What movies have used nudity the most tastefully and matter of factly?

What movies have used nudity the most tastefully and matter of factly?

Hardmode: the nudity isn't in a sex scene

The Night Porter
The Hunger

the dreamers you see she pusy lips - very tastely

She has horrible tits

>Are you now or have you ever been a homosexual!?
The scene in ACO when Alex strips down to enter jail is so well directed.

Schindler's List. Please no shitposting.

Aco? What movie?

Eva's big tiddies in that shot where she looks like a statue


Also Best Tits

A clockwork orange

Come to think of it isn't there nudity when Alex strips and rapes that one chick in her house with the guy watching?

That scene was incredible, also horrible

And she has a weird smile, but she's actually charming and has a good body aside from that which more than balances out.

Come to think of it isn't there nudity when Alex strips and rapes that one chick in her house with the guy watching?

That scene was incredible, also horrifying

Does all the strip teasing / exotic / interpretative dance count?

Eyes Wide Shut

You can see her tits bush, and Alex's bush.

It just seems like they chose angles to give you a more complete picture of the rape rather than show you cock and pussy.


>It just seems like they chose angles to give you a more complete picture of the rape rather than show you cock and pussy.
Exactly what I'm talking about for this thread, doesn't beat hard mode, but at least the nudity was framed fit for the purposes of the scene rather than just being about showing off skin.

Tasteful yet somehow completely gratuitous. Also the best parts of the movie.

The shower scene in starship troopers

Near impossible. *Wanting* the nudity, either for titillation or disgust, is what cheapens it.
Only rarely is the nudity ever truly incidental to the plot, and not something shoehorned in (or the plot built around) so cheap visual thrills could be in the movie.

I think that was too much for "shock value". They couldn't/didn't want to show Jews getting rekt, so naturally they just put nudity up there to subconsciously get the viewing public disgusted by old Jew bodies so spooky music and black and white filming could work more effectively on their subconsciouses in tandem with it.

Regular men associate nudity with sex scenes so strongly that they cannot recall non-sexual nudity.



28 Days Later, for sure

Considering this is essentially the first scene of the movie, it immediately catches you off guard and makes you feel uncomfortable. Jim is completely stripped of his clothing and bearings, and then emerges into a London that is also stripped of its life and personality. Part of why 28 Days Later scares much more than your average zombie film is its ugliness and the realistic portrayals of the characters. None of them feel confident about what they're up against, none of them feel classy, they just know they're moving from one shitty place to another where they'll always feel exposed.

Broken Flowers, who was that actress anyway?

natalie dormer is litterally reddit.

she's got a weird face

asian films in general

I tried to answer OP and couldn't think of anything, yet had seen this movie yesterday and specifically noted the nudity. So definitely this.

if only their women weren't so yellow

who is this?

nudity is used as a visual gag in Walk Hard. Does that count?
also pls answer

not even that big of a game of thrones fan, but i thought the cersei's naked walk thing was a pretty great scene with good use of nudity. it was definitely effective at using nudity in a way that was (purposefully) degrading but not really sexual


smirkfu from game of thrones engaging in some classic /ss/

>The shower scene in starship troopers
Here to post this. Definitely attributed another facet to the tone for society they were in.

eastern promises

Mel Gibson walking butt naked in the moonlight in Lethal Weapon

Harvey Keitel hopped up on goofballs in Bad Lieutenant

Viggo Mortensen fighting in the sauna in Eastern Promises


Women in Love, Oliver Reed and Alan Bates nude wrestling scene