>my family would choose him over me
that's just survivor's guilt talking

I doubt that. He's probably right. There's a reason people find their way onto this site, and it's not from being a good person that people like.

I'm an okayish person that people like. Yet here I am.

Cred Forums is one of the lightest Cred Forums boards desu

Cred Forums rules dont apply here

That's actually my point.

Cred Forums is where all the regular people go, that's what they know about. Only a fraction of people go to the other boards. You have to have a certain sort of life to end up on one of the less popular Cred Forums boards.

Cred Forums is for the edgy kids who still have life left. The rest of the boards are for people who haven't.

We hate him

tell us more about yourself

kill yourself we fag

my friends and I all liked him
he's touching and actually has his heart in the right place
i.e. he apologises when he goes too far, cares about the cat, pays for the abortion and so on


Honestly it only takes a click. You go on Cred Forums or /soc/ or whatever, click another board and that's it. Cred Forums by itself is pretty self explanatory, it's also a very active board.

On Cred Forums there's all sorts of shit still. It's more than just being edgy if you're over 16 years old in my opinion.

Even killers, rapists and pedophiles get a life man. Someone going on a fucked up website will get one too.

what's that from

You must be autistic if you think his heart is in the right place at all

the jokester from the dark night

pretty much.

Llewyn had a music partner with whom he made a legitimate effort to make a career as a musician.

He has to alter some otherwise soulful songs so they can appeal to radio? Its a compromise.

He has to shave, put on a sweater, and present himself to the world as another one of those smiley shmucks on corny album covers? He'll do that too because the end game is that his music gets out there.

So when his partner, the guy who was just as willing as Llewyn to put forth a clean-cut image, killed himself, Llewyn said "fuck this", and distanced himself as best he could from the idea of "succeeding", or making active steps to "make it".

So he has to sit there in the audience while Jean, who curses and yells more than anyone he knows, smiles innocently on stage singing sweet harmonies with her husband who she cheats on.

He hates the phoniness, but he loves playing music, and it develops into this really self destructive attitude that's seemingly designed to keep him right where he's at.

Which is why the movie begins and ends at the Gaslight, with Llewyn getting his ass kicked.Then at the end, he shouts out, "until we meet again" in french, with a smile on his face.

Sorry for the rant, but he's not just an egotistical sarcastic loser with nothing going on.

Literally shoulders above everyone else, what is she like 6'8?

>Only a fraction of people go to the other boards.
a large fraction, seeing as Cred Forums is not as popular as it was in the past compared to the other boards like Cred Forums, Cred Forums and Cred Forums

>he's touching and actually has his heart in the right place
>i.e. he apologises when he goes too far, cares about the cat, pays for the abortion and so on

Christ no. What he does is realise that he's being a cunt. He doesn't try not to be, he just knows that he's doing it. When he leaves the cat in the car he takes a second before doing it, because he knows it's the wrong thing to do. Then he does it anyway. He's completely self absorbed.

all right maybe my opinion was influenced by him being Oscar Isaac

What are you better at than everyone else?

This is good analysis but you can't deny he's also a stubborn and selfish douche who's extremely frustrated.

Shut the fuck up.

She's 6'3. Everyone in Hollywood is just a midget.

You're not that tight man

you're just some fat fucking virgin faggot

That guy from downfall..

nice post.

It's kind of like having a fuckup kid, you really do want to like him but he just wont stop fucking up, and a niggling voice at the back of your head keeps telling you he's not doing it out of ignorance either

Yeah i know the way i wrote it up made it sound like i was defending him, but i dont think he is a good person.

For as bad as his situation is, it's on him. His life is a result of the way he chose to deal with struggles that came his way, and he dealt with them poorly. Thats why at the beginning of the movie hes gets his ass kicked in an alley - and despite everything we seem he go through over the course of the film, he ends it the same way.

Bleeding in an alley way while an up and coming Bob Dylan takes the stage. And a couple weekss from then, Bob will have moved to a bigger and better venue. And Llewyn will still be getting his ass kicked behind the Gaslight.

fucking faggot

Whoops. Forgot to add pic.

yea, This is literally me

No, he thinks he's better than everyone when in reality he plays one really good song over and over. He's artistically stagnant, stuck on the death of his partner and unable to find the emotion needed to create new music.

Meanwhile, the fat lady near the end has the courage to express herself in front of people even though she's the furthest thing from being hip, and he only shits on her for it. His ego is a front for his own insecurity

I'm literally like Momoa's Aquaman.
I smash bottles of wine when I'm done and look cool doing it.

>Unable to find the emotion needed to create new music

Admit it, user. You wrote that just cause it kind of sounded like it could maybe be right. It's got nothing to do with him struggling to create new material.

It's about llewyn, stubborn and self absorbed as he is, struggling to find his own motivations for playing music in a world that couldn't care less who's on the other side of the songs or what they mean to him.

Watch the dinner scene and you'll see what I mean. They basically force him into a situation he clearly doesnt want to be him, like a dancing monkey.

After some struggling he gives in, and plays a song he used to play with his partner, but slower, and with much more soul and heart. It's an extremely personal song about losing a loves one and He's basically bringing the situation back into a place where he can justify what he's doing.

He's playing in front of a bunch of people he doesn't know, and that don't know him, dont know what he's been through, don't know what the song means to him. So while they're all nodding away enjoying they're "dinner entertainment", he's going off somewhere else where the music means something to him.

What breaks him out of hit is when the wife begins singing along, which brings an absoultely disgusted look from Llewyn, and leads to his whole blowup about how this isnt some "parlor trick" and it's really invasive to him when they ask him to sing.

Llewyn's a self absorbed, somewhat self loathing jerk who firmly believes that most people dont give a shit about him and where he comes from, so he returns the favor in kind. And it's a week long peek into the life of that guy. And the idea is that the movie could have taken place the week after or the week before or any time. Because through his choices, always ends up right back where he started

Pretty sad movie. He goes from happy guy with some childish hobbies to cuckmaster.

t. Virgin

>Admit it, user. You wrote that just cause it kind of sounded like it could maybe be right. It's got nothing to do with him struggling to create new material.

I did phrase it poorly but I stand by that. You're right about it everything regarding the dinner scene, a huge part of his character is the inability to relate how he's feeling into music others can understand. Maybe he doesn't even want other people to understand, but he does keep playing the same old song he did with his partner and dwells on those same sorrowful feelings for the whole week the film takes place in. I think it's clear that he's unable to get over the death, emotionally and musically.

I have a huge soft spot for movies about artists or people who use art as an act of catharsis, so maybe I'm twisting the film to been seen through that lens, but to me Inside Llewyn Davis is about an artist who fails to find that catharsis over and over. Maybe it's because he's such a huge asshole, or he's just too broken, but the music has stopped working. The film ends with him doing his most overtly soulful rendition of Fare Thee Well, then he gets immediately overshadowed by a sillhouette and gets beat up in an alley. And like you said, it could be any week of his life. He'll just keep singing that song and not finding what he's looking for. If he had the insight or courage to look for something new he may be able to move past it all, but I don't think he will

>His ego is a front for his own insecurity

Literally me

That's literally almost every egotist out there.

Everyone fucked her. Even the bar owner.

I like what you said about him not being able to find his catharsis. Every scene where he preforms a song is great because it almost seems therapeutic for him. You can hear heartache and sorrow, and regret and all these strong emotions that just disappear as soon as the song ends. At the very end of Queen Jane, there's a great shot where he kind of ends the song, and he straightens up and gets a funny look on his face like he's already trying to downplay or trivialize the emotions he allowed himself to feel.

So I think he just has a lot of conflicting feelings about what exactly he's trying to do. On the one hand, it's great to say that you're only in it for the music and artistic expression, but on the other hand, it's gotta be tough to title your album 'Inside Llewyn Davis', make it a very heartfelt, personal album, and then just have no one want to buy it.

I mean, after his lawyer gives him the box full of his records, he literally walks through New York holding evidence that he really put himself out there and got rejected.

My favorite scene in the movie is his last confrontation with Jean. It's the only time he's totally straight with her and its heartbreaking

>I'm... tired, Jean
>You're tired..
>I... I'm just so fucking tired

And you can interprete that in a number of ways but I took it to mean he's not only tired with trying and failing, but he's tired of justifying his failures and tired of the kind of self absorbed asshole that line of thinking turns him into

>Everyone fucked her. Even the bar owner.

This was a nice (well, not nice, but interesting) touch. Llewyn acts as if they have some sort of real thing going on, like she's just cheating with him, but actually he's just another guy. Like everything he does, his ego makes him think it's special and unique, when actually it really isn't.

>Every scene where he preforms a song is great because it almost seems therapeutic for him. You can hear heartache and sorrow, and regret and all these strong emotions that just disappear as soon as the song ends

I think this is the case for a lot of artists. Everything they feel is in the art they make, but it means they're completely out of touch with emotions in the mundane aspects of life.

He hates the idea of "merely existing" so much because to do that would get rid of the one thing that allows him to actually feel like a human being.

>film about artistic failure
>fails at the box office

literally me


God I love this movie so much

Literally, figuratively, and metaphorically me

so you're a sexual deviant with PTSD?

>Limited release

Llewyn didn't try enough to succeed, he kept playing the same bar week after week. He could have become rich from that Please Mr. Kennedy song but fucked up with the contract. Also he got advice from the guy that he played to, but decided not to take it. Doors were opening for him but he was too stubborn to open them.

Is it the best Coens movie though?

don't know about that but it's my favourite

That's O Brother Where Art Thou

It's definitely a contender

You're supposed to empathize with him as a human being even if he's a scumbag. The only reason you feel obliged to root for him is because Isaac is charismatic.


and hot af

Wow what a couple of losers

He's likable until the scene where he abandons the cat in John Goodman's car. That was fucked up.

I completely understood him in that scene.


I don't think that Aquaman drinks that, he must be drinking scotch at best or bourbon if he's a pleb

A big part of Mc Knulty's character is that he thinks with his balls and fucks girls often you delusional fucking egotistical drunks

If you don't care about him even though he's an asshole it means you're a selfish person. It's like a litmus test for Normie self absorbed plebs; you get to know him so deeply and personally that if you don't feel for him it means you can only empathize with self inserts and shitty "perfect" characters

>Right down to the egotistical act of being better than everybody even though there's nothing else going on in my life and everyone else beats me in everything.

fuck I need to watch this

had it downloaded for a while, only Coen I need to see outside of Burn After Reading, A Serious Man and Hail Caesar!

is this worth watching before those?

This is best of all, best Coen Bros film for me.

A Serious Man is a masterpiece also, brilliant.

He didnt want credit for please mr kennedy

Really depends on what you're in the mood for.

>Burn After Reading is a goof, very Coen style comedy, but also very entertaining.
>Hail Caesar! is more of the same but is also (in my opinion) one of their weakest works in a while, especially coming off ILD. It had a great cast that's squandered in plodding execution. Feels more like the brothers fucking around and having fun with all their favorite old Hollywood elements rather than trying to break ground. It's like Coen cruise control.
>Inside Llewyn Davis is depressing, gloomy, with a frequent splash of black humor. It's great for a rainy day and the soundtrack is phenomenal. Definitely one of their best, I'd save it for last if I were you.

I haven't seen A Serious Man though I hear nothing but praise on Cred Forums so it's next up on the list.

Since you've seen all their other flicks, what are your thoughts on Barton Fink (my personal favorite)? How about Miler's Crossing, Blood Simple, or Hudsucker? I never get to discuss their earlier movies around here.

Also never could get into Raising Arizona. Don't know why as I love Nic Cage.

She's prob 6'8 in whatever heels she's wearing.

No, he wanted money immediately for the abortion so he gave up royalties.

Shut the fuck up.

Literally no


I don't know about best but it's certainly their most atypical, and that's probably why I like it the most. Almost every other film they've done has this cynical, ironic joy in watching their awful characters get their. ILD takes the same kind of asshole character and shows such immense sympathy for him. It's shocking to me that the same people that wrote Burn After Reading, a film where everyone dies or gets arrested and that's the whole "joke". ILD could easily have been in the same vein as that

>This guy is literally fucking me
i guess you could say you're a faggot

I think I agree on that one. It seems like the Coens doing what they always do in a lot of ways, but it's like they actually care a bit about Llewyn. I wonder if he represents their fears as filmmakers that they'd have suffered the same fate. They were successful, but they were lucky.

Oscar Isaac's best role? y/n?

Yes. If I see him in anything else I think of him in this.

>not Poe Dameron in Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens: the Video Game


So you're a boring movie?


Let me guess, you're a woman.