You said you going yo blank her in the blank then blank her blank

you said you going yo blank her in the blank then blank her blank .
what did he mean ?

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What's wrong with that?

I thought you was wanting to be shaved....down there.


I'll never forget the whip cream & cat dude.

whats that?

Same if only for the hilarity that insures afterwards.


"Im gonna put a bullet right in my head,
Im gonna put a bullet right in my head,
oh whats it matter im gonna be dead by tommorow,
Im gonna put a bullet right in my head

Hang myself or something
I just wanna die. Death is all I want.
I wanna be dead, I don't even care anymore.
Life is not worth it, what I did was horrible
and I just wanna die. Just wanna die.

Im gonna put a bullet right in my head,
Im gonna put a bullet right in my head,
Im just gonna put a bullet in my head.
Oh just fucking kill me I wanna die."

What did he mean by this?

I think he was just too much of a pussy to accept responsibilities for his actions.

Not a word scientist but it sounds like that person no longer wants to live.

It was just a question

I wish they did kill themselves, save a little tax money.

Is Chris Hansen just? He looks justed but he does seem to be making a comeback.

>in your chat you said and I quote "Im going to put my big blank in your tight little wet blank, and hopefully I dont blank on your blank. after that Im going to stick my finger in your blank and blank it too, making you blank real hard. Then you'll eat my ass"

what did he mean by this?

>That guy in the fucking camo
Fucking everytime, why though?

What episode was this again?



How is this not entrapment?

>dude entrapment lmao


Better view of the decoy?

wow this man is clearly a menace to society, i'm glad they locked him away with all the murderers and rapists and niggers

hes right tho

peter file detected


entrapment is when police cause someone to commit a crime they otherwise would be unlikely to commit. if they're simply creating an opportunity for a crime to take place it's not entrapment. if they talk someone into doing something they otherwise wouldn't do then it's entrapment. ie leaving a bike in a bad neighborhood is not entrapment. saying "hey man go steal that bike!" is entrapment.

so leaving a loli in a bad neighborhood isn't entrapment but saying hey come and fuck me is?

Why did they have snipers

>Those guys with kill kits
Anyone else think those moments are really disturbing


What? No way!

This chick looks like such a busy body. If she doesn't do this shit I bet she's going to be a HOA or PTA watchdog.


I actually just came here to tell her I wasn't gonna be here.

why did they blow their ghillie load on that guy in particular?

At least she is protected from online bullets

Because it is the cleanest, best pleasure.

He is. Fuck that guy

Yes, yes, well done Hansen, well done Hansen! However!

It's a bug out kit, duck tape is not just used to cover someone's mouth (which is actually a complete movie fallacy since as you can get duck tape of your mouth with just your tongue in about 3 minutes or less).

Then why did you bring the condoms, a camera and alcohol?

He is a menace, he had child porn on his computer too so he got doubly fucked.

He doesn't like lawyers so his police interview is full of high bantz moments.

>He doesn't like lawyers
He was truly retarded